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This Is Severe Comedonal Acne (+ Beginning Accutane)


Posted : 07/23/2013 11:15 pm

I have terrible comedonal acne as well. Since the 5th grade. My derms made it out as though accutane was only for severe cystic acne. You've given me so much hope. Thank you for such a thorough documentation of your journey. I hope for the best once again.


Posted : 07/29/2013 6:47 pm

Retinoids are amazing for noninflammatory acne. Tazorac gel should help you if it comes back after quitting accutane.


Posted : 01/03/2014 11:17 pm

i want to ask you something about this stubborn closed comedones,i have them too much on my chin and i'm using roaccutane and i'm in 4. mounth,i'm using 50 mg and i'm 65 kilogram.i'm so hopeless that until now there is no change in my closed comedons and i'm worrying about whether it get better or not.sorry for my bad English.


Posted : 03/01/2014 11:29 pm

I know this post was made a couple of years ago, but I just want to say I had the same type of acne as you. Not as much on the cheeks but more chin and mouth area. What helped SIGNIFICANTLY was going for facials. If you find a good esthetician, they will extract the comedones correctly. The key is to extract the entire comedone so it won't come back. It's sad to say that squeezing this type of acne (the right way) can sometimes help more than some medications and topicals. And it's quicker! If anyone has never tried going for facials and have tried hundreds of other treatments, I recommend this alternative!


Posted : 07/31/2014 7:01 pm

I know this post was made a couple of years ago, but I just want to say I had the same type of acne as you. Not as much on the cheeks but more chin and mouth area. What helped SIGNIFICANTLY was going for facials. If you find a good esthetician, they will extract the comedones correctly. The key is to extract the entire comedone so it won't come back. It's sad to say that squeezing this type of acne (the right way) can sometimes help more than some medications and topicals. And it's quicker! If anyone has never tried going for facials and have tried hundreds of other treatments, I recommend this alternative!

Thank you for the tip! I have severe comedonal acne on my cheeks, temples and chin (a bit more severe than the OP, I have pictures in my gallery of my semi-improved skin) and I'm currently using .05% tretinoin cream. I was actually considering seeing an esthetician before I was prescribed tretinoin, but I'll definitely try it now!
