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Can the vbeam perfecta cause permanent fat loss?


Posted : 04/05/2016 4:57 am

Im booked in for vbeam and I am wondering if it is possible that the new device can cause damage to the skin.

ive been reading a lot of horror stories online but most are dated back to 2008 where the older model was used. I have been told there will be next to no downtime and I can go back to work after 2-3 days but some people are reporting being red and swollen for 3 weeks with permanent fat loss which I cannot be dealing with.

Anyone who has had this treatment done recently with the new model can share their experiances?



Posted : 04/05/2016 7:01 am

No, you're good, man. Don't expect results until week 3-6. And depending on your situation, you may have to do 2+ rounds. Down time is 1/2 a day sometimes a couple of hours. Sunscreen to maintain results and whilst skin is healing for those couple of weeks. I've had 3 or 4 done, lol. Good luck :) 

DeLovely liked

Posted : 04/08/2016 10:16 am

No definitely not, it doesn't penetrate that far in to the skin. There is no laser that can cause loss of fat to the face, such a machine would be a billion dollar invention.

I had a couple vbeams done a few years ago (2012) and there were no long term side effects for me, but I dont think it was worth the price. It did quickly fade my redmarks at that time, but Ive found glycolic acid to be just as effective for a fraction of the cost, though I suppose it depends what youre getting it for.
