Orange Peel Texture...
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Orange Peel Texture After CO2 Laser


Posted : 07/21/2020 4:17 am

I had a CO2 laser treatment 7 weeks ago. It's now 7 weeks post-op and my skin has an unnatural waxy orange peel texture. The pores are much larger than before and forming lines. The skin feels tight on my face.Has anyone had similar experience? Did the situation improve?

I'm researching extensively andtalking to world class dermatologists to get to the bottom of this. Money is not an issue. I would love to connect with anyone affected and research together.

Read my full story bellow.

  • I'm 34, fair skin. I had a CO2 laser treatment on my upper face 7 weeks ago. I have a very oily skin with enlarged pores. Aim was to improve texture and tighten pores. It was a CO2RE deep mode fractional with a 60-62 jules, 5% setting.
  • It healed ok after a week.
  • 10 days post-op I started back BHA 2% in the evening that I used before.
  • 4 weeks post-op I used tretinoin 0.05%. I used it for 3 nights, then stopped because of shedding and irritation.
  • 5 weeks post-op I noticed deterioration and it has been getting worse since.
  • It's now 7 weeks post-op and my skin has an unnatural orange peel texture. It's shiny, waxy and sticky to the touch. The pores are much larger than before, more of the visible and forming lines. The skin feels tight on my face like I'm wearing a mask.
  • A lot of people online are reporting similar symptoms after laser, or with relation to retinoids, with no resolution (google "co2 laser" or "tretinoin" + orange peel").



Posted : 07/21/2020 2:57 pm

It could be that your skin is very dry after the laser. Especially after you reintroduced BHA and tretinoin gel. I didn't see any moisturizer in your routine?? Pause the tretinoin and the BHA for a while. Try some good moisturizer/ hydtration serum and see if there's improvement.

Who did you have your laser with? Don't they provide any after care??

Hope your issue resolves.


Posted : 07/22/2020 1:50 am

21 hours ago, Trieclipse said:

I had a CO2 laser treatment 7 weeks ago. It's now 7 weeks post-op and my skin has an unnatural waxy orange peel texture. The pores are much larger than before and forming lines. The skin feels tight on my face.Has anyone had similar experience? Did the situation improve?

If you search the forum, you will find that a lot of the posters complained of the post-laser orange-texture. There's really nothing that you can do other than give your skin time to heal on its own. Stop applying so much chemicals on your face. Simply let it breath. Try the "caveman" regimen for the next 7 days: wash your face with only water and even limit that to just twice a day.


Posted : 07/22/2020 4:53 pm

Thank you both for responding. :symbols_v1_0:

I talked to 4 doctors so far. 3 of them denied anything is going on. Dr. Silva from Sacramento was the only one helpful. Her diagnosis is that my skin overreacted (or the laser was too strong) which caused abnormal collagen production. That basically means my skin is scarring all over.

The area that was treated feels tight like a mask, uncomfortable to move, not as flexible as before. The texture is uneven, waxy, and it's not absorbing liquids normally. It really feels like scar tissue is the reason for all that. I hope this is helpful to someone. Perhaps that is the reason behind all the orange peel posts I see so many online.

@Sirius Lee I searched the forum extensively and I agree. I haven't used any product in the last 3 days. @MihaelaP I did use moisturizer regularly, but didn't help. I quit tretinoin after 3 nights and I also stopped BHA 2% 6 days ago.

If anyone experienced anything similar please chime in. Also feel free to DM me.


Posted : 07/22/2020 10:05 pm

5 hours ago, Trieclipse said:

Thank you both for responding. :symbols_v1_0:

I talked to 4 doctors so far. 3 of them denied anything is going on. Dr. Silva from Sacramento was the only one helpful. Her diagnosis is that my skin overreacted (or the laser was too strong) which caused abnormal collagen production. That basically means my skin is scarring all over.

The area that was treated feels tight like a mask, uncomfortable to move, not as flexible as before. The texture is uneven, waxy, and it's not absorbing liquids normally. It really feels like scar tissue is the reason for all that. I hope this is helpful to someone. Perhaps that is the reason behind all the orange peel posts I see so many online.

@Sirius Lee I searched the forum extensively and I agree. I haven't used any product in the last 3 days. @MihaelaP I did use moisturizer regularly, but didn't help. I quit tretinoin after 3 nights and I also stopped BHA 2% 6 days ago.

If anyone experienced anything similar please chime in. Also feel free to DM me.

I had 4 Erbium glas treatments at the very beginning of my scar improvememt journey and after the 3rd I had a bad acne flare-up. The doctor denied it was due to the laser even though laser-induced inflammation is a known side effect!

I don't know what to advise you really. I'm sorry that you're experiencing those textural issues and hope you manage to resolve them. 

What kind of laser did you have done? Do you experience this orange peel texture problem over an area with already scarred skin or on more 'normal' skin? 


