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Please advise on best scar treatment for me ( PICS INCLUDED)


Posted : 12/04/2018 5:55 pm

Hey guys,

what type of cars do I have and what would be my best treatment? Thinking about getting subcision. 

I™ve tried microneedling and filler without any substantial improvement 





Posted : 12/05/2018 11:00 am

@Xanger1You have mainly icepicks, boxcars, and maybe a few rolling scars. Little fat loss, also some redness or PIE.

Your going to need several session of TCA Cross for the icepicks and the smaller boxcars, to raise them before any energy treatments.

The lower area of the chin and some of the rolling scars may need subcision.

I would do angled co2 3-7% density and the highest power this works specifically for the box cars and you do several passes over the skin, or you can do profractional Erbium.

I would do picosure for the redness -PIE and to make more collagen.

Wear nightly Kojic acid and licorice whitening cream and retin-a/tretinorin/differin for cell turnover and to prevent further hyperpigementation from treatments.

You can do a few peels once you finish the above treatments for texture.

Treat as you have time and money, many treat over 3 years, space out treatments 3 months apart. Sunscreen!
