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fraxel laser


Posted : 09/16/2007 2:23 pm

Ylem, have you ever thought about doing psr treatment??? i'm honestly considering doing this instead of fraxel cos after reading the whole of this fraxel thread it would appear fraxel is pretty shit, an i really dont have the money to waste on a treatment that might not do jack shit for my scarring, like you everyday is absoloutly torture for me, all i think about 24/7 is my skin, i'm sure i'm clinically insane, or at least heading that way. For some reason psr laser isn't discussed much on this board but the 4-5 people who have had psr on this website have been pleased with the results, so much so that they have acctually left this board, unlike any of the fraxel patients.


It's just shit that i can't get laser treatment in my own country (Scotland) i have to travel to bloody England just to get fraxel, so not only have i got the laser to pay for i also have 5-6 trips to England to pay for, which costs a fortune ie, trains, hotels, food. not to mention the inconvenience. AAAARGH, i could cry right now, i've never felt so low in all of my life, i feel utterly hopeless.


Posted : 09/17/2007 8:35 pm

Ylem, have you ever thought about doing psr treatment??? i'm honestly considering doing this instead of fraxel cos after reading the whole of this fraxel thread it would appear fraxel is pretty shit, an i really dont have the money to waste on a treatment that might not do jack shit for my scarring, like you everyday is absoloutly torture for me, all i think about 24/7 is my skin, i'm sure i'm clinically insane, or at least heading that way. For some reason psr laser isn't discussed much on this board but the 4-5 people who have had psr on this website have been pleased with the results, so much so that they have acctually left this board, unlike any of the fraxel patients.

It's just shit that i can't get laser treatment in my own country (Scotland) i have to travel to bloody England just to get fraxel, so not only have i got the laser to pay for i also have 5-6 trips to England to pay for, which costs a fortune ie, trains, hotels, food. not to mention the inconvenience. AAAARGH, i could cry right now, i've never felt so low in all of my life, i feel utterly hopeless.

I'm not familiar with the psr, though I think it has been out a long time.

I am not giving up hope yet, even though I am pretty close to. I am going to suck it up and do my 4th on the 28th. By then, if I see nothing it is not going to work.


Posted : 09/18/2007 12:53 pm

I'm not familiar with the psr, though I think it has been out a long time.

I am not giving up hope yet, even though I am pretty close to. I am going to suck it up and do my 4th on the 28th. By then, if I see nothing it is not going to work.

Ylem - what type of scarring do you have? Have you tried a subcision? I just had one done last week (3 weeks after Fraxel #2) and had have huge improvement! The swelling and bruising are almost completely gone and while I can see my deep scars again - they are not nearly as deep and those will be the ones that will need a filler after my Fraxels are finished (#3 next week). I'm hoping that the Fraxels will give me some collagen filling but mostly I want to change the texture of my skin and get a smoother look and hope that another subcision and fillers at the end will give me the improvement I'm seeking. If you haven't already, you should look into a subcision. It not only improves the scars big time, but causes 'damage' under the skin, just like the Fraxel and gets the collagen making really going.


Posted : 09/18/2007 8:25 pm

I'm not familiar with the psr, though I think it has been out a long time.

I am not giving up hope yet, even though I am pretty close to. I am going to suck it up and do my 4th on the 28th. By then, if I see nothing it is not going to work.

Ylem - what type of scarring do you have? Have you tried a subcision? I just had one done last week (3 weeks after Fraxel #2) and had have huge improvement! The swelling and bruising are almost completely gone and while I can see my deep scars again - they are not nearly as deep and those will be the ones that will need a filler after my Fraxels are finished (#3 next week). I'm hoping that the Fraxels will give me some collagen filling but mostly I want to change the texture of my skin and get a smoother look and hope that another subcision and fillers at the end will give me the improvement I'm seeking. If you haven't already, you should look into a subcision. It not only improves the scars big time, but causes 'damage' under the skin, just like the Fraxel and gets the collagen making really going.


