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Aczone, Finacea And Ziana Combo With Sumadan Wash...wowza!


Posted : 02/04/2012 4:32 pm

my forehead cleared before anything else did... how odd

I just ahd a peek at your gallery. I didn't realise how nice your skin actually was.

I am sure the camera softens things but your skin is definately the type where I think most people probably don't notice.

You have stuck to this so well! Not long till the 4 month mark!!


Strange indeed. Thank you for the compliment. Unfortunately, the pictures make the acne look much better than it really is. I have a really light complexion and any inflammed bumps are pretty apparent, not to mention several. You all have made it easier to stick with this so once again ....thank you! i am working on my diet in addition to following this regimen so hopefully diet will pick up where topicals leave off. If in a few weeks i notice that nothing has changed, i just may try Paleo.

in the meantime, im trying to keep my spirits up as a i realise that i have so many other great things going for me

Oh Sasch, I can relate. I have tried so many topicals and oral antibiotic since age 13 and I have given up each time. I've had some days when my face looks and feels a hot mess, but I don't stress it. I'm still applying all the Rx Dr. Q prescribed and I think its working--I just wish I knew whcih Rx was responsible for the improvement, but with all the ones I'm using its hard to tell. I completely understand your frustrations with acne. I feel just as frustrated, but I try my best from letting it bring me down--remember a smile is the best accessory and overpowers any pimple... so cheer up!

I had an acne facial this morning and all I can say is Wow! The esthetician extracted a ton of junk from my face and it looks and feels so clean. I'm still a bit swollen, but that's to be expected after a facial. Dermatologist aren't found of facials, but I don't see any other way of extracting blackheads and deep pore impurities. I will continue to follow Dr. Q's regimen, but I will also get a facial regularly.

I've been looking into Microdermabrasion and may give it a try some time in the future. Have you tried Micro before? I'd like to hear some experiences.


Jenn, thanks for the great advice. I try not to make acne the forefront of my life as i have so many other great things going for me. I am letting things take their course and reading up about the different approaches to acne (nutritional, supplements, etc). In any event, the derm will better be able to advise me as to my next steps.

I have had great success with acne facials in regards to blackheads (once they're removed then the topicals should continue to keep those pores clear). Not so good though for inflammation. My inflammed pimples actually worsened unfortunately. Also you want to be careful with any procedure that is not super gentle on your skin as your skin is going to become more fragile the longer you are on a retinoid. Can't wait to hear more about your progress and please continue to keep in touch!

You might benefit from having a day off of everything. I sometimes do this when my skins inflamed. I don't touch it at all, and things usually look better smile.png remember how many chemicals you are putting on your face, a day off from will let it breath and it helps to restore the natural balance of oil


Thanks N Clare, the inflammation is not unbearable but it is gross looking and itchy off and on. I definitely put less topical on when that happens. I however may take your advice when inflammation does become unbearable. How's the modified regimen going? I looked at your gallery and i definitely see an improvement. The next few months should hopefully go smoothly for you. Keeping my fingers crossed for the both of us.


Posted : 02/05/2012 7:51 am

As i chug to the three month mark next week Saturday, i am feeling sad about my acne. The timing of these huge, inflammed bumps leaves little to be desired. If this has been weeks or even 1-2 months into treatment, i could chalk it up to an initial outbreak but now i'm like, WTF. And now with the spontaneous itching on my face and body, my mind is going into over drive.


Is it an allergic reaction?


Am i intolerant to something i ate?


What the hell is going on?


Add to that, i am starting an elimination diet based on my food sensitivity test and needless to say, i hate having to go through this waiting game again. After giving up gluten and dairy for a month and seeing no improvements in my acne (despite my test showing that i was intolerant to both), lets just say my faith in diet is somewhat shook (but i plan on following through for at least 2 weeks - in addition to what i have eliminated, no eggs and no oats).


I just don't know what to do anymore. eusa_wall.gif


Keep me in your thoughts guys. I have a feeling that i will be venting ALOT this week.