Posted : 07/23/2020 7:18 am

It was a CO2 laser CO2RE deep mode fractional with a 60-62 jules, 5% setting.I had enlarged pores before, but not like that, and no scarring.


Posted : 07/23/2020 8:37 am

Ok low density and very high energy... it would have been nice to know how many microns deep it was though.

This might just be temporary given you werent treated with a higher density. Time will tell buddy.

Hang on.


Posted : 07/23/2020 12:14 pm

4 hours ago, Trieclipse said:

It was a CO2 laser CO2RE deep mode fractional with a 60-62 jules, 5% setting.I had enlarged pores before, but not like that, and no scarring.

I see. It's the CO2 lasers delivering high energy that probably give these textural complications.

Your texturewill most probably improve over time.You could speed it up with mesotherapy or PRP if it's an option for you. PRP has always given me amazing texture, if only for a few weeks. But it helps in the long run, too I think.



Posted : 11/27/2020 6:39 am

On 7/23/2020 at 10:18 PM, Trieclipse said:

It was a CO2 laser CO2RE deep mode fractional with a 60-62 jules, 5% setting.I had enlarged pores before, but not like that, and no scarring.


How is your skin now? Any improvement? I feel like I'm having thesame issue 2 months post laser...


Posted : 04/14/2021 9:32 am

Hello! I am in a similar situation 3 months after but I havent seen improvement with the orange peel texture. Did you have any success in treating it or time helped healing the skin?


Posted : 04/14/2021 3:51 pm

Hi! I'm also in the same situation.

I've done a Palomar Icon procedure 2,5 months ago for enlarged pores/acne scars and I have tiny holes in my skin! With an orange peel texture, it's rough, sensitive, and tiny pinpoint holes representingthe grid marks.

Does anyone knowif we can hope for some improvements?


Posted : 05/10/2021 8:23 am

A little update... it is a slow process. I looked the worst at 6-7weeks post CO2, primers made my skin look horrible. Was very sensitive to touch just to apply a moisturizer. Then it slowly started to improve. At 3-4 months it didn't worry me much anymore. Now, at 6 months, I'm happy with the way my skin looks.

Remicade, perfectskin_dreamer, Remicade and 3 people reacted

Posted : 06/14/2021 7:59 pm

Em 21/07/2020 as 6h17, a Trieclipse disse:

Fiz um tratamento com laser de CO2 ha 7 semanas. Agora e 7 semanas pos-operatorio e minha pele tem uma textura de casca de laranja cerosa nao natural. Os poros estao muito maiores do que antes e formando linhas. A pele fica esticada no meu rosto. Alguem ja teve experiencia semelhante? A situacao melhorou?

Estou pesquisando extensivamente e conversando com dermatologistas de classe mundial para chegar ao fundo disso. O dinheiro nao e um problema. Eu adoraria me conectar com qualquer pessoa afetada e pesquisar juntos.

Leia minha historia completa abaixo.

  • Tenho 34 anos, pele clara. Fiz um tratamento com laser de CO2 na parte superior da minha cara ha 7 semanas. Tenho uma pele muito oleosa com poros dilatados. O objetivo era melhorar a textura e fechar os poros. Era um CO2RE fracionario de modo profundo com 60-62 jules, configuracao de 5%.
  • Ele sarou bem depois de uma semana.
  • 10 dias apos a operacao, coomei a voltar a usar BHA 2% a noite, o que eu usava antes.
  • 4 semanas pos-operatorio, usei tretinoina 0,05%. Usei por 3 noites, depois parei por causa do derramamento e da irritacao.
  • 5 semanas pos-operatorio notei deterioracao e tem piorado desde entao.
  • Ja sao 7 semanas de pos-operatorio e minha pele tem uma textura estranha de casca de laranja. E brilhante, ceroso e pegajoso ao toque. Os poros estao muito maiores do que antes, mais das linhas buscadas e formadoras. A pele do meu rosto parece tensa, como se eu estivesse usando uma mascara.
  • Muita gente online esta relatando sintomas semelhantes apos o laser, ou em relacao aos retinoides, sem resolucao (google "laser de co2" ou "tretinoina" + casca de laranja ").
hi friend did you heal? I'm experiencing the same problem after making a co2 laser

hi friend did you heal? I'm experiencing the same problem after making a co2 laser


Posted : 06/15/2021 3:03 am

This is definitely a more common side effect than doctors are willing to admit. I noticed this same thing when I had fractionated c02 later on my cheeks. Immediately I could see the tiny pinholes and texture difference from the untreated skin. Anyone who has read my posts on this forum knows that I am not one for exaggeration or being dramatic like a lot of posters on here with BDD issues. And I'm telling you this side effect is REAL. It doesn't happen to everyone who gets treated but it happens way more than what is reported. No office wants to admit that their $100K laser is causing noticeable side effects.

