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TCA Peels Frequently Asked Questions


Posted : 10/21/2005 1:50 pm

Q: Can you give me a rundown of what to expect? What should I expect that the other websites don't or won't tell you?

A: You will need only a very short time to apply the solution to your skin. As it is applied you will feel somewhat of a burning sensation. Time your treatment for approximately 2-4 minutes. When the allotted time is up, rinse your skin. A neutralizer may be applied using a AA teaspoon of baking soda with 1 cup of water. Apply to the treated area. The skin may "frost" or turn white temporarily. (This is normal and will subside. The frost will fade within 20-30 minutes. But do not be alarmed this is the expected result and it will be an indication of the penetration of the TCA peel solution to your skin.


Q: How long does it take from start to finish applying the treatment?

A: You can expect to spend just a few minutes to apply the solution. Treatments are applied with a q-tip or cotton swab and left on for only 2-4 minutes.


Q: Is there any pain involved?

A: Yes, you will feel some burning but the procedure only lasts a few minutes and after that it starts to subside.


Q: Is there any way to make it more comfortable for home use?

A: Using a paper fan to cool the treatment while it is applied is very helpful (If you do not have a paper fan you can substitute with a paper plate, this works very well.) Afterwards, using ice cubes on the treated skin helps immensely to stop the discomfort. As with any kind of cosmetic treatment you should expect to feel some discomfort.


Q: Is there any thing I should do to prepare for the TCA peel?

A: Each night before you go to bed, starting at least two weeks before the peel, you should be applying a mild alpha hydroxy acid cream or lotion to the entire face and to any other areas that will be treated. This conditions the skin and begins the exfoliation process. It enhances the TCA treatment. Mild exfoliates can be purchased at any drugstore.


Q: Is there any thing I shouldn't do before the peel solution is applied?

A: At least 2-3 days and up to one week if possible, before the peel, you should stop using exfoliating sponges or buff pads. You should avoid shaving the day of the peel.


Q: Is there anything I should do directly after the treatment? Are there precautions to take?

A: Yes, you should apply an antibiotic ointment to the skin. Keeping it clean is also a must. When washing your face be AaAsureAa? to use your fingers to gently wash the area and forgo any wash clothes as they can tear at the skin while healing. Besides keeping your face clean and using an antibiotic ointment daily, IT is a must to also keep it very moist. This prevents your skin from drying out and the skin from tearing or pulling apart before it is ready to peel in the way it is intended. This will also keep your face from feeling any more uncomfortable than necessary. After your TCA peel healing time has passed and you are once again out in the sunshine, you should always use a sunscreen SPF of 30 or higher to keep from receiving new dark spots.


Q: Are there any changes in my cosmetic routine that will change forever?

A: Yes, you should always expect to wear a sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher. Starting out with new habits will insure your having a more beautiful complexion! Forever.


Q: When can I re-apply the TCA peel to deepen my treatment and receive the best results possible?

A: Touch ups may be needed after the initial peel. Wait at least 4 weeks before reapplying the TCA solution (After every healing.) You may continue to reapply the TCA peel any time that you wish to obtain better and better results, receiving a deeper penetration with extended treatments.


Q: Is there any redness, which will occur with a TCA peel? If so how long does the redness last?

A: Yes, your face will become red after the TCA peel treatment. The red color of your skin can last from 7- 10 days. But you can also expect some pinkness to last for a month or two, even after the peel is actually healed. Fortunately you can easily cover it with makeup beginning about the 7 day.


Q: How long will it take to start diminishing my acne scars? How diminished will they look?

A: As soon as the peel has finished healing you will see your acne scars removed or at least diminished, sometimes several treatments are necessary depending on how severe the scars actually are. You may repeat treatments as often as necessary to achieve the results you desire.


Q: How much discomfort is there with a TCA peel?

A: As with all cosmetic treatments comes some discomfort. TCA peels are no different. Fortunately it subsides quickly and you soon begin to see the desired results.


Q: What is involved with the recovery time? Do I need to take ten days off of work because I work with the public?

A: Depending on the strength of the TCA peel you will need to schedule some down time or healing time. Working with the public can cause you to stay away for 7 to 10 days. Every cosmetic treatment usually means there is some time to heal, if it were not so you wouldn't expect much from the TCA peel procedure.


Q: What precautions do I need to take?

A: While you are healing you should stay out of the direct sun and that includes any tanning beds, always use a sunscreen of at least 30. Direct sun can cause the skin to darken and you may get new dark spots. With TCA (Trichloroacetic) acid peels, scarring and brown discoloration of the skin is unlikely unless the client goes to a tanning salon after having the treatment or lie out in the sun. Daily sunscreen use should Continue indefinitely to prevent new photo damage from occurring.


Q: When can I begin wearing makeup again?

A: You can resume wearing makeup about the 7 day. It is preferred that you use a good quality makeup.


Q: How long will the redness last? Are there other factors to consider?

A: The redness can subside as early as 3 or 4 days if you do a mild TCA treatment. If your treatment is a medium to strong peel it may take up to 10 days. Sometimes with strong peels you can have a pink skin tone for some time, which can be covered with makeup. The pink color will usually fade after a couple of months. Expecting the pink color is sometimes a AaAGoodAa? thing if you truly want a medium to strong peel and your anticipating the very best results possible.


Q: Are there any products I should AaANotAa? use when planning a TCA peel?

A: Accutane is a prescription used for acne. It should not be taken for at least six months AaAafterAa? the peel. There are reports of scarring in people who have Taken Accutane after a peel.


Q: Is AaAoneAa? treatment enough?

A: Yes one treatment can be enough, but many people do several treatments after they see the results. Added treatments can give you even better results, such as perfecting smaller pores, deeper wrinkle removal, better removal of acne scars, greater collagen renewal producing tighter facial skin. You'll enjoy a new and younger skin tone also. The benefits are too numerous to mention.






Posted : 10/21/2005 2:09 pm

sounds like this is for TCA cross not peel. ?


Posted : 10/21/2005 2:10 pm

make it pinned!!!!!


Im fed up with nooby questions all the time! :P


Posted : 04/18/2014 5:11 am

I always tended to avoid TCa peels as I thought they made my skin too sensitive. I guess the more you do thing's with your skin the tougher it gets. Did a few layers of 25% TCA the other day and the peeling process is doing really well. Its peeling in small parts because I keep it heavily moisturised and is getting rid of the effects of skin picking. I am a heavy skin picker when I get stressed so im constantly having to come up with solutions for it. I don't know if this is safe, but I feel up for it. 3 weeks post peel im getting fraxel repair. Then I'll be giving it a while to heal, before I start peeling again. Goal, go back to being 17 again in my skin of course. My life saver is invite vitamin e cream. Its thick, I used to smother it on my face when I was on accutane, I was also a heavy picker and thanks to invite got very little scarring; heaven sent!
