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This Is Not A Cold Sore, Right?


Posted : 12/14/2012 2:12 pm

Ok so I am 18 and have dealt with mild acne all the way to cystic acne (not too serious, but on and off) and have always had that occasional pimple on the lip. Sometimes I could pop the pimple and the next day it would be completely gone, and other times it would hurt, scab, and be there for days. I have had this even before I had sexual relations with girls. Yesterday, I noticed a very small whitehead on the top left of my lip (not corner) and decided to pop it, where white puss came out. I knew there was still a little left in there (sorry for the gross remarks) but my friends were waiting for me so I decided to leave it be since it didnt look red or bad at all. The next morning, it turned out to be an even bigger whitehead, which I popped, but after the whitish-yellow puss came out, clear liquid came out and kind of hurt. I put neosporin on as well as a salycic acid concealer to dry and hide the light red mark. Right now, its flat, but it has a type of scab built from the salycic acid drying it out, however it slightly burns whenever I mess with it, but I'm pretty sure thats from the salycic acid as well, right? I also have semi chapped lips so that could be why. But what should I do to completely get rid of it, and do you agree that this is just pimple in a bad spot? (P.S. since my sexual relations, I have had a few other lip pimples which I was 100 percent sure they were pimples, this is just the first one I am unsure about).


Posted : 12/17/2012 3:09 am

Sounds like its just a pimple. A cold sore is a blister before it bursts, crusts then scabs over.
