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So, Anyone Want To Evaluate Me?


Posted : 11/07/2012 8:27 pm

I know, I would be better off going to a dermatologist. But I'm not in any position to do so. Plus my parents believe this is just a phase that I will grow out of like my sister. Oh yeah, and tell me how my sister and I are the same? She had never had skin issues like mine, and she has never had scarring. Mine is from picking though. Which I often blame myself for, (who else) I get a dick satisfaction from it. But oh, how that really gave me a sixth month reality check with a new addition to my scar family.

But anywho, I don't have any pictures, I will try and be as descriptive as possible. Until I can.


My forehead, consists of a bumpy texture. They don't hurt, but they're zits nonetheless. I have a few blackheads scattered about, and he occasional small red spot that hurts slightly and turns into a white head. I have had cysts before, they definitely emerged from picking zits that weren't ready, but also they'd come about randomly... I could literally feel them. But I don't get them so much anymore *knocks on wood*

I have very oily skin. I can put my face on a piece of paper, and you can actually see the oil. It's a curse.

I have a line cluster of shallow indented scars on my forehead, the pea sized... a guess surface scar, with edges near those small ones, and then a show scar just above the bridge of my nose. I'm lucky to not have more, but they bother me nonetheless. I wish I'd known better, I wish I'd given myself time to just be. I'm only 17 and I feel like my skin has been ruined.

And its sad, I am the one in my house that eats healthy, drinks a LOT of water, and unlike my sister, I do not smoke... yet here I am. All pimply and scared and ew :/

But I am known to over stress and over worry.


Any advice on THIS?

Thanks in advance c:


Oh my, not dick... sick* LOL



Posted : 11/07/2012 11:16 pm

LOL. "Dick satisfaction". Btw, you can edit the posts on the thread you've created even after posting them by clicking on the 'Edit' button. That way, you won't have anymore typos like that hilarious one I just read. It was pretty darn funny, though!


I really think it would help you out tons to take some photos. Even if it's just on a webcam or something. I'll try my best to help you out when the photos are published on your thread. rolleyes.gif


Posted : 11/11/2012 10:26 am

Hey man, i know what you're going through, my skin used to be them same. It's tough, it is, but there is a way out. Ever since i got rid of my acne, i've never felt better and i just live a normal life and you will too some day. The best thing i ever heard was from my brother "bro, i would still love you even if you had a spot on every cm of your face, i'd still be your friend" just remember that, it's a big problem acne, it's horrible. I am happy now and life is just better, you wil be okay mate, you will get through this. William


Posted : 11/11/2012 11:14 am

I have very oily skin myself just like you. I will have different outbreaks every other day or so. First thing you have to remember is to always wash your pillow covers and sheets, ive learned that sleeping on them will only make outbreaks worse because your face is on your pillow every night. I know that sounds silly, but just something ive learned to do over the years. Main thing to do is just to not pick at your face at all, no matter how bad you think that whitehead or blackhead needs to be gone, because pushing those out will only make scars like i have on my face. Keep washing, thats important also, oily skin like we have is very prone to breaking out because of stress you deal with everyday life makes it worse. Oily skins needs to be kept dry in my opinon. Hope some of this helps some.


Posted : 11/11/2012 11:55 am


I disagree , I have very oily skin myself that only way to reduce the amount of oil is not drying your face.

I find that only washing my face once a day reduced oil production my skin was making.


Posted : 11/12/2012 2:53 pm

I think you already know this one but I'm gonna say it anyway: Stop picking.


Seriously, you are making your acne a million times worse by picking.


Do you have any kind of skincare routine at the moment? I recommend that if you don't, you start using a cleanser and a moisturiser at least. Will your parents buy you stuff like that or will they give you money for it? Just tell them your skin is making you very self-conscious.


Posted : 11/12/2012 3:04 pm

No, not really. Im honestly scared to wash my face sometimes. My parents don't really care. They'll lecture me and tell me I'm being superficial/whinny/selfish/ etc.

I guess I'll just stop eating lunch again and save up my money, haha
