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Intracision (intradermal incision technique)


Posted : 06/29/2019 1:40 am

There are references in the medical literature to a technique called "intracision", which is similar to subcision but is used in conjunction to break the fibrous bands in the dermis (as opposed to subcutaneous) "by untethering fibrotic strands, raising collagen synthesis, and additional intradermal blood pocket formation."


I don't have access to the published articles on the technique so am wondering if anyone can share some knowledge on this.

The paper I found referenced concerned chicken pock scars, but it seems like the technique would apply to acne scars too. Here is a link to the abstract:


Posted : 06/29/2019 10:34 am

@Brent21Read the study with my login, ... I was laughing the whole time I read the article. It's subcision and after a few laser after using ERbium. I already gave you this plan of attack. They renamed the procedure to seem special, ... Dr's do this to get recognition when everyone else knows how to do the procedure - Koreans especially do this with strange names when it's the same thing everyone does.

Very stupid name, whoever used that as it makes you think of excision, which it's not, it's subcision.


Posted : 06/30/2019 3:19 am

Thank you for reading that. My understanding ofsubcision is that it involves only the scar tissue residing in thefat layer, butnot the dermis, leaving the fibrous bands in the dermis intact. Are there any effective treatments where scar tissue in themid dermis is cut? I've read about treatments involving intradermalsaline injectionwhere saline is injected by needle into scars with the goal of breaking up the scar tissue in the dermis.


Posted : 06/30/2019 9:02 am

@Brent21It does not matter, what layer of the Dermis or hyperdermis the issue is at, subcision is done at all layers of skin. This is why we need skilled practitioners to find the tether and subcise it. Many people's scars do not goto the fat and are just in the Dermis. Thus the Dr target's treatment there. Same with laser, excision(punch), etc. The Dr must know the level of the scar, a skilled practitioner can find this quickly. IF your treating chicken pox scars those are different than atrophy, or icepicks, ... nothing is universal.

