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No Idea What's Wrong


Posted : 08/16/2015 9:57 pm

i finished my accutane course two months ago and i have no active pimples. my skin is finally smooth. but there are still red marks all over my cheeks. i dont know if i should call it hyperpigmentation becase when i press on these marks , skin colour turns normal. just as i move my finger it turns from fair to red again. i guess it is inflammation but theres no pain at all. i dont know what to do which product to use. i dont have insurance so cant afford to go to a dermatologist. i was thinking of using hydroquinone or something like that but i dont think it will help with this. please please if anyones there who has had the same condition tell me what should i be doing. my uni freshmen year starts in 20 days and i dont want to be identified as the red faced guy.


Posted : 08/19/2015 11:53 am

One thing I have learned on this board (and there is a reddit thread out there) is that a lot us probably have post inflammatory erythema, not hyperpigmentation. My understanding is that means the red marks are below the surface and really can't be treated topically. I have had some mild success with intense pulse light therapy. I have read that vbeam lasers work well, too. The problem I have is that I inevitably get a big cyst or two on my cheek that adds a mark. So, the treatments aren't worth it after a while.
