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Depressed About Acne Scars


Posted : 07/06/2015 4:28 pm

Hello Guys, this is my first post here on this website and I just want to share what I am currently experiencing and I am asking for help from any willing kind people on this site. I am extremely depressed right now and have been for the past week or so due to my acne scars. I've had these scars for about a year now but hadn't thought much about them as I convinced myself that they would somehow go away on their own eventually. Well, recently I have came to the realization that my scars aside from the hyper pigmentation will never ever go away without treatment. This scares me so much as The thought of having to somehow convince my parents to pay thousands of dollars and wait years to fix something that could've been avoided had I not been so stupid and ignorant by not taking care of myself and picking at my terrible acne that I had back then. I had every type of acne covering just about every area of my face just a year ago and I didn't care. I just did not care about myself and my future as I was too lazy to do anything about it. I eventually got most of my acne under control but was left with ugly scars. Now here I am suffering the rath of my own karma. Right now I feel depressed , scared, and lonely thinking of about the past which was free of all the terrible pain and torment that I am going through right now. At school I was always shy and awkward, but regardless of that random girls used to flirt with me, assuming that it was because of my then good looks. Now I lay here at 17 years old going into my senior year of high school a broken ugly mess. I have no hope right now of anything in life and just need some real motivation. If anyone would be kind enough to share their acne scar success stories that would be great. Thank you very much and I hope you have a wonderful day despite my depressive post.



Posted : 07/06/2015 5:28 pm

okay it looks like the temple areas are the worst part and yes you'll need to do something


if you can talk your parents into it, great, go talk to an experienced derm about the options


if not, you can do some things on your own, but you have to be educated first, I really like the site and did my own reading there before I started with the derma stamp...progress is slow but steady and CHEAP....but you need to be educated and an absolute nut about cleanliness


but I get it, it is depressing, so read up on options and get a plan, get started on something!


Posted : 07/06/2015 7:50 pm

I would look into Subcision Suction and Microneedling for both the temples and the cheeks.


I don't suggest doing laser because things can get very complicated and expensive very quickly. Subcision and needling, I think will be enough to do the trick...


Read my blog - be sure to check out my before and afters as well as other user's before & afters and studies towards the end of my post

