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Going To A Cosmetician For A Peeling. Worth It?


Posted : 10/03/2012 2:05 pm

After a recent breakout (3 weeks ago) I am still battling red marks on my left cheek. They did get much better after using lemon juice, manuka honey and what not, but I am getting impatient. The red marks on my neck have not responded to the treatment that well (or maybe it is just lighting). Plus, I've gotten some more recent red marks and a couple of others look like they don't plan to go anywhere in a long time.


I will schedule an appointment for consultation with a local cosmetic salon tomorrow, but meanwhile I would like to ask your opinion on it, since I generally distrust cosmeticians. I checked their procedures for red marks and it is mostly some sorts of peelings: Mikrodermabrasio, Salicyl acid Peeling, fruit acid peeling and something with green natural stuff.


What I want to know is the following:


1) Can I expect some noticeable improvement in red marks after chemical peels?

2) Are there risks I break out after it or marks become worse? I don't want to waste my time and money and get a worse skin afterwards.

3) How long does it take for skin to return to normal condition (I assume it should be reddened afterwards, no?)?


Posted : 10/03/2012 2:23 pm

Fruit acid peeling is safe enough to do at home easily.


Microdermabrasion or 20% salicylic acid or higher you want done by a professional, at least the first few times so you can get a feel for it.


Ask what percentage they use in their salicylic, if it's 20% or higher you're good to go. If it's only like 10%, you can easily do that at home.


You will see improvement from all three, though microdermabrasion is the strongest of the three.


Posted : 10/06/2012 9:35 pm

I would reccommend going to an aesthetician. I went to one that my mom used to work for and she did microderm and a glycolic peel on my face on thursday. I already see a great improvement on my pih from the microderm and my face is super tight, scaly, and starting to flake from the peel. I'm really excited to see the results. My dermatologist said I should have this done before I start Accutane in a week!
