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Suggestion about scar treatment


Posted : 08/23/2022 2:04 am

Hey community, I'm just tired to hide my face whenever I can, I would like to start treat them. I've been reading a lot of info here, but I haven't found info about trestments with my skin color, so I just wanna ask you what do you recommends me to achieve good improvement and what do you think, are my acne scars severe? Moderate? Mild?





Posted : 08/24/2022 7:23 pm

Totally understand your pain. You only have a few noticeable ones. They are sharp/define and probably hyperpigmented (pink/red) In my opinion if you just treat 3 or 4 of the pronounced ones, there really wouldn't be much.

I'm not totally sure the best procedure but the hyperpigmentation or pigmentation of the scars does worry me indicating maybe it's a deep injury, so it may depend on that to decide what to do. Things ranging from punch excision might be your best bet since a few might be too sharp to possibly subcise/fill. But you may be able to subcise/fill so check that out.

Try to get a few plastic surgeon opinions that are experienced in scars in particular and don't get sold on some stupid crap like microneedling please.

My general hunch would be to consider punch excision on 3 spots, maybe some might recommend some sort of acid procedure like TCA cross or phenol cross maybe (i'm not sure because I'm not that familiar with phenol acids). But in general I found TCA too unpredictable to recommend. Punch excision isn't without faults either but it may be worth sort of considering that or + filler, or subcising or something.

Sorry if that's sort of a jumbled recommendation but it depends on a lot of things a surgeon kind of has to ascertain through experience.