Posted : 02/06/2012 8:36 pm

UPDATE: So my acne still sucks. I decided that i will go see a naturopathic doctor because in additon to acne, i also need assistance with my prediabetes, gut issues and mysterious rashes/hives/itching that has been plaguing me for a while. I think overall that this regimen was a FAIL for me and i am looking forward to just giving the topicals and my skin a break. I see the Dr next week Tue so i will continue to use my topicals until then. I will go to my follow up next week Friday and see what my derm says. May ask for a prescription for something else and hold unto it just in case the natural thing doesn't work out.


I will keep updating until i stop my regimen completely and will then most likely start another log in the holisitic section.


It sucks that i have nothing better to report.


I want to thank all of you for really being supportive of me during this journey - it's been more amazing than words can explain.


Please continue to stop by!


Posted : 02/07/2012 6:05 pm



I'm sorry this is so frustrating for you and I know.. I have made the same decision myself in the past.


I remember trying to eliminate things from my diet and I really od believe food can be used to heal BUT I do think it has its limits...


I was recently diagnosed with endometriosis and thats taught me a valuable lesson and I want to share it with you


There are some things we cannot change, endometriosis is a condition which I was genetically predisposed to from birth.

When I was a child I did not have the symptoms because I had not started releasing the hormones which cause it but once I was 17 I began to experience alot of pain.


This was caused by my body releaseing hormones which to you and many other women just results in a period.

My tissue responds differently, my tissue responds by releasing and implanting womb lining outside of the womb... onto my bowels and other areas in my pelvic cavity.


My body has a condition, it is not caused by anything but being what it is... this has always been a part of me... a potential and as long as I have my genetics it will always be a part of me...... I can change my lifestyle... eat better... do more yoga...... destress... get enough sleep.... and I will have improvements in my symptoms.


but I will always be someone who has endometriosis..... my body reacts the way it does because it is what it is.... food doesn't make me have acne, stress doesn't make me have acne, the direction of the wind doesn't make me have acne... its just how my body reacts to being itself.... but I can effect it with lifestyle... I can effect it with food/sleep etc and medication can and HAS cleared people... I have seen very few people clear themselves with the natural method (and those that do.... it seems to control their every movement, every mouthful and every moment)



Acne has alot of parallels with this... I think because we see our skin get better... worse... better... it is difficult to understand and accept that acne simply is part of how our bodies react to the world and themselves.


I am a FIRM believer in natural healing, trust me I am passionate about it and I have spent years reading about it. I practice it.... but


You have just dedicated 3 months of your life to discovering if this regimen will clear your skin and you have known from the start that your skin would not be clear until 6 months or so into it. I believe that you owe it to yourself... the girl who first sat down after going to the doctors and sai... well all of the following things:



"I am a 28 year old woman who is back to using topicals in order to try and control my acne versus curing it."

"topicals work or don't work slowly"

"i got to work on my patience"

"...But like everything else in life - victory tastes sweeter when you have to struggle to achieve it"

"everything is a process and i just have to roll with the punches"

"I am such an impatient person and i want results like yesterday..."

"Taking it day by day and realizing that my acne could be worse and that in my minds eye, it is bigger to me than it is to everyone else"

"I'm proud of myself for sticking with it this long without quitting....i guess i really am developing my patience."

"The most noticeable improvement is the texture of my skin which to me seems smoother. This process is definitely dragging but i am finding myself focusing on other things beside my face which is a good thing."

"This year i vow to only look in the mirror when i apply my products and not get super close to examine each bump."

"Hmmmm, now that i think about it - 4 months is not that far off!"


Posted : 02/07/2012 6:37 pm

You know, based on your pictures from a few days ago, I reckon your skin's looking great!

I'd consider sticking with the regimen or at least not making wholesale changes yet. Rather, I might be more inclined to alter a few things slightly, see if there's anything you could do a bit better. 'Better' probably isn't the right word, but I often found that I'd almost got things right yet wasn't quite there. Perhaps you could stick with this for now, make sure things your diet is as good as it can be in terms of avoiding any known triggers and so on, see what ideas you get on the naturopathic side of things and if there's anything in that area that you can implement as well. Nothing to lose by giving things a little longer and making certain. Totally down to you of course, but certainly don't discount the work you've put in, the progress you've made and what you've learned so far about your skin on this regimen. It's all pieces of the puzzle and it's all a step closer to your goal. :)


