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Box Scar On Nose. (Photos)


Posted : 09/08/2013 3:58 pm

i hate this scar, does anybody know if dermastamp can improve the look ?


Posted : 09/08/2013 5:34 pm

Dont worry it will heal and go away


Posted : 09/08/2013 9:15 pm

Dont worry it will heal and go away

You think so?

It looks pretty deep from my perspective.

Have you had a box scar on yr nose before? , if you don't mind me asking.


Posted : 09/08/2013 9:26 pm

Dont worry it will heal and go away

You think so?

It looks pretty deep from my perspective.

Have you had a box scar on yr nose before? , if you don't mind me asking.

We cant see how deep the scar is because of the blood.

Anyway, if it is a deep boxscar then, it will be hard to get rid of it.

Though there is hope because it is a new scar. It will diminish over time about a year.


Posted : 09/09/2013 5:31 am

Yeah just wait and see


Posted : 09/10/2013 4:20 pm

Dont worry it will heal and go away

You think so?

It looks pretty deep from my perspective.

Have you had a box scar on yr nose before? , if you don't mind me asking.

We cant see how deep the scar is because of the blood.

Anyway, if it is a deep boxscar then, it will be hard to get rid of it.

Though there is hope because it is a new scar. It will diminish over time about a year.

Does this look in anyway deep to you ?


Posted : 09/10/2013 10:07 pm

Ok, that's clearer.

I hate to say this but i doubt it will go back to thw way it was especially it's on the nose. The nose is like the most unpredictable area on the face and it is very delicate. But the good news is, it will probably get better over time. It is a fresh scar so it is still remodelling.


The best thing you can do while it is healing is to

- stop smoking if you are. Smoking prevents healing.

- eat healthy

- try not to think about it


Posted : 09/11/2013 1:36 pm

Ok, that's clearer.

I hate to say this but i doubt it will go back to thw way it was especially it's on the nose. The nose is like the most unpredictable area on the face and it is very delicate. But the good news is, it will probably get better over time. It is a fresh scar so it is still remodelling.

The best thing you can do while it is healing is to

- stop smoking if you are. Smoking prevents healing.

- eat healthy

- try not to think about it

Oh man, I really shouldn't have lanced it :'( . My parents think I'm overly depressed, nd it's just horrible is there any other way you think the dermatologist could help me though ? Nd thanks for the reply, it really is somewhat making me feel better..


Posted : 09/11/2013 4:54 pm



Posted : 09/17/2013 3:49 am

It's going to look a lot better once it's matured and the colour is back to normal. Also, the scar may be on the nose, but it's not right on the cartilaged area, so it may respond better to treatments. Since it's just this one scar, it's really not that big a deal. I think you should really just focus on not getting any new ones. From now on, if you do use a needle to poke spots, be very careful since there's always a risk of scarring. Make sure the spot is fully mature, use a sterile thin needle (e.g. a diabetic lancet) and only gently prick just the very surface of the skin, don't push the needle in any deeper. Clean the wound and apply aquaphor or a hydrocolloid bandage afterwards for a few days and if there's a scab, put on moisturizer and be careful not to touch it at all until it falls off.


Posted : 09/17/2013 10:28 pm

It's going to look a lot better once it's matured and the colour is back to normal. Also, the scar may be on the nose, but it's not right on the cartilaged area, so it may respond better to treatments. Since it's just this one scar, it's really not that big a deal. I think you should really just focus on not getting any new ones. From now on, if you do use a needle to poke spots, be very careful since there's always a risk of scarring. Make sure the spot is fully mature, use a sterile thin needle (e.g. a diabetic lancet) and only gently prick just the very surface of the skin, don't push the needle in any deeper. Clean the wound and apply aquaphor or a hydrocolloid bandage afterwards for a few days and if there's a scab, put on moisturizer and be careful not to touch it at all until it falls off.

Yeah I guess I just felt I slight relief when i read the post where a guy had a bump similarly to mine. It turns out that I never really had what they were having nd that it was only a pimple. I literally felt like it was a last resort for me since nothing was working. , also to add when I poked the needle through I felt it go under my skin. Ugh it urks me that I even thought of doing it.


Posted : 09/17/2013 11:14 pm


Hey I read your post on fasting, I was wondering since you were experimenting w/ it have you seen any improvement in yr skin whatsoever ? Also I might just consider appointing for the derm, I can't deal with thinking of this every single day. It's ruined so much for me, my grades have been significantly lower ,my sensibility and thinking sucks , ive lost nterest in everything including friends and hobbies nd am currently on AD bcos of my depression. :/ Sorry, in usually not the type to vent but I just felt like I needed to bring that out. But anyway thanks for the reply lmk how the water fasting went for you.


Posted : 09/18/2013 7:54 pm


Hey I read your post on fasting, I was wondering since you were experimenting w/ it have you seen any improvement in yr skin whatsoever ? Also I might just consider appointing for the derm, I can't deal with thinking of this every single day. It's ruined so much for me, my grades have been significantly lower ,my sensibility and thinking sucks , ive lost nterest in everything including friends and hobbies nd am currently on AD bcos of my depression. :/ Sorry, in usually not the type to vent but I just felt like I needed to bring that out. But anyway thanks for the reply lmk how the water fasting went for you.

Well, my first fast i did 2 days. THen i water fasted 4 days after 3 weeks of my last fast.

I noticed that after the fasts, i wont have new acne for like a week or more.

You should know though that short water fasts wont do that much for your skin. That's because your body focuses first on detoxifying and cleaning your system and balancing stuff. After that it focuses on healing. The healing usually begins after 7 days of fasting. But the real healing starts after 14 days.

Here, read everything on this thread.

Im just started my 20 days water fast. So currently im on day 1.

Although currently, duffq, a member of, water fasted for 7 days. He said his scars are shallower and one icepick scar on his nose disappeared.

He's starting a fast again today. So im doing it with him.
