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just did my subcision, can anyone suggest ways to do suction or suggest any good collegian boosting cream?


Posted : 01/04/2017 12:21 am

I bought the chinese suction cup set, but it seems my acne scars are too close to each other, I cannot avoid placing the edge of the cup onto my scar if I want to suck all the scars.

I also bought terproline egf. I saw liquid xxxx recommended terproline after the micro needling procedure, and bought the more concentrated terproline egf rather than the terproline face cream. But found on its webpage that it is used for enlarged scar tissues. Then I am quite confused about if I should use it or not. Anyone have any idea?

Here is my picture. For some reason, I am still bleeding after 4 hours. Is it because I put terproline egf on and it is too strong for me?



Posted : 01/04/2017 3:30 am

Too much, too soon.
Please do not suction or use terproline egf until you are fully healed from subcision. There is no rush to use these added additions after your surgery. You need to let those wounds heal so you don't bleed and they can naturally close. Some start their creams and suctioning a week after, some 3 days after. It really depends how quickly you heal. No scar will tether back down in a week. Think about it, your pooling blood using suctioning under those open wounds, do you want to keep opening them up.

During your healing time the only thing you should be using is triple antibiotic cream or Vaseline if you can handle it. Once a day at night, you dilute white vinegar and pat the wounds to sanitize them. Keep things moist so it can heal. Eat lots of protein, and get lots of rest / drink lots of water. Do not take anything that will thin the blood, to hinder healing, even some spices do this this.

It is fine to overlap your vacuuming once your wounds are healed. The point is to pool blood under these spots and to prevent tethering. Member PCT14has a great post on his subcision, In fact I will add it to my official FAQ below for info on how to do this.

