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Leftover Marks


Posted : 12/22/2013 7:07 pm

Hi all,

I've been suffering from spots on my face now since early this year (around April/May). It started with a small amount of spots on the sides of my face, but this has since spread to my nose.

Since then, I tried a number of store products including Clean and Clear. This didn't work, and eventually I went to the doctor who prescribed me with Benzoyl Peroxide. This also hasn't really worked and I have also been using some Tea Tree Face Wash with Antibiotic from Holland and Barrett, and despite some small improvements, its still there.

I'm not sure what to try now. Anyone got any ideas?

I've attached some images of the acne, and I would appreciate any help.



Posted : 12/22/2013 8:41 pm


Personally I think your skin is really quite clear!


For suggestions, something I tried and really liked was sulfur masks like "queen helene mint julep mask" .... you can use it as a full face mask or a spot treatment overnight. Also another thing I found REALLY effective for small problem areas is "Sudocrem" its a diaper rash cream :P It mostly contains zinc, and another mild antibacterial ingredient, but it really helps in my opinion.




Posted : 12/22/2013 9:30 pm

Homestly, your skin is very clear. What you have there is mild acne. The rest of your skin is great looking ! Also, having acne doesn't make you a failure :) it makes you human ! My sister had similar skin and used the Purity Facial Cleanser by 100 Percent Pure. It's not cheap (£20). but it worked on her skin like a charm.


Posted : 12/22/2013 9:39 pm

go to another derm


Posted : 12/23/2013 8:21 am

Thanks for your kind comments!

I know it's a little mark but when you've never had it before it is rather noticeable. I'm interested in the products you mentioned, I used to suffer from eczema and also sensitive skin. Will these products cause any issues like rashes, etc?

Many thanks!


Posted : 12/23/2013 10:08 am

Sedocrem is great for any rashes as well, in fact that's generally what its meant for :P but since it's so white, you would only really be able to apply it at night. Also if you have dry eczema prone skin, you might want to look in to getting a good intensive daily moisturiser... just make sure it's "non comedogenic".
