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Please Don't Use Tweezers To Pop Your Pimples


Posted : 02/08/2012 6:25 pm

I learned the hard way.


I have struggled with cystic and nodular acne all my life but for the most part had been fortunate in that the scarring was very minimal until about 6 months ago.


I first started using tweezers on my clogged pores after going to the dermatologist around 6 months ago to get microdermabrasion done for my hyperpigmentation. After each procedure the esthetician performed "extraction" on my face to remove the clogged pores. She used a metal rod of some sort that eventually led to my first significant scar, but at the time I thought it was the result of doing microdermabrasion on active acne, which she said was fine.


Before I would use my fingers to try to unclog my pores which sometimes caused nearby pores to get clogged and become pimples. I figured that tweezers were easier to sterilize and would stop this problem from happening since they have such a small surface area. It worked wonders in clearing pores so I actually tried it on active acne whenever a zit was ready to pop. For active acne I had to apply more pressure since these were harder to pop. Pimples popped easier than ever and the area of hyperpigmentation was dramatically less compared with using my fingers to pop them, I thought I had discovered something great.


Eventually though, the pimples did not heal as before, the hyperpigmentation was deeper, and out of nowhere they began to leave deep pitted scars. The scars were not in the shape of the tweezer though, and a combination of different factors including the changing of my facewash type and being in a new environment foolishly led me to believe that the tweezers were not the cause. I now realize that the low surface area of the tweezers which made them so good for popping zits also caused them to do so much more damage to the underlying skin than using my fingers ever had. I wish I had realized this sooner because now I am left with several deep scars due to the tweezers.


PLEASE do not let an esthetician perform an "extraction" on you especially after a procedure that thins the surface of your skin, and do not use tweezers or it may lead to scarring. Just thought I would share this so maybe someone can learn from my mistake.


Posted : 02/08/2012 11:47 pm

I have to disagree. Every pimple I left alone to "cure" itself gave me a scar. Here's what I do with a tweezer that has never given me a scar:


1. Pinch off the top of the pimple just enough to break it open. Done. That simple. Put the tweezers down.

2. Take a piece of toilet paper and pinch the pimple out. Keep gently pinching it for a while until you see there's no more blood coming out of the pimple, only the clear/discolored fluid.

3. Grab another piece of toilet paper and compress it. I used Witch Hazel with alcohol on this part of the toilet paper to compress it and clean it as well. Witch Hazel is very good for the skin.

4. Once you are done with compressing it (do this for however much time you have) then put lotion on the spot.


This method doesn't scar and actually heals up area within days instead of waiting a week for the acne to maybe go down. It goes from being acne to a little cut, which is much faster for the skin to repair.


Posted : 04/09/2019 10:23 pm

When I received microderbrasion the " dermatologist" with 20 years experience used tweezers on my face. Mind you I had only 3 whiteheads or tiny pimples that I myself didn't see. She scarred my face using the tweezers. I have holes on my face for the rest of my life. I don't even get acne scars. She ruined my face and I've been wishing for years I could confront her.