Posted : 02/07/2012 6:46 pm

Crystal.....i definitely don't think that you are being preachy and i appreciate that you have taken the time to sit down, think about what you want to say and actually take the time to write this post. That was incredible sweet and thoughtful of you. I have had this same conversation with myself as to continue or give up and i am undecided. My concern is not just the acne, but other issue i am experiencing. I definitely think my body needs some direction and my regular dr's are not taking me seriously so i want to go to someone who will. In regards to my actual regimen, my face is not just broken out, it feels as it did in the early part of treatment (itchy, red, flaky) and the thought of having to have that uncomfortable feeling indefinitely is just painful both physically and emotionally. Also, regardless of progress, i was going to ask for an alternative to Ziana as it has a topical antibiotic attached and i am a person that is susceptable to bacterial resistance.


I guess what i am saying is that i don't know where to go from here but my regimen as is is just not for me - it definitely needs some tweaking. As i said, i am going to my derm next Friday to see what she suggests and i will decide then what to do. I have never really given holistic a try so i don't know whethe or not it will make a difference. In regards to diet and acne - i see how strict people are and now that i am prediabetic, for my life and health, that is just a change that i have to make (unless i want to become a full blown diabetic).


I agree with you though that some things just are and we must live with them (i am so sorry to hear about your endometriosis -i was just talking about it with my co-worker today as she has the same condition). In any event, there is no harm in me getting a non-medical opinion and seeing what else is out there.


Thank you so much for your continous words of encouragement and i will continue to post until a final decision is made.


You know, based on your pictures from a few days ago, I reckon your skin's looking great!

I'd consider sticking with the regimen or at least not making wholesale changes yet. Rather, I might be more inclined to alter a few things slightly, see if there's anything you could do a bit better. 'Better' probably isn't the right word, but I often found that I'd almost got things right yet wasn't quite there. Perhaps you could stick with this for now, make sure things your diet is as good as it can be in terms of avoiding any known triggers and so on, see what ideas you get on the naturopathic side of things and if there's anything in that area that you can implement as well. Nothing to lose by giving things a little longer and making certain. Totally down to you of course, but certainly don't discount the work you've put in, the progress you've made and what you've learned so far about your skin on this regimen. It's all pieces of the puzzle and it's all a step closer to your goal. smile.png



Posted : 02/08/2012 2:27 pm

Also, regardless of progress, i was going to ask for an alternative to Ziana as it has a topical antibiotic attached and i am a person that is susceptable to bacterial resistance.

This sounds like a good idea

Its good that you have gotten to know your body well and its also good that you are sddressing your health aswell, that can only help your skin out.

I remember when I started reading about insulin resistance I went out and bought diabetic recipe/guide books because we could all be alot healthier if we all ate like diabetics'. It certainly will help you resist becoming fully diabetic and should help your skin.

This link may be of interest to you -

A woman in australia did a Phd on how diet can affect acne:;ID=c1evno1se3m6;STATUS=A

My research found that a low-GI diet significantly reduced acne lesion counts when compared with the conventional high-carb, high-GI Western diet.............Those on the low-GI diet reduced facial acne by 50 per cent, and showed improvements in their self-esteem and overall wellbeing, Dr Smith said.

the jist is: A diet designed to fight acne should contain minimally refined carbohydrate-based foods and include a wide variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, lean meats, fish and seafood.

I wish you much luck and I will be checking back to see how you do, you have clearly thought this through.. I am sorry that your doctors aren;t taking you seriously... Hopefully you can assert yourself when you go see them this time and adjust your regimen to one that works for you xx


Posted : 02/08/2012 7:05 pm

Thanks Crystal. i am amazed at all the good advice that you give! You really are a sweet heart. I definitely plan on being assertive with my doctor this next visit as i have done my research and i know what my face likes/doesn't like. I have been gluten and dairy free for over a month and still no change in the fequency of breakouts :-( I also have cut wayyyyy back on carbs (right now i only consume quinoa as an intolerance test says i am moderately sensitive to oats- not sure if i believe that but plan to follow it just in case). In any event, i am not giving up on trying to find a hapy medium with my acne.