I have rolling/saucer scars that thin out when stretched. What do you think? I could ask my doc during #4


Posted : 09/18/2007 9:25 pm

I have rolling/saucer scars that thin out when stretched. What do you think? I could ask my doc during #4

Same here! You should absolutely ask. I even had a second opinion after my 2nd Fraxel with a prominent derm here (I had the consult scheduled long before I started Fraxels so I kept the appointment) and she thought doing subcision(s) while doing Fraxel was the way to go. It breaks the tethers that holds down the scars and not only makes your skin looks so much better but 'damages' the tissue in all the right places to gear up the ability to make collagen. So both of my docs feel like it speeds up the making of collagen.

I'm also going to be using my docs new machine The Pearl this next time (next week) and she said that one treatment equals 2-3 Fraxel II treatments, but I've read on several derm and plastic surgeon websites that one treatment equals 5-6 Fraxel II's (hard to believe though). The Pearl is a combination Fraxel and C02 (light) ablative machine. But the skin is not a open wound like C02, it keeps the epidermis in place like a bandage and then it all sloughs off. My doc says my downtime will be more than the few days I get with Fraxel. I'll let everyone know how that goes next week.


Posted : 09/20/2007 8:37 am

Well, I think I am doing the wrong treatment. Most people I have talked to hear have very minimal or superficial-shallow scarring and that's really what this treatment is for, people who have good skin to start with and are just looking for a 'touch up'

ylem, 'minimal' scarring and 'good skin' are terms based on one's perspective -- none of us can be a judge of this without doing a comparison of our skin conditions in person.

i noticed that on this page you said you have "severe and deep" forehead scars but also "rolling/saucer scars that thin out when stretched." i have rolling scars also that are more deep/prominent on my forehead, but let's be honest, they can't be THAT deep because there isn't much skin there. i count myself very very lucky compared to people i've seen who have DEEP scars (icepick, etc.) on their cheeks, which neither you nor i have. people with rolling scars (which you said you have) have the best results with fraxel compared to those with other types of scars, and it's a highly recommended treatment for rolling scars for a reason. you are young and have a very good chance of improvement from this treatment, if you give it the proper time and also work on your feelings about your skin? why don't you post pictures right before your next treatment so we can give you feedback about improvement? it seems like sometimes that helps people see themselves through others' eyes -- which can definitely be a good thing.

i myself have not been coming to this board as much as when i started my fraxel treatments 4 months ago, because of the lack of perspective and overwhelming negativity, and what i need for myself and my own journey with this procedure (and my feelings about my skin) is quite the opposite -- getting factual and minimally-biased information about what people's experiences are would be a lot more helpful. having come to this board for a while and read as many posts on it as most of us have, we all know that this is a procedure that 1) is fractional and helps the skin to heal incrementally, and 2) that because of this and because it's utilizing the body's natural ability to heal itself, it will take time to see changes. i am really just getting incredibly frustrated by reading posts that express an expectation to see results in a couple of months. everyone i consulted with (medical professionals) and everyone who talked about their results on this board expressed that it takes 5-6 treatments and several months longer for collagen to rebuild and that seeing results continues over time.

in other news, i had my fourth treatment yesterday and have my fifth scheduled for a month from now. i do have to say that because of the way the tone/texture of my skin has been changing (subtly), i feel a lot more comfortable about it and go out of the house more often with just sunscreen and no makeup. it's almost like knowing that i'm doing something to improve my skin helps me to feel a lot better about it. and i do see some improvements. i still experience the crazy swelling with every treatment, but going to deeper levels has not been more painful (i visually imagine that the technician is just scratching my face a lot, which seems to help me get through the procedure). so far my recovery experience has gotten better with each one, so knock on wood that it continues that way 🙂


Posted : 09/20/2007 11:20 am

because of the lack of perspective and overwhelming negativity, and what i need for myself and my own journey with this procedure (and my feelings about my skin) is quite the opposite -- getting factual and minimally-biased information about what people's experiences are would be a lot more helpful.

