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Can subcision be done on parts of the body?


Posted : 04/25/2019 1:19 pm

Im probably going to get a little indention from a mole removal on my back. Can and should subcision be used for this type of scar?

From what I know, subcision breaks apart tethers that hold the skin down...but how does it work if someone cuts a chunk of you like a mole removal? How can subcision work for that if the skin isn't bound down but someone cut and removed a piece of you? Should another method be used instead?

I know this wound needs time to heal but this is what it looks like right now - same day it the procedure was donee so it was fresh (image attached). Once it heals what would you recommend for scar treatment based on it occurring because of a shave procedure?



Posted : 04/26/2019 10:11 am

@perfectnycNo subcision is needed here, the skin of a mole is not like other skin on the body, it should have been aesthetically blended when it was removed. A mole is not a tethered scar, it is clustering of melanocytes ( thus subcision is not indicated here). This was a mole removal. Skin is different than other places on the body, or reasons. All I see that is needed here is blending of the mole's border. You can do this with laser or electro surgery by a aesthetic dermatologist. They can use filler if needed but I do not see it needed in the above picture.

This is what happens when you cut off a mole, they turn a pinkish or white color, it will take many weeks to heal, and see how it looks.

Shave is the worst way to take care of a mole, it often leads to issues like this, looks for a cosmetic dermatologist who uses a laser or electrosurgery and can feather the edges.


Posted : 04/26/2019 11:53 am

thanks but the doc said after he removed the mole that there was pigment below and he wanted to remove it so now when I feel the spot you can feel an indention. you dont think subcision would work on this area at all because of how the scar was created?
