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Very severe acne scarring, desperataly need doctor recommendations!


Posted : 08/07/2023 10:49 am

I'm located in Greece and have a really hard time finding doctors that specialise in acne scarring. My scarring is very bad, disfiguring even. I have read in older thread that there is a FAQ with providers by country but have trouble finding it.


Posted : 08/08/2023 12:37 am

Hey. First and foremost, please try to keep a soft heart on yourself. You are much more than what you think you are.

Depression is a lonely device that will separate you from the world and also you from yourself. It's hard to be wise in the moment, trust me, I've gone (and still continue to go) down the depressive rabbit hole but you have to realize that Life is to be experienced. We are on a floating rock in the middle of space, where space is continuously expanding. Life, here on earth, is more than what you think currently. It's not about the surface level standards. Listen to my words. Self-defeating vanity is not the way for you. Keep a big picture in mind and it will soothe you.

As for treatment, I am not a doctor. I'm a simple ignornant human seeking to remedy my former mistreatment of myself by aiding others with what's helped me through this painful journey. My best advice: give yourself kindness. And if you must proceed, do your own research and decisions. As an uneducated observer, I've seen co2 laser, localized filler and a vitamin A derviative such as retin-a or Tarozarc help (I still use Tarozarc -- going on 7 years)... also good diet and skincare. Cerve products seem fine. Eat tons of vitamin c foods during healing phases. STAY away from alcohol drinks and reduce sugar (studies show alcohol and sugar RUIN skin quality overtime). Wear SPF, Tinted spf is better. Take collagen powder, I started it back in January and noticed a difference in skin quality. Exercise, it keeps the skin (which is an organ) healthy.

All I am saying is, what is done is done. It is not your fault and its not the end of the world. We, the scarred, don't have to let it take your happiness nor does it mean the upside is fictional. You have the ability to improve overtime, however, never perfect and thats okay. Perfection is a fiction we tell ourselves everyday. Perfection is an aspiration that we think we want but never need. What we need is love, openness and healing. And this comes from within, maintaining a beautiful and life long relationship with yourself. This is the most important love.

I don't have all the answers. Solace is an aspiration of mine but that is an endless job. It's the daily compounded habits that make the biggest difference in anything in this thing called Life.

I hope this helps.

Dawn MD liked