Honestly from my own experience and from reading many accounts over the years, lasers can be a roll of the dice. I always advise everyone to do a test spot before letting a doctor convince you to do your entire face. They are often more worried about lining their pockets and recouping their costs on the laser than doing what's appropriate for the patient.


Posted : 06/15/2021 9:48 am

6 hours ago, dazzed said:

This is definitely a more common side effect than doctors are willing to admit. I noticed this same thing when I had fractionated c02 later on my cheeks. Immediately I could see the tiny pinholes and texture difference from the untreated skin. Anyone who has read my posts on this forum knows that I am not one for exaggeration or being dramatic like a lot of posters on here with BDD issues. And I'm telling you this side effect is REAL. It doesn't happen to everyone who gets treated but it happens way more than what is reported. No office wants to admit that their $100K laser is causing noticeable side effects.

Honestly from my own experience and from reading many accounts over the years, lasers can be a roll of the dice. I always advise everyone to do a test spot before letting a doctor convince you to do your entire face. They are often more worried about lining their pockets and recouping their costs on the laser than doing what's appropriate for the patient.

Did you have orangepeel after laser ? Did it went away ? Actually i think u re right , all procedures are far more riskier then drs are willing to admit , laser is overkill , i had fractional CO2 3 months ago , i still have discolorations and pih , itsnot that terrible but Its there , dr told me bepatient its gonna goaway, but its uncomfortable as hell , when asked him bout potential side effectsbefore treatment , he told me dontworry i use standart settings , i never had problem , when i came after 2 months with these complications , he said welli ve seen this few times , its not that bad , jesusthis is absurd. I ll visit him in 2 weeks and ask him what he suggests , i read online light peels , ipl , bbl can be done to make theseside effects to go away faster , also my skin is sensitive as hell , i get red all the time despite i avoid sun and use spf , its summer, its hot


Posted : 07/11/2021 1:51 pm

Hi. I also got Co2 fractional laser on my scars below the eye one month ago.

I also noticed orange textured skin two weeks post laserand now it has gottenworse. I dont know what I can do besideswaiting.


Posted : 08/15/2021 11:10 am

hi all


thinking of getting co2 treatment for bad skin texture and pores but threads like this scare me. making my pores and skin worse

is not worth the risk for me and Dr seem to have no data on these issues because they make us sign statements absolving them of repercussions. So they never held accountable.

did any of you gentlemen see improvement in pore size with time? did your condition resolve?


I may stick to a more gentle laser, like picoway.


thank you


Posted : 08/15/2021 12:47 pm

1 hour ago, I hate pores said:

hi all


thinking of getting co2 treatment for bad skin texture and pores but threads like this scare me. making my pores and skin worse

is not worth the risk for me and Dr seem to have no data on these issues because they make us sign statements absolving them of repercussions. So they never held accountable.

did any of you gentlemen see improvement in pore size with time? did your condition resolve?


I may stick to a more gentle laser, like picoway.


thank you

Fractional CO2 is not for everybody. There are risks! Some doctors don't perform it anymore - or at all - because they don't want disappointed patients.

It's like excisions - you have to consider whether the tradeoff is worth it or not. You are trading in one scar for something that might look better or worse.


Posted : 09/07/2021 1:49 pm

I have the same and need help desperately. One theory Ive seen is that the bumps are poresthat were coveredin there epithelialization process and now there are clogged pores underneath. Can someone from here follow up please? This is the only discussion I can find anywhere about this. What is the outlook?


Posted : 09/07/2021 2:02 pm




Posted : 09/16/2021 5:27 pm

On 7/21/2020 at 2:17 AM, Trieclipse said:

I had a CO2 laser treatment 7 weeks ago. It's now 7 weeks post-op and my skin has an unnatural waxy orange peel texture. The pores are much larger than before and forming lines. The skin feels tight on my face. Has anyone had similar experience? Did the situation improve?

I'm researching extensively and talking to world class dermatologists to get to the bottom of this. Money is not an issue. I would love to connect with anyone affected and research together.

Read my full story bellow.

  • I'm 34, fair skin. I had a CO2 laser treatment on my upper face 7 weeks ago. I have a very oily skin with enlarged pores. Aim was to improve texture and tighten pores. It was a CO2RE deep mode fractional with a 60-62 jules, 5% setting.
  • It healed ok after a week.
  • 10 days post-op I started back BHA 2% in the evening that I used before.
  • 4 weeks post-op I used tretinoin 0.05%. I used it for 3 nights, then stopped because of shedding and irritation.
  • 5 weeks post-op I noticed deterioration and it has been getting worse since.
  • It's now 7 weeks post-op and my skin has an unnatural orange peel texture. It's shiny, waxy and sticky to the touch. The pores are much larger than before, more of the visible and forming lines. The skin feels tight on my face like I'm wearing a mask.
  • A lot of people online are reporting similar symptoms after laser, or with relation to retinoids, with no resolution (google "co2 laser" or "tretinoin" + orange peel").