Seriously -- the negativity is overwhelming. It's almost impossible to get unbiased information on here anymore. Most of the more objective people on here have left.


having come to this board for a while and read as many posts on it as most of us have, we all know that this is a procedure that 1) is fractional and helps the skin to heal incrementally, and 2) that because of this and because it's utilizing the body's natural ability to heal itself, it will take time to see changes. i am really just getting incredibly frustrated by reading posts that express an expectation to see results in a couple of months. everyone i consulted with (medical professionals) and everyone who talked about their results on this board expressed that it takes 5-6 treatments and several months longer for collagen to rebuild and that seeing results continues over time.

From the posts that I see, I don't think people realize this. This is so critically important to understand when doing Fraxel.

I don't see anyone showing any patience these days. It's incredibly frustrating to hear this, because those people are the most likely to be emotional and post every week about how their skin hasn't improved. They're the loudest. It hurts Fraxel's reputation for no good reason and may prevent some people from trying it out who could really be helped by the treatment.

I think this gets to a bigger problem as well. People need to do their own research and understand what they're getting into. Fraxel is a 6-12 month commitment. It is not something you try once or twice and then decide whether or not to go forward. I see all this complaining and all this stressing out about the normal side effects of Fraxel (bronzing, swelling, etc.), and I wonder how these people are deciding to get Fraxel done if they don't even know the basics of the treatment.

There is such a wealth of information in this thread, but no one spends the time to read it. If your scars are as bad as you say they are and you are willing to do anything to fix them, how is it that you can't spend some time and actually read the thread? It's not like you even need to read every single word of every post.


Posted : 09/20/2007 1:10 pm

out of everyone that gets fraxel on here only like 10% of them report back.


i see alot of people saying im gonna update every day ect ect, but when it comes down to it they just dissapear.


Posted : 09/20/2007 3:44 pm

because of the lack of perspective and overwhelming negativity, and what i need for myself and my own journey with this procedure (and my feelings about my skin) is quite the opposite -- getting factual and minimally-biased information about what people's experiences are would be a lot more helpful.

Seriously -- the negativity is overwhelming. It's almost impossible to get unbiased information on here anymore. Most of the more objective people on here have left.


having come to this board for a while and read as many posts on it as most of us have, we all know that this is a procedure that 1) is fractional and helps the skin to heal incrementally, and 2) that because of this and because it's utilizing the body's natural ability to heal itself, it will take time to see changes. i am really just getting incredibly frustrated by reading posts that express an expectation to see results in a couple of months. everyone i consulted with (medical professionals) and everyone who talked about their results on this board expressed that it takes 5-6 treatments and several months longer for collagen to rebuild and that seeing results continues over time.

From the posts that I see, I don't think people realize this. This is so critically important to understand when doing Fraxel.

I don't see anyone showing any patience these days. It's incredibly frustrating to hear this, because those people are the most likely to be emotional and post every week about how their skin hasn't improved. They're the loudest. It hurts Fraxel's reputation for no good reason and may prevent some people from trying it out who could really be helped by the treatment.

I think this gets to a bigger problem as well. People need to do their own research and understand what they're getting into. Fraxel is a 6-12 month commitment. It is not something you try once or twice and then decide whether or not to go forward. I see all this complaining and all this stressing out about the normal side effects of Fraxel (bronzing, swelling, etc.), and I wonder how these people are deciding to get Fraxel done if they don't even know the basics of the treatment.

There is such a wealth of information in this thread, but no one spends the time to read it. If your scars are as bad as you say they are and you are willing to do anything to fix them, how is it that you can't spend some time and actually read the thread? It's not like you even need to read every single word of every post.


you said it a lot more straight-forward than i did!

very true that there is a ton of information on here. for anyone considering fraxel, do a lot of research and know what you're getting into. i also cringe when i read a post that says someone isn't happy after they see the microswelling subside with treatments one or two and that they are going to quit, because it's really a waste of money and a lack of understanding about the treatment and the patience that's needed with it. personally there is no way i would get a C02 treatment and create that kind of damage to my skin at once for a quick result when the risks are so high. i chose fraxel because i like the idea of 5 or 6 treatments over time with no risk of permanent damage and subtle changes to the quality of my skin. none of my friends even realize i'm getting something done although they can see that i'm gradually looking more radiant, etc. it's like i'm using a new magical face product or something 😉


Posted : 09/20/2007 3:51 pm

out of everyone that gets fraxel on here only like 10% of them report back.

i see alot of people saying im gonna update every day ect ect, but when it comes down to it they just dissapear.

i can only speak for myself, but personally, i would be coming here and reporting a lot more if there wasn't so much emotional negativity in posts recently 🙁

the past two months i have often checked the board and read something and felt like it was in my best interest not to respond and to not check in as much.


