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Certain Areas Where You Can't Stand Acne?


Posted : 05/26/2013 10:23 pm

Weird question but is their a certain area you hate more than the other. I have acne everywhere but I can't stand 2 places.

1. My nose:whenever I get acne on my nose, I look like Rudolph and my whole nose becomes red

2. Under my eyes: This always causes my cheek to swell up and it makes it look like I got punched in the eye

I always feel worse when I have acne in these 2 places than any other time.


Posted : 05/27/2013 2:19 am

Definitely around the corners of my nose, hurts so bad and looks awful. Then my chin because it's so noticeable and everyone seems to be talking to my chin when i breakout...


Posted : 05/27/2013 2:21 am

Weird question but is their a certain area you hate more than the other. I have acne everywhere but I can't stand 2 places.

1. My nose:whenever I get acne on my nose, I look like Rudolph and my whole nose becomes red

2. Under my eyes: This always causes my cheek to swell up and it makes it look like I got punched in the eye

I always feel worse when I have acne in these 2 places than any other time.

It is rare that I get them on my nose or near my eyes, but I imagine those would be annoying and hard to cover up. For me, since I get them usually on my jaw, I would have to say that. I used to get really painful cystic acne and I sleep on my side, so it would be really painful sometimes. Though those ones are easier to hide for me because I just keep my hair down.

And those under random ones I get on my armpit are so annoying too.

Acne anywhere is annoying! haha.


Posted : 05/27/2013 4:18 pm

face is the worst but I HATE IT when i break out on my body because they hurt so bad
