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Help please. What could improve this? (Pic)


Posted : 06/15/2019 12:04 pm

I see a plastic surgeon next month. We've discussed infini over the phone so far. Please and thank you for any advice.



Posted : 06/15/2019 12:41 pm

@Kay24Can you describe to be what your issue is a bit better. Scar's make shadows with directional light or a flashlight. Is your main issue texture because that's what I See. I don't see any pitting.

IT will take me 24-hrs to respond I have 100 of the worst scar cases to help daily by PM, thank you for your patience.

What is rf needling treating exactly, in your case, I don't see box cars, or bigger rolling scars. Perhaps it's the photo. IF you do have this then perhaps you can give that a try.

IF texture is your main issue you can do some glycolic peels at home and make your way to tca peels if you wish or have the plastic surgeon do a peel for you.

** Please Note I offer to acne scar suffers a "more" "customized" (private) consultation than the above general advice. Analysis, answering questions, ongoing support by Private Messaging. Feel free to message me there. Be patient as I can get over 100+ of the worst acne scar cases to help, it "may" take me up to 48 hours to respond.

Checkout the main scar treatments sub, find the FAQ pinned on top there, goto the bottom, there are Dr's or call around and ask who does cannula subcision or nokor subcision (needle type) to dermatologists and or plastic surgeons, consult a few before you decide who you like, even if you have to pay as treatment is expensive, better like them. Ask how many subcisions they do a month and if they treat your skin type. If they just do laser run they will just blast you and not solve your issue.

Disclaimer: Information and support is not meant to diagnosis, treatment, or cure any health or mental condition and is not a substitute for professional face to face medical care (consult with a few Dr's and pick your favorite one). Posts are for informational purposes only, please consult your personal health care practitioner before engaging in anything discussed.

Kay24 liked

Posted : 06/15/2019 1:47 pm

Hi, thank you. I appreciate your help.Yes, it's about the texture. It really doesn't cast shadows, it's just extensive surface damage.

If you have surface issues is infini most likely not helpful? That's really what I'm considering, if infini is worth it or just jump into something like a physician assisted deep peel. They offer lasers too.




Posted : 06/16/2019 11:46 am

@Kay24Your best bet is to do the phenol peel with a experienced plastic surgeon who has done a lot of them. I would not mess with anything else in your case as it would be a a waste of money.


Kay24 liked

Posted : 06/16/2019 2:18 pm

Thanks so much!
