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Vitamin B: My Deficiency May Be Your Advantage


Posted : 07/18/2016 3:03 pm

Hello all,

I hope this post finds you well. Allow me to preface this with a reintroduction, I had 1 session of CO2RE laser done 4 years ago and 1 session of RF Sublative done 3 years ago. My initial scarring includes a scattering of ice picks (literally, a scattering), large depressed scars from cystic acne (about the size of half a penny?), box cars and some raised nose bumps. Take it with a pinch of salt, but I think the RF sublative did the most good (I will not detail in this post), especially since I waited one year post laser-- I only did 1 session because I was swept up by life obligations.

At someone's suggestion, I recently started taking B-vitamin, B3 specifically, two weeks ago as of this post to treat the mood disorder I had since very young. It worked really well for me, I am slower to anger, my general and social anxiety is gone, and I can rationalize more clearly. Two weeks into my supplements, I happen to look into the mirror and only thought "hmm, that's an interesting scar landscape"... And then I realize for once in my life I wasn't chronically obsessing over my pitted scars, but looking at an okay-looking fellow in the mirror with a sheepish grin.

Then it hit me again. Could my vitamin-B deficiency, the root of my mood disorder, also be the cause of my skin problems?

It made so much sense, especially since vitamin-B deficiency is associated to mood disruptions, skin problems and inflammation; severe acne is due to uncontrolled inflammation of the skin due to bacterial infection, scarring is both due to extensive damage and poor healing. In my case, I suspect my deficiency is a genetic factor that led to poor absorption or assimilation since birth, since one of my parent had the very same mood problems (very angry, impatient, obsessive) but during my recent visit (they were taking supplements longer than I) they spoke with a lot of calm and tolerated the other's complaints. My diet is broad and my environment is good, plus I am not an alcoholic.

My sibling whom did not share my violent streak had poor skin quality, but their acne was less severe, though this may just be environment and quality of personal care.

I wished I suspected this sooner, but if you are chronically obsessed over your skin like I was: looking, examining my scars 10 times a day, hiding my face while in public, afraid to look the opposite gender in their face because of over-awareness, I implore you to consider picking up ahigh-quality food derivedvitamin-B3 or better yet B-complex and take it responsibly.Also be aware of any possible drug interactions.

You will not necessarily see immediate results, again, take everything with a pinch of salt, but vitamin B is relatively cheap even if you opt for expensive options... Which I suggest you should anyway. Even if it doesn't alleviate your acne, it will help improve your mood.

Take care, live well.

Paula B. liked

Posted : 07/18/2016 3:34 pm

Hey, thank you for sharing this!

NUman liked