Posted : 02/09/2012 8:41 am

I'll have to see if I can create a phone app or something, I assume that would be easier than working out how to shrink me. I can't currently fit in someone's pocket but I don't take up too much space and might be able to get inside a suitcase. If you'd be happy to walk around all day with me inside a suitcase, I'll drop by. lol.gif


Honestly though, I just call it as I see it and I know what it's like when you feel you're at a dead end. I was at a total loss about ten months ago and I really didn't know what else to do. I was kind of blinkered at the time as my knowledge didn't extent too far beyond antibiotics, all of which I'd already done by the bucket-load, but still, to the best of my knowledge I was out of options. Fast-forward less than a year and my skin's doing great most of the time thanks to what I learned about my diet and how I could control things that way.


Of course, you said that you'd cut quite a bit out but still haven't really seen the results you would have hoped for. Even so, I don't think you're doing things wrong as such. You might be on the right track, just in need of another piece of information to solve the puzzle. The Naturopath might be the key because they should be able to check your bodies functionality and spot signs of any deficiencies, etc.. If they can put a report together and explain things to you, like the sort of explanations I got when I took an intolerance/nutrition.deficiency test, they can tailor things to best suit you and essentially say, "This is what your body is/isn't doing, here's why that's happening, and here's how to improve the situation." I think they'll also listen to you and pay attention to the fact that you're trying to listen to your body because that's their thing isn't it. Doctor's don't look at things that way and that's most likely why you've encountered resistance there before and why you feel you'd really need to be forceful in order to get your point across.


I'd look forward to finding out what the Naturopath comes up with because I'd bet that's going to provide a turning point for sure. smile.png


Posted : 02/09/2012 5:34 pm

I'll have to see if I can create a phone app or something, I assume that would be easier than working out how to shrink me. I can't currently fit in someone's pocket but I don't take up too much space and might be able to get inside a suitcase. If you'd be happy to walk around all day with me inside a suitcase, I'll drop by. lol.gif

Honestly though, I just call it as I see it and I know what it's like when you feel you're at a dead end. I was at a total loss about ten months ago and I really didn't know what else to do. I was kind of blinkered at the time as my knowledge didn't extent too far beyond antibiotics, all of which I'd already done by the bucket-load, but still, to the best of my knowledge I was out of options. Fast-forward less than a year and my skin's doing great most of the time thanks to what I learned about my diet and how I could control things that way.

Of course, you said that you'd cut quite a bit out but still haven't really seen the results you would have hoped for. Even so, I don't think you're doing things wrong as such. You might be on the right track, just in need of another piece of information to solve the puzzle. The Naturopath might be the key because they should be able to check your bodies functionality and spot signs of any deficiencies, etc.. If they can put a report together and explain things to you, like the sort of explanations I got when I took an intolerance/nutrition.deficiency test, they can tailor things to best suit you and essentially say, "This is what your body is/isn't doing, here's why that's happening, and here's how to improve the situation." I think they'll also listen to you and pay attention to the fact that you're trying to listen to your body because that's their thing isn't it. Doctor's don't look at things that way and that's most likely why you've encountered resistance there before and why you feel you'd really need to be forceful in order to get your point across.

I'd look forward to finding out what the Naturopath comes up with because I'd bet that's going to provide a turning point for sure. smile.png


Well Paul, when you get that phone app up and running, i'll be the first to make a purchase teehee.gif

I hope it all works out but you are right, i may be on the right track but i just need that push to set things into motion. I am paying out of pocket to see her but for my blood work, she's goingt to send me to someone who will take my insurance so thats a relief. I am greatful to have the meas to afford to work with someone who has a holistic view of things and i'm hoping she will be able to pinpoint areas in my current regimen that are lacking (deficiencies, etc). I will definitely keep updating and posting because if this information could help someone else, that would most definitely make my dayhifive.gif .

Thanks fore listening and i am happy to hear that you are making good progress on your journey. You certainly deserve it!


Posted : 02/11/2012 9:50 am

WEEK 12 - 3 Month Mark


So i have finally reached the 3 month mark and i am ready to reevaluate my regimen. When i started this process, i was hoping to stand here and say that YES- Something finally worked! Unfortunately, that has not been the case. These 3 months have been more down than up and definitely more down in the last month or so. I have definitely kept going because i wanted to give this regimen a fair shot and through the encouragement of the org and all of you guys that have checked in and posted here (i don't know how i would have ever been able to get through this otherwise).