Posted : 09/20/2007 11:06 pm

out of everyone that gets fraxel on here only like 10% of them report back.

i see alot of people saying im gonna update every day ect ect, but when it comes down to it they just dissapear.

i can only speak for myself, but personally, i would be coming here and reporting a lot more if there wasn't so much emotional negativity in posts recently 🙁

the past two months i have often checked the board and read something and felt like it was in my best interest not to respond and to not check in as much.


Im sorry if any of my posts regarding Fraxel was negative, everyone is in the same boat, everyone feels like sh*t about their scars and you really should do what's working for your own skin.

Having said that my opinion about fraxel is it simply is a more expensive version of the smoothbeam. I've had two doctors where I live in LA who refuse to use it. They showed me some before and after pictures of the smoothbeam VS Fraxel and the smoothbeam works better. Also the scar damage the fraxel can do and pigmentation errors is huge.

I had smoothbeam done a few years ago and had about a 25 percent increase in positive results. I wondered why I stopped in the first place. Yesterday at the Dr's appointment my chart said I stopped at my 4th treatment for whatever reason and if I had done the last two required my scars maybe at a 70 percent increase.

So starting in October i'm starting a new 6 treatment package and will keep track of the results.

So just do your homework and make the doctor show you their work on the patients they have worked on, pictures and stuff. Little experience can destroy your skin with more scarring.


Posted : 09/21/2007 3:13 pm

Hi, today I want to give some feedback of my Fraxel treatments. I started in June and ever since have had 4 treatments each a month apart. Treatment levels were very low -not because I wanted so, but because my doctor was reluctant to go higher in the beginning. Then he went a bit higher. My levels were: 15-15-20-25. I never had too many problems with the treatments. The treatments were painful, swelling had subsided after two days, redness was still there but ok after 4 days and gone after a week. With every treatment my skin condition improved. Before I started with Fraxel my skin was just shit and I did not go out into public anymore until absolutely necessary. I had immense problems with brown and red spot and very uneven skin. Already after the first Fraxel there was such a huge difference in pigmentation, at least 50% of the brown spots had gone immediately, it was unbelievable! And I can see continuous improvement. With every treatment I had the impression that texture got better, also friends told me so. Today I took pictures, and below you can see a before-after comparison. It is very close up and unfortunately on the after picture I have a small pimple. But I think you will immediately see that my skin is much more even and that the scars have flatted out considerably.


Until today I was not sure, if I was going to have more treatments, but looking at the pictures I decided that I will probably have two more, it just works so well for me. The only bad thing is the price and also downtime -although 4-6 days or so of discomfort, redness and swelling don't seem too much, I did get tired from it a bit. But that might also be because I did 4 treatments in relatively short time, to get improvement soon. I will take a time off now, and maybe in 2-3 months do 2 more treatments.


Hope this information helps people, just want to tell encourage everybody that this treatment really can work very well!




Posted : 09/21/2007 3:24 pm

Hi, today I want to give some feedback of my Fraxel treatments. I started in June and ever since have had 4 treatments each a month apart. Treatment levels were very low -not because I wanted so, but because my doctor was reluctant to go higher in the beginning. Then he went a bit higher. My levels were: 15-15-20-25. I never had too many problems with the treatments. The treatments were painful, swelling had subsided after two days, redness was still there but ok after 4 days and gone after a week. With every treatment my skin condition improved. Before I started with Fraxel my skin was just shit and I did not go out into public anymore until absolutely necessary. I had immense problems with brown and red spot and very uneven skin. Already after the first Fraxel there was such a huge difference in pigmentation, at least 50% of the brown spots had gone immediately, it was unbelievable! And I can see continuous improvement. With every treatment I had the impression that texture got better, also friends told me so. Today I took pictures, and below you can see a before-after comparison. It is very close up and unfortunately on the after picture I have a small pimple. But I think you will immediately see that my skin is much more even and that the scars have flatted out considerably.

