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Adult Acne: Followed This Regiment And Now Almost All Gone


Posted : 12/17/2012 9:05 pm

I also suffer from acne. Especially after using silicone based products. In the past few years (in my last 20s), I have not ever been without at least one spot on my face. Since coming back from vacation from a hot and humid place, my acne was exacerbated by the weather, irregular hygiene and unfamiliar products. I searched the internet for some treatments and this is what has worked for me:


What sold me on the website was that, although the creator dan advertised his products, he also recommended products in the common drugstores that would work just as well. Because of that, I was reassured that the website wasn't just a gimmick to make him rich.


Here are the things I have used:

Cleanser: cetaphil gentle skin cleanser

Treatment: Clean & Clear persagel 5%(recently finished)now using Spectro acne care vanishing gel 2.5%

Treatment: Alpha Hydrox Enhanced Lotion - 10% (use over top benzoyl peroxide

Moisturizer: Spectro daily facial moisturizer for blemish prone skin mixed with two drops pure jojoba oil (dessert essence)


My skin took about 7 weeks to clear up. I still have the occasional pimple, but I just glop some AHA on top of it and it brings the core to the surface a lot quicker. To combat the flakiness, use jojoba oil.


I hope this helps someone out there. My skin hasn't looked so clear in a long long time.