My face as it stand today - 3 months later.


More oily

More uneven skin tone

Getting more inflammed, under the skin bumps hard, red, but generally not painful)

Breaking out in places that i never used to break out in before (cheeks, side of nose)

More recently (past week or so), getting bumps that develop whiteheads (it's been months since i've had those).

Acne that itches like crazy (mainly on right chin)!


All in all, i am not in a good place right now


I go see a naturopath on Tuedsay and my dermatologist on Friday. Hoping the naturopath can run a few tests and point me in the right direction in terms of what i can do with my diet, balance hormones, vitamins, etc. As for the derm, not feeling very encouraged. I am definitely going to ask her to changed Ziana and to cut me back to possibly 2 prescriptions versus the 4 i take now (my face cannot handle it).


I will update soon and let you know what comes next in my acne journey.


No picture updates this week as camera is on the fritz.


Posted : 02/11/2012 1:23 pm

Well done for making it this far! biggrin.png


Its a shame that your skin is worse than when you started out, we did always wonder if being on that many medications was a good idea so I think your idea of cutting it down to fewer is a good one. I can definately vouch for that as I just use one but I use it twice a day and my skin got smooth so I hope yours does the same.


If you end up using more of the fewer medications this could be more effective as it gives your skin a chance to adjust to the medications and gives you medication at a level that may be more effective... Your poor skin probably feels like its being ganged up on at the mo xx


I hope your naturopath can point you in some useful directions, if you can help prevent unnessisary acne with diet AND promote quicker healing of acne using natural methods that can only help you


Good luck!! xx


Posted : 02/11/2012 4:53 pm

Well done for making it this far! biggrin.png

Its a shame that your skin is worse than when you started out, we did always wonder if being on that many medications was a good idea so I think your idea of cutting it down to fewer is a good one. I can definately vouch for that as I just use one but I use it twice a day and my skin got smooth so I hope yours does the same.

If you end up using more of the fewer medications this could be more effective as it gives your skin a chance to adjust to the medications and gives you medication at a level that may be more effective... Your poor skin probably feels like its being ganged up on at the mo xx

I hope your naturopath can point you in some useful directions, if you can help prevent unnessisary acne with diet AND promote quicker healing of acne using natural methods that can only help you

Good luck!! xx


Thanks Crystal for being so supportive. I suspected for a while that 4 was a bit too much but i wanted to follow my derms instructions to a T. now i know better. I'm hoping too that the naturopath can help me with diet, hormones, whatever it is i need. I know that this will be a loooooong process but if i can get healthier in the long run, then i am all for it. Wish me luck!!!!


Posted : 02/12/2012 12:51 am

Hey Sasch!


I haven't been in the forum for a while--school and work keeps me super busy,


I have followed the regimen as directed since December 18, 2011. I saw improvement during the first month, my skin is smoother than it was when I started. I haven't experienced any major outbreaks, but on a few occassions I have woke up with small red bumps along my jawline. My face is dry around my nose and mouth and my forehead and chin are super oily.


The acne facial I had last week was very helpful. The esthetician was able to get rid of a ton of blackheads. The morning after the facial I had small scabs and red spots. I freaked out thinking that I would end up with blemishes. The scabs washed off in 2 days and no marks were left behind.


This week I feel like I've been at a standstill nothing new has happened. I'm wondering if the effectiveness of the meds have twindled as I feel has happened in the past. I'm not sure what to think about the regimen and I don't have an appointment with our derm until March. I'll continue using the meds until then, if I don't see an improvement I too will asking for a change.


What a tough battle this is.


Posted : 02/12/2012 8:11 am

Hey Sasch!

I haven't been in the forum for a while--school and work keeps me super busy,

I have followed the regimen as directed since December 18, 2011. I saw improvement during the first month, my skin is smoother than it was when I started. I haven't experienced any major outbreaks, but on a few occassions I have woke up with small red bumps along my jawline. My face is dry around my nose and mouth and my forehead and chin are super oily.

The acne facial I had last week was very helpful. The esthetician was able to get rid of a ton of blackheads. The morning after the facial I had small scabs and red spots. I freaked out thinking that I would end up with blemishes. The scabs washed off in 2 days and no marks were left behind.

