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Minor scarring and treatment


Posted : 06/22/2018 3:24 pm


Just wondering if someone could advise me on the type of scarring I have? I think It is boxcar on my temple, but I'm not entirely sure. What treatment would you recommend, it seems like they are shallow?




Posted : 06/22/2018 8:31 pm

Hi there these are box cars.

Subcision with some sort of filler is your best bet (prp, saline, or HA filler). You could have your dr use a cannula as these are not that deep and textural. It's call called filling with a cannula. You will need a couple of these spaced out to allow time to heal.

The temples have little collagen / fat so filler of some sort helps.

I would also do RF microneedling only to this area. You do 3 of these as well spaced out. between your subcisions. 3 months apart. If you want to save money you can derminator or dermastamp your temples and only do rf needling or laser when you have time and money.

You can finally do something for texture erbium laser resurface the area, or spot peels TCA.

See the FAQ for more info.

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