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Just Wanted To Say Thanks To Everyone Involved With This Forum


Posted : 04/24/2013 5:33 pm

Hi everyone. I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank everyone in this forum, and everyone involved in making it go. This thing has been such a big help to me and I don't know that I would be handling things as well as I am (which is bad enough already) without it. Thank you to all the people in here who care so much as to take the time to help others, thank you to the people who have had success and have moved on from the constant struggle and still come back and post to give people hope, and thank you to the people who service it and make it so great. I have no idea who any of you people are but I appreciate you all so much. Thanks.


Posted : 04/25/2013 5:03 am

i take this platform here to show my gratefulness as well.

to all those who care and help us with there valuable opinions.

it's also the fact that someone else is in our situation or the mere feeling that someone out there,which ever continent he/she must be in understands me that gives a positive edge!

people may fight and argue but they all have the best wishes for everyone else!

thanks !



Posted : 04/25/2013 9:11 am

I agree, I am so greatful for this forum. It is the only place I have that I can come to and know other people are going through the same thing. The advice and recommendations have been priceless. I can't imagine what people must have gone through before this was available.