This week I feel like I've been at a standstill nothing new has happened. I'm wondering if the effectiveness of the meds have twindled as I feel has happened in the past. I'm not sure what to think about the regimen and I don't have an appointment with our derm until March. I'll continue using the meds until then, if I don't see an improvement I too will asking for a change.

What a tough battle this is.


So true...tough battlle indeed. Well i strongly encourage you to do the whole 3 months just so you're sure it was or was not right for you as 2 months is not enough time to make a decision. i was never comfortable with the whole idea of Ziana from the very beginning because it does have an antibiotic which at some point may develop resistant. But keep at it and here's hoping for the best with you. I see her on Friday and i will definitely be more assertive, asking her for a change. Atralin seems to have worked for a few people and may be a viable option for me as i don't want a combo retinoid/antibiotic mix or a medication/benzoyl peroxide mix. Acne sucks hardcore and it is a loooooong process that doesn't take u down a straigh path. I'm glad the outside procedures are having a positive effect on you. If it works for your skin, keep at it.

I am going to see a naturopath on Tuesday to get some insight as to what i can do internally to get my body in gear (as i strongly believe acne originates from within but manifests on the outside). Whatever information i receive, i will pass it on.

Talk to you soon


Posted : 02/12/2012 12:33 pm

Good luck!!!banana.gifbanana.gif


Posted : 02/14/2012 6:21 am


Just thought I would forward you this other thread I found. Some ppl have had good results using this method and I thought you might be interested as you are keen on diet etc.

I myself have started this because I have had terrible digestion for a number of years and I suspect that it is a contributor to my acne. I eat very healthily and keep my diet varied and balanced and my stomach and intestines are still always complaining! I figured out that I was lactose intolerant a few years ago which helped things dramatically but my tummy still gets bloated and has funny noises etc. I read this post about taking fiber along with probiotics, the guy suggests taking a multivitamin everyday as well but I, like you, already take many supplements so I just continued to take my own ones. I figured anything that could help me to become more 'regular' would probably help. Its taken a few weeks for things to move properly but I think im there and am hoping to see the benefits soon.

Anyway I thought it might be useful for you to read.

Lots of love, and chin up ;) x


Posted : 02/14/2012 8:44 pm

Just thought I would forward you this other thread I found. Some ppl have had good results using this method and I thought you might be interested as you are keen on diet etc.

I myself have started this because I have had terrible digestion for a number of years and I suspect that it is a contributor to my acne. I eat very healthily and keep my diet varied and balanced and my stomach and intestines are still always complaining! I figured out that I was lactose intolerant a few years ago which helped things dramatically but my tummy still gets bloated and has funny noises etc. I read this post about taking fiber along with probiotics, the guy suggests taking a multivitamin everyday as well but I, like you, already take many supplements so I just continued to take my own ones. I figured anything that could help me to become more 'regular' would probably help. Its taken a few weeks for things to move properly but I think im there and am hoping to see the benefits soon.

Anyway I thought it might be useful for you to read.

Lots of love, and chin up wink.png x


Thanks N. Clare! I have heard about this too.....will look more into it.

Good luck!!!banana.gifbanana.gif


Thanks Crystal!


My visit to the naturopath:

Well, my visit to the naturopath was an interesting one. Like everything else, it is a try and see procedure. She looked over my blood work and said that the only thing she was concerned about was my low cholestoral which could mean that my extreme stress and anxiety could be interfering with adrenal function. She complimented me on my diet and told me to stick with it as it takes time. She did recommend detox with

Green Food Powder

Milk Thistle


She also said to try grapefruit seed extract as a toner (works as a topical antibiotic), a basic (non acne) cleanser and to continue topicals as quittting cold turkey would most likely freak my skin out and stress me out more feeding into the whole adrenal fatigue thing.

I was surprised about the topical bit but it makes sense. I am seeing my derm Friday and i plan on asking for a switch from Ziana (non negotiable). I also will not use more than 2 topicals because frankly, my skin feels like shit.

I have heard scary things about detoxing with milk thistle and dandelion but its just something i'll have to get over....hoping it works. Will see her in 1 month for more testing and reevaluation.

Oh, she also gave me my first ever accupuncture session which was ok - not impressed but we'll see.