Until today I was not sure, if I was going to have more treatments, but looking at the pictures I decided that I will probably have two more, it just works so well for me. The only bad thing is the price and also downtime -although 4-6 days or so of discomfort, redness and swelling don't seem too much, I did get tired from it a bit. But that might also be because I did 4 treatments in relatively short time, to get improvement soon. I will take a time off now, and maybe in 2-3 months do 2 more treatments.

Hope this information helps people, just want to tell encourage everybody that this treatment really can work very well!

Khari, I can't see your pic yet, but I'm glad to hear things have been working well for you. It sounds like you're getting treated by the Fraxel 750. Have you thought about finding a doctor with the 1500 version?


Posted : 09/21/2007 3:34 pm

Hi zonk, I live in Europe, and there are still very few doctory who offer Fraxel at all over here... I don't even know if there is a doctor that offers Fraxel 1500 somewhere at a reasonable distance from my home. Maybe I would try it. But for the moment my doc and the Fraxel 750 are ok for me. I know and trust him and feel he respects me and feel well treated, which is very important for me.


Posted : 09/21/2007 3:38 pm

Hi zonk, I live in Europe, and there are still very few doctory who offer Fraxel at all over here... I don't even know if there is a doctor that offers Fraxel 1500 somewhere at a reasonable distance from my home. Maybe I would try it. But for the moment my doc and the Fraxel 750 are ok for me. I know and trust him and feel he respects me and feel well treated, which is very important for me.

That is definitely the most important thing. I'm glad you're happy with how things are going. Hopefully others will have experiences similar to yours.


Posted : 09/22/2007 1:43 pm

Hi zonk, I live in Europe, and there are still very few doctory who offer Fraxel at all over here... I don't even know if there is a doctor that offers Fraxel 1500 somewhere at a reasonable distance from my home. Maybe I would try it. But for the moment my doc and the Fraxel 750 are ok for me. I know and trust him and feel he respects me and feel well treated, which is very important for me.

hi khari -- even with the lighting differences, i can definitely tell a difference in your pictures and see a good improvement -- i'm so happy for you! when you look for the specific scars/pore patterns you can especially tell how certain scars improved and how the texture just looks a lot smoother.

i think my doctor's office doesn't have my before pictures because they still aren't in my chart! they said one of the rolls of film didn't come out, and of course it seems mine are most likely in those. i took some pix with my mom's digital camera which don't have nearly the resolution that yours have -- but i'm going to see if i can get good pictures before my 5th treatment at least, and then a few months after...


Posted : 09/22/2007 5:13 pm

Hi bluemorpho, thanks for your encouragement, I am also very glad and satisfied with my results, and the before-after pictures help a lot in appreciating the improvement. Although I could clearly see in the mirror that there was improvement, it was hard to judge how much. With the pictures I can easily tell the difference, see that it is really working and also take a guess at how many more treatments I will need to get where I want to. Hope you get good results, too!


Posted : 09/22/2007 5:39 pm

how painful is it, and how unsightly is the healing process?


it says flaking, redness.. but how much>


Posted : 09/22/2007 7:43 pm

how painful is it, and how unsightly is the healing process?

it says flaking, redness.. but how much>

i only let my parents see me for 4-5 days afterwards. my face swells way too much for me to go out in public, and it's also really important to protect yourself from sun exposure. after most of the swelling is gone and i finish peeling around day 5 i wear makeup, so redness for a few more days isn't an issue for me (i am actually not sure at what point the redness totally fades, but it does).

the flaking is the peeling you experience. when i wake up the day after, my skin is just starting to get tight-feeling with little scabs all over it. the scabs are what flake off when you peel. for me it starts peeling soonest where i move my face the most -- near my mouth and forehead lines. compared to other stuff like C02 or dermabrasion i don't think the healing process would be considered unsightly, because you don't need to wear bandages or anything as there are no open wounds.

in terms of pain it all depends what you can manage! i think the needles with the pain injections hurt more than the procedure. if you breathe deeply through it and definitely use the cool air tube (i think most places use this), it helps. if you are female, it is better to have the procedure done AFTER your period that month. it hurts more if it's right before your period.


