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Please, I Need Advice. (Pic)


Posted : 11/07/2012 6:09 pm

A year ago I was travelling the world with beautiful clear clean. Everything about my life from this point felt like it was falling into place. When I came home I still had clear skin. I moved house. I stopped taking the pill. And 3 to 4 months ago I got a break out of really big red sore pimples on my chin. They took ages to come to a head and even after they did they would not go away. I picked up neutrogena oil free acne wash. As I have always used neutrogena products but never the acne fighting ones. I used it maybe for a month and my skin only got worse. The entire texture of it changed. It was red and dry and oily and bumpy all at the same time. I stuck to it because I thought that this might be just how the product was suppose to work until it really cleared up my skin. About a month ago I decided maybe I needed to go for a more gentle approach to my skin. So I bought Nivea Visage Cleanser, toner and moisturiser. For the first few weeks it seemed like it was working. I was so happy. Everyday it seemed like there was some improvement in my skin. Until there wasn't anymore. And it started to go the other way. The texture of my skin changed again. It became really dry and didn't even feel anything like the smooth skin I had a year ago. But the pimples are different. They are slightly raised red bumps that don't come to a head and are just kind of sitting there. They don't hurt at all but they are not going away. The acne has spread from my chin to around my mouth and is making its way around my nose and today I woke up with some on my cheeks. I don't know what is happening. Or what to do. I have never experienced this before. I am 25 years old. I have taken antibiotics for acne before when I was 15 or 16 but that acne was on the sides of my face and not as bad as this. I eat healthy. I get enough sleep. I don't drink. I don't smoke. There is nothing stressful about my life. But because of my skin I feel like my life has done a complete turn around. I don't leave the house. Only to go to work and when I do I cake on makeup because there is no way I will go out in public looking like this.

Im not sure if anyone will have any advice for me but it would be much appreciated. I would like to also add that every morning for the last two years I wake up and drink lemon juice in warm water and I only drink water through out the day. I don't believe that this could be caused by my health. I have had a feeling that it may be the water at my new house because my hair dresser made a comment that my hair has gotten really dry and it is probably from the water. Has anyone had any experience with acne caused by hard water? If it is that I have no idea what I am suppose to do about it.


I have added a photo, the photo is bad quality and it looks much worse than that in real life but I thought the photo might help.




Posted : 11/07/2012 6:18 pm

drink plenty of water..atleast 8 cups a day. Fruits and veggies, also exercise regularly for atleast 15-20 minutes:)


Posted : 11/08/2012 2:58 pm

Read up on perioral dermatitis. Looks pretty similar to what I and many others went thru. It can be triggered by certain washes if you develop resistance to it. Around the mouth and up around the nose are the common places
