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Hypopigmentation - Scars With Loss Of Pigment - White Scars


Posted : 07/03/2016 5:25 pm

Oh nooooo I'm so sorry to hear this. I know the feeling of getting my hopes up too early.The disappointmenthurts big time! I think it must still be a positive sign that the hypopigmentedskin was ableto produce pigment even if only temporarily. Ibelieve completely scarred skin would have just turned red/burned not brown/tanned? You must have some melanocytes left in the tissue, which is good news. Has the microneedling still slightly improved the texture of the scar? Pace yourself with the treatment you don't want to burn your skinbadly. Wishing you strength during this majorsetback. I know it sucks but would a light layer of the right shade of foundation or mineral makeup powder help temporarily between treatments?

Is recell/treatment in India still a last resort?


Posted : 07/04/2016 12:13 pm

Recell is second to last resort. It's cheap as hell over there so I'll do that if my method dosent work.then if the recell dosent work.the last resort is tattoo.but tattoo is a bad idea because when I get a tan the ink won't tan then your in all sorts of trouble. Same as when you lose your tan in winter the ink will be I would never ever be able to go out in the sun or go on holiday.I tan really really easily so not sure if that's even a last resort


Posted : 07/04/2016 2:51 pm

I went to dr khan a year ago for recell, he advised a different *cheaper) treatment. Told me that recell is good for very deep scars and not for moderate mild scarring. Trying to say is that dr Khan gives his professional advice and not the one that makes the most money.

Last resort you can tattoo it back to your own skin color it is called dermatografie (medical tattoo) in the netherlands. I have a lot of small white scars on my body that lost pigment. I am going for this 'treatment' as a last resort.


Posted : 07/04/2016 2:58 pm

Yes but if you read what I wrote, if Imedical tattoo my face itwill look ridiculous when I get a tan,as the ink will not tan.the same goes to when I lose my tan in winter the ink will medical tattoo on the face is a bad idea imo.unless I accept I can never ever go out in the sun.I tan very easy even sitting in my house rays through the windowand I like in england where it rains daily lol.but it's my final resort like I said.I can get medical tattooing done for free from a local burns charity.but it's too risky on a large area of the face like mine


Posted : 07/04/2016 3:02 pm

yeah true. I thought maybe you had a skin type that stayed more or less the same color. Yes bad option then


Posted : 07/04/2016 3:05 pm

I'm half black and half white .my skinlooks like a white dude in the winter and black in summer lol.but it's still an option but I'm not even considering it at the I'm getting some pigment back but not as much as it initially looked as it peeled.I noticed 1 hour after using the lamp it looks nice and brown. But looks worse as the day goes on.look at today's pic.yes I'm taking daily pics looks good in some lighting and bad in others it's like the new pigment is kind of red/browncolour


Posted : 07/04/2016 3:08 pm



hey it looks like it is close to healing


Posted : 07/04/2016 3:11 pm

But its weird because it looks good in some light and looks like zero progress in other light.and I took 20 pics most looked like I had no progress but this pic caught the new pigment at the correct light.but I don't know really.its not the same colour pigment as my natural skin it's more redder but I'm sure there is a bit of progress.just not as much as I thought when I was shouting I'm cured and all that bs .I'm far away from being cured.but if there is new pigment forming then there is possibly a chance I could fully recover or get close to that over the next coming months or year.I can go out without a hat now and people won't mention it,so im not sure if they are being polite or they just haven't noticed it


Posted : 07/04/2016 3:21 pm

I noticed if I did derma rolling and a sun tan afterwards, I could get some pigment back in small and old scars.
new skin can grow over a scar I I did something to aggressive like a peel the scar came back:|.

Not advising this for you if there is color changes when hot and cold it is not yet a scar and still healing. Best leave it alone and ask the best advice. You could just go on a consultation by dr Khan see what he advices if you haven't already.