My goal now is to focus less on my acne on a day to day basis and work on reducing stress....we'll see how that works out. I will update Friday/Saturday with the change in topical information.


Posted : 02/17/2012 8:37 pm



Hey all! If you're still reading, my regimen has drastically changed. I went in for my follow up 3 month appt with my dermatologist. She seemed unconcerned and was unsure of where to go next. Long story short, i told her that 4 topicals was WAY too much for my skin and that i definitely wanted to change my retinoid. She said ok and gave me samples of Atralin (tretinoin .05%) with little to no instructions (thank God for you guys or else i would not know how to apply this stuff). I will continue to use the Aczone in the A.M. since it is an anti inflammatory and the atralin in the P.M. I have to say i am TERRIFIED of the initial breakout that can last WEEKS and MONTHS. But i can't worry about the what if's. I am also seeing a naturopath who is attacking my acne through detox which will no doubt cause a flare up. I plan to continue documenting my journey through this log and pictures. For more on my holistic approach (working on the internal), please stop by my other log (link below)


Posted : 02/17/2012 9:05 pm

Sounds like things are kind of up in the air at the moment, but I guess you'll get to see what influence the Naturopath's recommendations have soon enough.

You're quite right about the topicals by the way, there's no need at all for four. I'm not a doctor or a dermatologist, obviously, but my thinking would be you'd never quite know how well each one was working, which was giving the best results or if any of them were making things worse. To my mind, that number of topicals would only cause more problems than it solves. In that respect, I'd be all for cutting back and just using the Aczone and Atralin.


I've been using Isotex Isotretinoin gel for longer than I can remember now. Think I first got that back when I was on Lymecycline. I did nine months of that, then had a couple of months off before starting Doxycycline. That was six months ago so I guess I first started using the gel about a year and a half ago. For a lot of that time I only used it as an on-the-spot treatment. I was too scared to use it as directed. My doctor told me I should apply it daily to the worst areas, let it purge my skin and then bring everything under control over time. It's the same kind of process one might experience on oral Isotretinoin I guess.

My biggest problem was picking my skin and popping pimples and the gel actually did a lot to help me combat that because it stopped pimples in their tracks and started healing them before they'd even really fully formed, meaning I had less chance to get at them and make a mess of them. Prior to using the gel, the average time from a pimple forming to going away was maybe eight days, then with the gel I got that entire process down to about four days because the pimples were being dried out right away.

Even though the gel was helping a lot, I knew that I wasn't getting the best out of it because I wasn't applying to whole areas and letting it draw everything out. I gave in around last October and used it as directed on my nose and cheeks. I had very minor initial breakouts in those areas using it that way and then once they died down, my skin started behaving differently. It was still breaking out in those areas on a regular basis, but it wasn't so bad and they healed twice as fast.


I understand where you're coming from with fearing an initial breakout and all but it's certainly worth applying it to any problem areas on a daily basis and letting it bring things under control. Just start out with small amounts - and I mean small amounts - and as long as it's concentrated only on problem areas, it's unlikely you'll break out elsewhere. That's how it went for me anyway.




Posted : 02/18/2012 8:11 am

Im glad youve switched to a more simple routine of topicals :) Youve got everything you need in those 2 anyways.

I have recently been using 100% tea tree oil as a toner (diluted a bit with water) and im really impressed with how quickly it heals spots! literally I had a big swollen one on my temple last night and today its just a mark! Seems to be a good combo with my retinoid.

If I can clear my skin ANYONE can! lol... and im getting there! x


Posted : 02/18/2012 9:46 am

Day 1



So last night was my first night applying Atralin. It didn't burn or sting but it's still early. I am going to be using it every other night for the first week so that my skin can get used to it and hopefully the dryness that i experience after washing my face can hava a chance to disapate. I posted pics in My Gallery showing my skin today. Doesn't look too bad in the pictures but the feeling of y skin is grainy and forehead is breaking out again. A few inflammed bumps here and there but nothing like the last week where i had several bumps on my chin. Chin/Mouth area still has undergrounders but they are not showing ......yet. I am steeling for an initial outbreak but curious to know if i'll still get one because i have been on Ziana.....hmmm, i guess i'll just have to wait and see.


