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Acne Scars And Derma Roller


Posted : 02/17/2015 6:44 pm

Guys please help............ After years of battling with Acne I am left with these scars . Did any one try Dermaroller at home ? Is it better to go for professional help which is more expensive version?


Posted : 02/18/2015 9:20 am

I have not used it myself, but I am thinking of buying one, I am planning to use a vitamin C serum after dermarolling.

It's just that I am a bit scarred as I read good and bad reviews, seems like some people say that their skin looks like and orange after doing the dermarolling so I am confused as well, hopefully someone will write a helpful replay here. Good Luck!


Posted : 02/18/2015 2:47 pm

I started with a 1.0 and have noticed some slight improvements, mainly softening around the edges of scars. I can't comment on professional dermarolling but it's easy enough at home. Just make sure you clean the device properly before and after using, if you use above a 1.0 maybe buy some numbing cream. The dermaroller seems pretty safe, just check for bent needles and keep it clean. Also after using it your skin is not going to look great, it's going to look pretty red and splotchy depending on how hard you rolled. That's all normal though and the redness will fade over a day or two.
