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Sudden Breakout?


Posted : 05/08/2013 10:00 am

Hello everyone. I am 20 years old, and haven't had problem skin for about a year now. I got put on birth control and found out I was allergic to gluten and dairy, and ever since then my skin has been perfectly clear. However, a couple weeks ago I woke up with tiny red bumps all over my forehead (I think they're papules). They're really only noticeable when you look really close or touch my forehead. I also noticed that the sides of my nose are bumpy as well, but those bumps aren't visible at all. And today I woke up with two big pustules on the left side of my chin! I have not changed anything in my diet and I exercise regularly. I also wash my face twice a day with Cetaphil, sometimes using my Clairsonic, and I exfoliate once or twice a week with Aveeno. In the morning I apply Aveeno clear complexion lotion, and at night I apply a multivitamin night cream. For makeup, I only use an organic powder from Faerie Organic, and I wash and replace my makeup brushes regularly. Any ideas to why I might be breaking out?!? Thank you!


Posted : 05/08/2013 10:24 am

I have this problem all over face. You can check my pics out in my post. maybe try changing your cleanser to something else? You could also try taking good bacteria tablets could help. Some one on my post also suggested using nizoral on the face if its folliculitis...


Posted : 05/17/2013 8:58 am

if they are red then they 'are' visible.

if not,then they are likely closed comedones.

i suggest u change to a low% bha wash.which is a chemical exfoliator so u wouldn't need a scrub as such.

also,moisturise only when needed.

piling on creams etc clogs pores sometimes.

whats ur diet,lifestyle like?