Anyway good luck


Posted : 07/04/2016 4:27 pm

Dr khan is a scammer and a fraud.avoid him like the plague. And read this entire thread if you have time.the London recell Dr's are criminals that legally steal your money
By making you sign a disclaimer.and charge 6000 pounds for a 10 min procedure that cost 450 /500 pounds. in all the big clinics in deli.also there is less than 30 percent chance of getting any response from recell or mktp.anyway I'm not talking about recell or mktp for now.I spoke to a clinic that told me the true facts about recell.and I've read every single study.I know virtually everything about it as I've been studying it for along time since starting this thread


Posted : 07/05/2016 3:09 pm

Can i ask you which lamp you purchased? The results in the photo above look good. I really hope it works out for you. I have white scars all over me from some type of chemical poisoning. So i'm watching your thread with great hope. I was sad when i saw that you peeled the top off and the bottom wasn't pigmented. Do you think the top is pigmenting because of the light or the medical cream you purchased? When i went in for laser therapy for scars, they use alpha lepoic acid cream to get the laser to penetrate deeper under the skin. I forgot what they call that cream. but they apply it right before the laser and it gets the light to go deeper.


Posted : 07/05/2016 3:52 pm

Jenny I just bought the cheapest lamp on ebay.was around 60 pounds .it's poor quality and rattles like cheap crap, something is loose or broken inside the Base,itwas like this on arrival .but that dosent matter as long as the bulb heats up and works correctly. And I could not be bothered to get it replaced as it does the job .no more skin peeling so my skin must be used to it now.I stared doing 5 min a dayon week I'm on week 2 doing 6 min a day.I'm going to up the dose like that.and if it gets too much I'll cut back and take a day off .but for now I want to hit it as much as possible as I don't think the skin will burn because as you can see there is some brown pigment there now


Posted : 07/06/2016 2:53 am

Here is today's photo with the flash this time.

Without flash


Posted : 07/25/2016 5:52 am

Today no flash natural light it looks pretty good I guess

The circled part is where the scar is super thick .and there is white hypoigmention around that. But the entire area was white with no pigment so it's not really that noticeable unless I point it out.either that or people are just being kind and not commenting on it anymore


Posted : 07/25/2016 7:01 am

Here is a super honest before and after in the same lighting

Another after trying to use same angle as before same lighting as you can see I'm more tanned as it's hot as hell here .but the difference is obvious


Posted : 07/26/2016 12:53 pm

Great results! Could you post a link to the clinic in India offering Recell? I'm still determined to go for it, so if I can get it for 500 I will save a lot of money.


Posted : 07/27/2016 10:09 am

Just Google mktp India and a few clinics come up.I've enquired with 3 of them and they were all around 500 to 700 pounds max for the procedure.I don't have the links available at the moment. But recell or mktp will not give good results.most people don't respond at all.only 30 percent of people get any response the rest get zero response.and that is usually around 20 to 30 percent improvement if you in that 30 percent group.I've not seen any results for hypoigmention scarring .as there results I saw from others is non existent. There is one guy I saw that had mktp/recell for vitiligo on his face that got some small results .but vitiligo skin is not damaged like scar tissue so there is .more chance of response on healthy vitiligo skin.but 500 pounds in india is cheap enough to try and if it doesn't work at least you ain't wasted 6000 pounds the UK Dr's are asking for


Posted : 08/01/2016 6:16 am

Purchased online today UVB lamp + 5ml Melgain lotion (total cost ~111) to test this on my own scars. I have several hypopigmented scars from fire accident. Also have white scars where doctor took off some top layer of skin (quite large area, around ~16x13 cm) from my leg to place it on deeper scars. I basically have lived with the scars all of my life and i'm not very optimistic i can get rid of those white scars but i wanna try this method anyway. Would be miracle if it works because i have scars that are ~20 years old. So i'm gonna test this on white burn scars and on scars where doctor took off top layer of normal skin (skin graft scar or whatever it is called).


