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Very Weird Acne Experience


Posted : 11/23/2008 5:41 pm

Okay, this is my first post. And I just registered to reply to a three week old post. I am sorry! I do not know my way around these forums yet. But I had this same problem earlier today and when I googled it, this post was one of the first results that pretty much explained what happened to me earlier today. I will be going over to introduce myself momentarily. And I really like this on-line community. I am happy to have found it.


So with that said,


I have had this weird bump on my face towards the side of my cheek for as long as I can remember. I don't even remember this developing on my face that is how long it has been. For years It's just sat there on my face, healed up, just a round spot raised above my skin that was definitely harder than the rest of the skin on my face. Just this one little spot.


It's always kind of drove me crazy. Any who, a week or so ago I started messing around with that spot on my face. I have no idea why, but I poked a needle into it. My face is prone to ingrown hairs and I had just gotten over a practically bad in grown hair earlier this month. So I thought, 'maybe this spot on my face from over the years was an in-grown hair from a very long time and i should just poke at it and maybe dig something out and within a few weeks it'll no longer be there.'


The needle picking and squeezing lasted less than a minute, for real. I gave up. Yes, this spot did get sore and very red. But didn't swell up or get painful. It wasn't a big deal. It was just healing.


For some reason this morning the spot on my face starting getting to me and I was in the bathroom and squeezed it a bit. To my surprise puss started coming up. This was weird, it didn't feel painful or anything and showed no sign of puss in the last week. I thought it was weird so I squeezed a little harder. Within moments the largest amount of puss that has ever come out of my face forumed on my fingertips, i was a little shocked!


I pinched the puss to wipe it away from my face and that is when I noticed that it was in a sac. A very large amount of puss encased in a sac that had just worked itself up from underneath several layers of skin. Oh, I was mortified and fascinated all at the same time! It was a perfectly clear, perfectly round, sack of puss protruding out of my face. I really pinched it the second time and it popped open. It was a very thick, very off white kind of puss. I moved it around in between my finger tips to investigate. At first, I thought it was puss with a lot of hair particles in it. White, clear, thin, tiny hairs. But now I realize that the puss inside the puss sac was more like fiber. Does that make any sense?


The puss sac was still hanging out of the spot on my face after the puss had popped. The layer of skin or whatever that held the puss inside the sac was thick. I was able to pull the sac out of my face.


Now the spot on my face is no longer raised above the skin. But it is practically a whole in my face. The skin on my face feels in that area feels normal. There is no spot that is raised above the skin,. And I expect it to heal up just fine, with hopefully hardly any scarring. I am a bit worried about that. But oh well, at least it's not raised anymore.


It seems as if the spot on my face that had been there for as long as I can remember was raised up above the skin because there was a MASSIVE sac of some sort filled with some unusual kind of puss literally just lived there. It was so far down in my skin and had been there for so long that normal squeezing on it wouldn't do anything. But when I popped it with a needle a week or so ago it got a bit more opened.


I am happy it's going to heal up and the spot that annoyed me so very much for so very long is no longer going to be there. But I am mortified at what came out of my face.


I am a little paranoid, thinking I have some sort of type of cancer or something.


I guess I posted this because I want to hear someone's opinion. Because this situation is very hard to put into words to research through Google.


Thank you for reading!


And I welcome myself to,




Posted : 11/24/2008 11:22 am

It sounds to me like a boil and it probably wasn't a good idea to pop it because the pus means infection therefore it might just get worse instead of better, plus you'll probably end up with scaring, though I'm no doc so I can't say for sure whether it was or not but you should get it checked out.


Posted : 12/11/2008 11:16 pm

OK Hi,


THis is my first time doing this too, and for the same reasons as you. I just had the same experiance! Except the thing came out of my head!! Same as you, for as long as I can remember I have had bumps on my head, nothing huge, and thank goodness my hair covered it. They felt firmer then the rest but no pain so I figured nothing to worry about. But tonight for whatever reason, I pulled back my hair to look, and it looked as if there was an opening on the one I looked at, so Being the queen pimple popper that I am I instinctively squeezed, and eww.... the largest amount of puss I have ever seen came out of my head!!! I continued squeezing until a neatly shaped sack came out too, and is was so gross because I pulled it out, not squeezed, pulled. It was so bazar! And now I have a huge hole in my head. Luckily for me its hidden by my hair. I'm so weirded out, it's not exactly something I want all my friends to know about. But my thought is... what about the other bumps on my head?? I checked them out and they don't have an opening like this one did, and they are not as big as this one was. How is yours healing, by the way. I just did it like 2 minutes ago, and My scalp is still soar from pulling a massive puss sack through a tiny hole in my head.


Sorry for my rant, I'm still a little freaked out and mad, because I can't find anything online that looks like it. It didn't look like a boil to me.


Posted : 01/21/2014 12:51 am

Okay so I was looking online for someone like me. The difference between us ( that I know of ) is that sometimes I just have the sack on the top of my face. When I'm at home I scratch my face and a sack comes out. Sadly I also have no clue what it is. I've looked it up online and everything. Sorry to be of no help to you...


Posted : 07/11/2015 3:23 am

Hi I searched and found that it is a sebaceous gland cyst abcess


Posted : 09/30/2016 8:52 am

Dude I did the same thing with a pimple over many eye under my eye brow. I retired a needle but that didn't work so I used a ceramic knife and cut a little slit in it and gently pulled out this huge sack. Out was hard on the inside of the sack. It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen. I have another one on my forehead but I am on blood thinners and I tried poking and cutting it a little and this time it didn't work. Ugh which Dr. Do I go see too get it taken out? Have any of yall's old ones filled back up?
