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What Can I Do?!?


Posted : 12/14/2012 11:09 am

Im new to this site. I wanted to be able to get feedback concerning the issues i have with my skin. I hear all the time about hormonal acne and how its usually confined to the lower part of the face and how people with it have "outbreaks"...this is not the case for me. Im female and i have acne on all parts of my face, except my nose. I have it on my forehead, cheeks, jaw, chin, temples. I have tried antibiotics, topical and internal and that did nothing. I have been on birth control and that did nothing. I get pustule type pimples and as the ones i have heal, more pop up. I have reduced the amount that i pick my face drastically and have been using tea tree oil which has been helping some. I also dont drin milk anymore which seemed to reduce that anount and severity of the pimples. I dont know what else to do. I wash only once at night to take my makeup off. I have extremely oily skin and use oil blotting sheets throughout the day. All the products i use are nonacnegenic and are not harsh. I guess what Im looking for is some help to point me in the right direction. I dont know how much more of this i can take. Ive had acne for 8 years. The severity has definitely decreased but its embarressing...i dont feel comfortable infront of my boyfriend without a full face of makeup on. Ive been with him for 4 years and we live together and hes never seen me without makeup because i wont let him. This needs to :/


Posted : 12/14/2012 12:11 pm

Your story is my story!

I have been going through this for a very long time, tried EVERYTHING short of sanding off my face and the last 4 months have been researching what else I can possibly do.


2 months ago I threw away every chemical ridden product I owned, and began experimenting with OCM. Basically its a mix of non-comedogenic oils that when you use as a cleanser the oils break down the oil and gunk in the pores to clear them out. After 1 week, most of my pores were clean and much much smaller.


I began taking cinnamon supplements with each meal to help bind the carbs and reduce acne breakouts, as well as making an ORGANIC RAW honey mask mixed with nutmeg and cinnamon. I spread this on and let it set for 30 minutes, 4x per week. Honey is antibacterial, an excellent humectant and the cinnamon and nutmeg help to reduce and fade scars. After 2 months my skin improved by 70%.


I was still getting cystic acne, and a few superficial pimples around "that time"so I went to the dermatologist. She offered me accutane, but the side effects freak me out, so we started with 100mg of Spironolactone and Differin gel. I can't tolerate birth control because I get violently ill, so that was not an option for me. She also approved me to get Salycilic acid peels as long as I dont use the differin the night before or the day of the peel to help with the scarring and superficial acne.


I am only on day 3 of the Spiro, but the 2 giant cysts I had hanging out in my cheek that have been there for the past 3 months are FLAT and NO PAIN. I am still very red, but out of the 50 or so raised pimples I only have about 5 that aren't totally flat.


If there are no crazy side effects, I will up the Spiro to 200mg per day next week. I continue with the OCM 2x per day, followed by a non-soap, non-medicated, natural cleanser, just to make sure I don't leave any dirty oil behind, then moisturize with hemp oil mixed into a little bit of oil-free sunscreen for the day, and just plain hemp oil at night. For me, I found that the carrier creams and "inactive" ingredients in most products really aggravate my acne, even on my body, so I try to use as few ingredients as possible. Also, If I wouldn't put it IN my mouth, I probably dont want it ON my face... other than actual medication, this seems to be working for me.


Good luck to you, and I hope this gives you a starting place for some research. Everybody is different, and even with OCM it takes a little experimenting to get the right oils for yours skin, just like no med works for everyone. You are not alone, and you are beautiful. You just have to find a combo that works so that YOU can see it! hugs!


I forgot to mention: Since the first week of starting OCM, I stopped producing so much oil. I wake up and my face is soft, not slimy, and I can wear make up for an ENTIRE day and only get the tiniest sheen at the end of the evening. It's been amazing... I know its weird that when you have oily skin, more oil will help, but seriously, read the info on it, because it totally works. Also, because you are providing the non-clogging, clean oil, your face makes less, but doesn't dry out. Fantastic!!!

TnSfan1 liked

Posted : 12/14/2012 2:27 pm

I will definitely look into OCM. Since Ive started using the tea tree oil, my skin seemed to respond positively to that oil, so maybe it will work for me. I appreciate your feed back. Im also going to look into spiro. Ive heard of it before, but not sure what it is. Ive been reading into herbal supplements for female repro system. I have always had a very irregular period, im hoping this all is linked to unbalanced hormones that can be easily balance through natural supplements. I just dont understand how i have to rearrange everything in my life to have clear skin and even then im still struggling with skin problems, while others can slather grease all over their faces and hae wonderful skin! Its so frustratingg. Thank you though for your encouraging words :)


Posted : 12/14/2012 3:57 pm

Tea tree oil is an excellent spot treatment, but can be very drying over time, so use a good moisturizer. Hemp oil is great for me, but there are others that might be better for you.

I had female issues for so long, and couldnt tolerate BC, wound up needing a hysterectomy in my 20s! Spiro is technically a blood pressure medication that works by removing extra fluid. However, it is also androgen blocking so it reduces hormone related acne. Most women need a BC also, because the most common side effects of spiro are irregular bleeding and breast tenderness. Well, I can't bleed so I dont know about that, but I haven't had any breast pain or changes.


OCM sounds like it shouldn't work, but the oil in the OCM dissolves the dirty oil in the pores so it can be washed away. Since it's clean oil, it replenishes moisture without drying out the skin. My skin is literally soft and smooth, and I never get oily anymore. My make up lasts, and my pores are tiny and clear. Everywhere I dont have cystic acne that is. Hopefully the Spiro takes care of that! Good luck to you, you can find the formula that works for you!!