Hello, I am going through the worse time of my life now. I feel helpless, I have not stepped outside since Jan of 2021 when I too had a fully ablative co2 on my skin. I am left exactly like you have on your 3rd picture, I™m not sure what™s going on, but it doesn™t seems to be getting any better. Can you please let me know if there™s hope for this? Is this going to be permanet? From your experience, has anything helped, has it improved over time? If so could you share? 

thank you very much, I hope you reply! 


Posted : 10/06/2021 12:18 pm

Has anyone found a solution to the orange peel skin side effect after heat based treatments?


Posted : 10/06/2021 1:49 pm

Time is the most important element. It takes a long time to heal. I wouldn't start worrying until you're 1 full year out.1 full year out and start limiting harsh exfoliation the whole time. Second element is moisture. Get it moisturized. If you're to the point you can't leave the house then drop all exfoliation and absolutely no vitamin a products. Treat your skin delicately and give ita year. I've been there except on top of it all my skin became a hideous purple color.Ittakes forever to heal. I feel like it's inflamed underneath. I don't know beyond that.

Another thing is no one should be getting co2 laser for pores. Don't get co2 laser for pores. It's for scarring or wrinkles. You better have scars ortexture that really bothers you because otherwise you're going to feel worse.

I always see people with 0 scars get laser and don't like it. Well, probably because your skin needed a retinolnot a harsh laser. This guy's skin was silky smooth. Don't hit smooth skin with laser. We need a psa on this because this is a reoccurring issue. I'll take my waxy, visibly pored post laser skin over my scars any day.



Posted : 10/18/2021 12:04 am

On 9/16/2021 at 3:27 PM, Skinp21 said:

Hello, I am going through the worse time of my life now. I feel helpless, I have not stepped outside since Jan of 2021 when I too had a fully ablative co2 on my skin. I am left exactly like you have on your 3rd picture, Im not sure whats going on, but it doesnt seems to be getting any better. Can you please let me know if theres hope for this? Is this going to be permanet? From your experience, has anything helped, has it improved over time? If so could you share?

thank you very much, I hope you reply!

Sorry you're going through a tough time. Unfortunately I don't have any good skin solutions other than the standard retinol + SPF recommendation, but the right hair and makeup can help (plus maybe a COVID mask if that's a regular thing in your area).

I've found that the Maybelline Matte + Poreless foundation and powder work much better appearance-wise than any other skin treatment, especially if you use a beauty blender type sponge to apply. It's a pretty light coverage foundation so it's not too noticeable. If you want even lighter coverage you could try mixing it with a blurring primer or just using a blurring primer itself.


Posted : 10/18/2021 4:44 am

On 10/6/2021 at 8:49 PM, Kay24 said:

Time is the most important element. It takes a long time to heal. I wouldn't start worrying until you're 1 full year out.1 full year out and start limiting harsh exfoliation the whole time. Second element is moisture. Get it moisturized. If you're to the point you can't leave the house then drop all exfoliation and absolutely no vitamin a products. Treat your skin delicately and give ita year. I've been there except on top of it all my skin became a hideous purple color.Ittakes forever to heal. I feel like it's inflamed underneath. I don't know beyond that.

Another thing is no one should be getting co2 laser for pores. Don't get co2 laser for pores. It's for scarring or wrinkles. You better have scars ortexture that really bothers you because otherwise you're going to feel worse.

I always see people with 0 scars get laser and don't like it. Well, probably because your skin needed a retinolnot a harsh laser. This guy's skin was silky smooth. Don't hit smooth skin with laser. We need a psa on this because this is a reoccurring issue. I'll take my waxy, visibly pored post laser skin over my scars any day.


More iread about all these energy devices more iwonder if this is not some kind of scam. I understand that majority of people have good results and no side effects, but results they have are far from great. There are so many people that report problems like PIH, redness, sensitive skin, demarcation zones etc, its absolutly clear that % of people that suffer long term or permanent side effects from energy devices is a lot higher then drs or companies that manufacture these devices are willing to admit. It is really a question ifsmall improvement is worth a risk ofruining your face for life. I understand thatpeople with acne scars or other problems on their faces are desperate but still.

I talked to number of people that had laser treatments, online through messages , and % of people that has problems - side effects is shocking, ihada problem to find someone who healed within 8 weeks or so. And its not only CO2, but also IPL, non ablative lasers and other energy devices.

I talked to one person that had subcision and TCA cross, was very happy with treatment, wanted something for resurfacing, dr told her find someone who knows how to do medium - deep peels, it can make wonders, it is forgotten art and no termal damage, dont do lasers.
