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Tried everything for cystic acne - any help?


Posted : 11/11/2021 9:34 am

I have very sensitive skin so after 48hrs of no sleep, my skin was covered in break outs and blemishes. I used Dermalmd Acne Treatment generously and went to sleep and 6 hrs later, my skin was CLEAR. It was as if I had never broke out and my scars were noticeably lighter with a SINGLE use. Truly amazing.


Posted : 08/25/2023 3:35 pm

Posted by: @sick of cystic acne

I always had a pimple here or there - nothing serious. Never bothered me much. Then shortly before I turned 20 it all changed - pretty much overnight! I woke up one day and had about 5 (cystic) pimples on my cheek. That was over 2 years ago and it never stopped. Now I am a 22 year old woman with cheeks packed full of scars and hyperpigmentation.

In the past two years I have tried EVERYTHING (except for prescription stuff... never went to the dermatologist. I don't want to go near accutane or antibiotics). It seems like nothing will ever work.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Where it just seemed to come out of no where? Any ideas or help? I am considering going to see a lady that does muscle testing. Has anyone heard of that? I am kind of skeptical of it, but why not add another thing to my list of failed attempts.

Thanks for any help you can give me

Seems like an old post but I wanted to share what finally worked for me.


So the past year, I was doing a lot of research and found because I sweat lots I also seem to produce alot of sebum (oil) this seems to be what causes my back acne to form under my clothing.
I looked at what could balance this over excretion of sebum an apparently I was lacking riboflavin (vitamin b2) can be bought anywhere. So along with my regular regime (this seem to work best together my back acne improved A LOT. Now this took about a month to see the difference by this is the first time in my life I've seen change (going on 4 months now) and my back has cleared up 90%.
Here is my regime:
-night, shower use on by cereve SA (salacylic acid) body soap with loofa (5 times a week)
-after shower lightly use cereve SA (salacylic acid) lotion on acne areas (over drying will cause more oil and more acne so its good to moisturize with this)
-morning take 3 vitamin b2 riboflavin pills in the morning
Thats it!
I noticed my skin wasn't as oily hence it did not cause more sebum, causing plugged pores, causing acne.
Again after all the things I tried I was open to anything again but found the root of the problem with my oily skin and it helped me!
If you have any questions please let me know as I know how crappy this journey with acne can be.
Best of luck!