I have been in a better emotional state of mind this week thinking positive thoughts and only looking in mirrors when i apply my regimen and without my glasses (so i can't see that much). It's helped with the anxiety a lot. The next few months are going to be rough as i have this new regimen, i am going through a stressful time at my job, the naturopath is starting me on a detox and overall life is hectic. Looking forward to the continuing support throughout it all.....Thanks Guys!


Posted : 02/18/2012 2:20 pm

Im glad youve switched to a more simple routine of topicals smile.png Youve got everything you need in those 2 anyways.

I have recently been using 100% tea tree oil as a toner (diluted a bit with water) and im really impressed with how quickly it heals spots! literally I had a big swollen one on my temple last night and today its just a mark! Seems to be a good combo with my retinoid.

If I can clear my skin ANYONE can! lol... and im getting there! x


Thanks for stopping by NClare. Your journey has been long and difficult but i am glad that you finally found a combo that works for you! I am glad for the switch as well. I don't know what to expect from things but hoping for the best.


Posted : 02/18/2012 2:42 pm

Sounds like things are kind of up in the air at the moment, but I guess you'll get to see what influence the Naturopath's recommendations have soon enough.

You're quite right about the topicals by the way, there's no need at all for four. I'm not a doctor or a dermatologist, obviously, but my thinking would be you'd never quite know how well each one was working, which was giving the best results or if any of them were making things worse. To my mind, that number of topicals would only cause more problems than it solves. In that respect, I'd be all for cutting back and just using the Aczone and Atralin.

I've been using Isotex Isotretinoin gel for longer than I can remember now. Think I first got that back when I was on Lymecycline. I did nine months of that, then had a couple of months off before starting Doxycycline. That was six months ago so I guess I first started using the gel about a year and a half ago. For a lot of that time I only used it as an on-the-spot treatment. I was too scared to use it as directed. My doctor told me I should apply it daily to the worst areas, let it purge my skin and then bring everything under control over time. It's the same kind of process one might experience on oral Isotretinoin I guess.

My biggest problem was picking my skin and popping pimples and the gel actually did a lot to help me combat that because it stopped pimples in their tracks and started healing them before they'd even really fully formed, meaning I had less chance to get at them and make a mess of them. Prior to using the gel, the average time from a pimple forming to going away was maybe eight days, then with the gel I got that entire process down to about four days because the pimples were being dried out right away.

Even though the gel was helping a lot, I knew that I wasn't getting the best out of it because I wasn't applying to whole areas and letting it draw everything out. I gave in around last October and used it as directed on my nose and cheeks. I had very minor initial breakouts in those areas using it that way and then once they died down, my skin started behaving differently. It was still breaking out in those areas on a regular basis, but it wasn't so bad and they healed twice as fast.

I understand where you're coming from with fearing an initial breakout and all but it's certainly worth applying it to any problem areas on a daily basis and letting it bring things under control. Just start out with small amounts - and I mean small amounts - and as long as it's concentrated only on problem areas, it's unlikely you'll break out elsewhere. That's how it went for me anyway.



Thanks for the encouragement Paul. Two instead of 4 works for me. Also, my naturopath gave me a grapefruit seed extract to use as a toner but i'll wait till i am acclimated to the Atralin before i add something new. You are right about the initial breakout - no point in worrying, nothing to do but go ahead and do it. Your journey has been very inspiring to me and yes, i do plan on seeing this through the end.


Posted : 02/18/2012 11:50 pm

Hey, thank you for posting such a detailed account of your experience with this regimen. I happened to come across this post/site while researching Ziana, and as it turns out we have the same derm and now I'm on the same regimen you started with. Long story short: I am 22 and have had fairly minor to moderate acne since my adolescence, and all of a sudden, within the past 2 months or so, I've started getting horrible red, inflamed, painful cystic acne (mostly on my cheeks and chin) unlike anything I've ever had before, so now I'm totally miserable.


It's only been a week but my acne has gotten exponentially worse :[ I'm going to have a follow-up in a month, but I don't know if I have your patience to stick it out as long as you did, especially since I've never had acne quite this severe. I hate to say it, but it kind of makes me doubt Dr. Q... like, is this just her go-to regimen she puts people on? I hope it does something for me because I hate wearing soooo much makeup every day :[


Best of luck and thanks for sharing!