Posted : 09/22/2007 9:07 pm

Hi guys,


Im a new member (obviously from down under). Ive read heaps of posts here and was wondering whether anyone can give me any details on Fraxel surgeons in Sydney.


I had a consultation with Dr Walter's office at Neutral Bay, and although they seemed professional and understanding, i want t cover my bases.


Im not worried about the money at this stage, just as long as I can get the best results I can from the best in syd. If you can share any experiences with this doctor or other Fraxel experiences in Sydney it would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks Guys


Posted : 09/23/2007 3:54 am

Hi guys,

Im a new member (obviously from down under). Ive read heaps of posts here and was wondering whether anyone can give me any details on Fraxel surgeons in Sydney.

I had a consultation with Dr Walter's office at Neutral Bay, and although they seemed professional and understanding, i want t cover my bases.

Im not worried about the money at this stage, just as long as I can get the best results I can from the best in syd. If you can share any experiences with this doctor or other Fraxel experiences in Sydney it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Guys


Go to then you can fine a list. I think there are about 10 in Syd.

I have seen few of them and ended up doing it in one of the practitioners and been 6 weeks since second fraxel and having BIG problem. So be careful and be sure.

I have break out problem which is not FUNNY! Never had this problem and it is quite serious that I cant go out in public, my family is all starting to ask whats wrong, etc.

I think if you still have acne issues, dont do it! It is for people who just wants to get rid of scars and pigmentations who doesnt have acne problem.

Based on my research, Fraxel does work as long as you dont get one of those side effects.

I also had experience with Dr Walts and it didnt work well either. They are very very nice people but left me a big scar.

Hope this helps.


Posted : 09/23/2007 5:41 pm

how did they leave u with a big scar?


Posted : 09/28/2007 4:47 pm

It's over 3 weeks since my last treatment and I've been meaning to give a big report with pics but I've been so busy lately I just haven't had time to do it properly and won't have time for a few more weeks. So in the meantime I will briefly say I have around 20-30% improvement at 3 months (from my first treatment) and I can see more improvement each fortnight.


Fraxel is slow and subtle and because of the periods of prolonged swelling it can be confusing trying to asess things at first until a pattern emerges. Although it might sound a bit vague, I think Fraxel improves 'texture' - blending the edges, colour and texture of a scar with surrounding skin. It seems to even differences caused by the irregularity, density and tension of a scar. It has filled and smoothed out deviations but I can't imagine it filling in deep voids: It is more a remodelling than a filler. I have a small hypopigmented scar and it has improved this but because the appearance fluctuates I can't say for sure yet whether has improved/reduced the hypopigmentation or just the texture (some days it looks like it has disappeared).


I have had no significant adverse reaction or pain even at the highest settings (Panadeine and topical anaesthetic cream) and drove myself home each treatment. I had a spot of milia one time at one location (which I think is due to topicals) and felt the beginning of a cold sore, which I suppressed with topical cream. My fair skin was very sensitive to any sun, even reflected light, and still is.


Bottom line: I think Fraxel is very safe and definitely effective, but not dramatic. 20-30% may not seem high, but I am happy with any improvement, and I feel like with Fraxel I have turned the corner, from being depressed and hyper-conscious of my scars and now feeling positive again. And it is still only 3 months. (That said, I think I might feel a bit disappointed if I had paid full price, but in Australia there is a 80% Government subsidy) Now I plan to use Retin A and mild BHAs. Might look at Repair next year.