Posted : 08/01/2016 5:17 pm

11 hours ago, krapok said:

Purchased online today UVB lamp + 5ml Melgain lotion (total cost ~111) to test this on my own scars. I have several hypopigmented scars from fire accident. Also have white scars where doctor took off some top layer of skin (quite large area, around ~16x13 cm) from my leg to place it on deeper scars. I basically have lived with the scars all of my life and i'm not very optimistic i can get rid of those white scars but i wanna try this method anyway. Would be miracle if it works because i have scars that are ~20 years old. So i'm gonna test this on white burn scars and on scars where doctor took off top layer of normal skin (skin graft scar or whatever it is called).

excellent please post your results


Posted : 08/03/2016 5:59 am

From this morning currently up to 10 min a day uvb lamp. I will go to a max of 30 min a day over the coming months .I'm halfway through the bottle of Melgain now.applying every night .apart from a few times when drunk so forget.dermaroller every 4 weeks results are ovbious


Posted : 08/04/2016 10:23 pm

I can't believe I just read this whole damn thread, but I'm kind of glad I did. It was a page turner! Haha your improvement looks good. 

So, I'm here in this community for a couple atrophic (indented) scars on my cheeks so my needs are different but in general this reinforces my fear that doctors charge a sht load for things that won't produce results. 

(I've said this before, how can Bruce Jenner become Caitlin Jenner & doctors can't fix a scar on my cheek? Or a scar on your forehead?) 

couple questions --
1) re: derma rolling it sounds like you were doing this previously - out of curiosity if you don't have other scars or previous issues what was this helping with? I'm considering just buying one of those things, but I'm so scared of messing up my skin by doing it myself & not having it done by a professional. Do you still do this? Think it's safe? 

2) the TCA that caused the burn/scar - was this done by a doctor? Or at home? Another thing I'm thinking of but am scared of it causing more harm than good. 

Thanks in advance & glad to see you're improving. :) 


Posted : 08/06/2016 1:02 pm

On 05/08/2016 at 4:23 AM, MareBearWrites said:

I can't believe I just read this whole damn thread, but I'm kind of glad I did. It was a page turner! Haha your improvement looks good. 

So, I'm here in this community for a couple atrophic (indented) scars on my cheeks so my needs are different but in general this reinforces my fear that doctors charge a sht load for things that won't produce results. 

(I've said this before, how can Bruce Jenner become Caitlin Jenner & doctors can't fix a scar on my cheek? Or a scar on your forehead?) 

couple questions --
1) re: derma rolling it sounds like you were doing this previously - out of curiosity if you don't have other scars or previous issues what was this helping with? I'm considering just buying one of those things, but I'm so scared of messing up my skin by doing it myself & not having it done by a professional. Do you still do this? Think it's safe? 

2) the TCA that caused the burn/scar - was this done by a doctor? Or at home? Another thing I'm thinking of but am scared of it causing more harm than good. 

Thanks in advance & glad to see you're improving. :) 

I used the dermroller on the scar on my forehead only to try and induce pigment and flatten scar tissue.once a month the burn was from a 25  percent tca just wiped out all the pigment from my skin.I wouldn't advise anyone to do tca peels.


Posted : 08/27/2016 1:33 am

Wow this is a long thread.
I have laser induced hypopigmentation as well. Aesthetic beast, how much improvement have you seen with the uvb lamp? Is the improvement permanent now, because you said it peeled off last time? Also do you recommend any microneedling or did that not help at all?


Posted : 09/01/2016 2:08 am

On 01/08/2016 at 9:16 PM, krapok said:

Purchased online today UVB lamp + 5ml Melgain lotion (total cost ~111) to test this on my own scars. I have several hypopigmented scars from fire accident. Also have white scars where doctor took off some top layer of skin (quite large area, around ~16x13 cm) from my leg to place it on deeper scars. I basically have lived with the scars all of my life and i'm not very optimistic i can get rid of those white scars but i wanna try this method anyway. Would be miracle if it works because i have scars that are ~20 years old. So i'm gonna test this on white burn scars and on scars where doctor took off top layer of normal skin (skin graft scar or whatever it is called).

Can you keep us updated? I've ordered the same for laser burns
