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Subcision on its own


Posted : 10/30/2017 9:59 am

What kind of results can I expect from subcision on its own, without suctioning or filler?

I've been reading through some old threads and people seem to have decent results from subcision only.

My plan is to get subcision once (300), then have subcision again a few months later with juvaderm (500). Will subcison x2 plus juvaderm be enough? for mild to moderate atrophic scars?


Posted : 10/30/2017 11:20 am

I do not believe that just two subcisions will be enough- many with moderate scars will need 3 or 4 treatments, maybe more. Also, why not suction? It is really at no cost to you, save for the initial purchase of buying the suctioning tool (quite inexpensive.) It is generally believed that suction will provide a benefit in that the scars are less likely to tether back down. Furthermore, it is likely that after subcision and fillers, you will still need to work on fixing surface texture, so you should look into TCA peels, working up to 25-30%, starting around 10-12.5% initially. You will still receive results with your desired plan (I would say probably ~30%, though it will do NOTHING for surface texture, only in lifting the scars), especially after having filler, but remember that juvederm in not permanent and those results WILL fade, so you are better off treating the underlying issues first (getting more subcisions with suctioning or saline fillers instead, doing surface treatments) than masking it.


Posted : 10/30/2017 2:56 pm

@Petsmewhere can I buy the suction tool ?!


Posted : 10/30/2017 3:22 pm

It really depends on the extent, location and severity of your scars. I agree with @Petme that most require 2-4 session, in the original reports in 1995 the average patient required 6-8 but that was using a tribevelled needle not NOKOR. In some patients, 2-4 session without PRP- filler will suffice, however in severe scars with numerous tethering, fibrosis and atrophy, fillers and other methods maybe required. If you look at the variability of acne scars from person to person, you can understand why some patients require more sessions than others. The other rate limiting factor is your Specialist. By far NOKOR subcision breaks the most amount of bonds cleanly, and doing multi-level subcision can give great results, but the risks of seromas and haematomas are increased. A good Specialist will find the balance between both. The same applies to suctioning vs compression. Some Specialist will COMPRESS rather than suction as this reduces seromas and haematomas.


Posted : 10/30/2017 3:49 pm

@MOHAMMEd89 You can either buy the suctioning tool off of owndoc, or you could instead purchase a chinese cupping set from amazon from ebay, and use the smaller size tools for your scarring :) 


Posted : 10/30/2017 5:45 pm

@heidi11There's a very high chance that the scars would tether back down again if you don't use some form of cushion. These days, fillers are widely used as a spacer because it immediately fills the acne pits and also promotes collagen formation. I personally don't advise using suction because it is very unpredictable. You never know what the outcome is. It also causes hematoma (which some say is rather good) that can last days, if not weeks. Filler, on the other hand, is very predictable. You have complete control over how much to inject and you can see the effect immediately. The downside to filler is that it can be prohibitively expensive depending on how extensive your scars are.