Posted : 09/28/2007 5:11 pm

Thanks for that TR. I have been having treatments at the same clinic you go to. Like you I have been reluctant to post until the entire lot of treatments are completed and perhaps even a few months after that. I am five days post my fourth. I've been having them 4 weeks apart so far, but will be fitting 2 into October to make it six and then that will be it. I think you gave a fantastic summary of what I have experienced so far - including the results. Because mine are 4 weeks apart I would say that the swelling has gone down by the time I have the next one. In my opinion the full swelling takes over two weeks to subside. I look fabulous at about the two week mark; at about week three my skin looks a bit worse to me perhaps because it is a bit drier or less oily or something but by week four of the last one in particular I was generally very happy with my skin tone and complexion. You COULD still see the scars but they were softened and the rest of my skin almost glowed. Even my ruthlessly honest children told me that my "holes" were becoming smaller.


I took photos before all this began and will take some more a few months after the last one. I have not taken any in between as I don't think that would have been helpful.


When I am fully completed I will post my full results and photos, but I felt that I had to add to TR's comments are there have been a lot of negative feedback given after only a few treatments which is not realistic and doesn't provide the opportunity to assess the true effectiveness (or not) of fraxel.




Posted : 09/28/2007 5:49 pm

I am from Down Under also, and have suffered from severe cystic acne since i was about 18, i am now 24. I tried EVERYTHING you could possibly think of to help clear my acne but nothing seemed to work, until i found Roaccutate, my bestest friend in the world! I am completely acne free now and I bet your all thinking how happy I must be but this is not the case at all. I am now left with rolling scars, box scars, icepick scars & alot of pigmentation scars to about 95% of my face. I honestly think i hate my face more so now than i ever did when I had the acne.


It has been 6 months since I have been off Roaccutane and my derm said it is now time to work on the scarring if i choose to do so. Of course my answer was yes. He suggested, from my type of scarring that I use Fraxel.


I have just had my first Fraxel Treatment done, cost: $1500. For those of you thinking it will be a walk in the park, let me tell you right now that it is the complete opposite! The pain was that excruishiating that it brought me to tears. I also starting uncontrollably shaking as the pain was so unbearable. My teeth were also sore for a week late from all the clenching i did. The derm that was doing it said that some people have a low tolerance to pain whilst others dont. Maybe I am one of them, who knows. All i know is it hurt like hell and burned like my face was on fire for the next 5 hours. To give a description of what the procedure felt like would be: imagine if you were red raw sunburnt all over your face and someone with long finger nails sratched over your face really really hard, then went over that same spot EIGHT TIMES (8 passes). Thats what I felt. Im not trying to scare anyone who may be considering having it done but I just wanted to be honest & prepare you all for what you might have to encounter. The derm said that he did have it on a veyr high level as he wanted me to get the best results. I have no idea what the mjs or density was, i guess that was the last thing on my mind when I was in all that pain. All i know id that he had it on 40 (possibly mjs) then turned it down to 30. I had 8 passes. At the end of the day I guess this is the price i have to pay if I want smoother skin. The treatment only lasted for about 25 mins and after that it was all over.


The derm is organising for me to have some valium for my next visit and maybe try keep the numbing cream on my face for that little longer, either way im not giving up! This is my only chance to freedom and happiness & best of all relatively clear skin!


It has been 2 weeks since I had my first treatment and I have seen no improvment. The doc says it can take up to 4 - 6 weeks to see any results. Apparently whats happening now is under the surface on my skin, at a microscopic level - fibroblast cells are making collagen like crazy. I am due to have another Treatment in approx 3 weeks. He recommended having 3 all up. $4500 later.... Its alot of money for a procedure that isnt 100% guarenteed! But its a financial risk im willing to take.


I have heard that some people have had fillers done for there more deeper scars that Fraxel couldnt fix. Does anyone know much about these? I have a few pretty deep scars that I dont think Fraxel will fix and was hoping to use some sort of a filler on these.


I only just discovered this website yesterday and it makes me feel so happy to know that I am not the only one struggling with acne prone skin & scarring.


"Say no to mirrors" is my motto. If we all lived by that, the world would be a better place.

