Not sure if this is in the right forum so forgive if it isnt but I need a little help with a certain problem thats been bugging me for years now, just wondering if anyone else (males) get the same problem I have and thats neck hairs stuck under the skin, Ive had this problem for as long as I can remember and its destroying my skin eventually, I keep getting the same hairs stuck under the skin then I have to pick them out from under the skin with a tooth pick or something sharp which then causes the skin to tear/bleed and this is basically a rinse repeat cycle as those same hairs come back again (Im assuming the follicle still remains so the hair just grows again) Ive tried leaving the hairs alone but then I just get red lumps from where the hair is stuck and it gets horrible, anyone else experienced this same thing, Im not sure if Im doing something wrong or its an actual condition but its proper getting me down as when Ive got a few hairs and Ive been on a picking session my neck looks horrendous sometimes worse than when I used to have bad cystic acne there, been thinking of trying to get into a dermatologist but not sure how I go about that, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Sounds like ingrown hairs / razor bumps
The Regimen, especially when combined with glycolic acid, prevents them entirely for most people. It's just a little annoying because it can bleach fabric, like collars, but it works like a charm, especially when you add in AHA.
Thanks for your reply, the thing is I dont really get any acne on my neck area anymore so I dont think I need to do the regimen just need something to combat the hairs as Im constantly picking and its a vicious circle thats been going on too long now, thing is I dont get this problem on my face its just the neck area and its the same culprits every time, like the same hairs as Im guessing Im plucking them out and there just regrowing but they dont grow out the skin its like they get stuck under the skin all the time so then Im picking the same ones constantly like I said like a vicious cycle, would you still suggest the same products you have already suggested now hearing this or maybe all the other products minus the regimen stuff like the (BP)?.
For whatever reason, the exact same Regimen clears up ingrown hairs. But yeah, same Regimen with BP. It works. Also, add in AHA after a month or so to make it totally foolproof and stay completely clear.
Or...start clipping your beard instead of shaving, and don't go too close. That way you can prevent the ingrown hairs as well.
@dan is there possible that we pluck the ingrown hairs? Because I face similar issue but I don't want to use any kind of liquid solution. As I feel itchy
No, you can't pluck them. They are underneath the skin and if you try to dig in there you could create bigger issues or scar.
However, sometimes, if the hair does poke out, then absolutely, you can grab it and pull it out at that point, but it has to be obviously poking out.