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Starting Dianette


Posted : 06/30/2011 7:36 am

day 22


seriously upset


went to get my prescription and theyre having a "manufacturing problem" @


i went to boots and they had the 5.0 bp but wouldnt let me have it as i had a prescription for the 2.0 bp


i went back to the doctors and they said that it might not be done till tomorrow, but to ring at 5 o'clock to check




why not just get it sorted for me then and there?! why the fuck should i have to wait another day when you could so easily just go and get my doctor to give me a new prescription


but no, things arent that easy are they! ive already had more spots coming up, and its only been 24 hours, and its only gonna get worse


my boyfriend is coming to stay tonight, and im so upset, after all the 3 weeks of effort i put in for when he came to stay, its all being undone in the space of a day due to other peoples mistakes


its so UNFAIR. really dont know what to do now, im pretty much just breaking down right now


Posted : 06/30/2011 2:02 pm

still day 22


ok so had a bit of an episode earlier, but i got some good news and my prescription for the 5.0 cream was authorized so ive got that now


little bit worried as its stronger than what im used to, but hopefully i wont get anymore redness or dryness than i already have, but i'll write back later on that subject


skin doesnt seem to have flared up anymore, ive got 1 spot thats kind of in a state of medium size, but with concealer on you can't really see it unless you know its there, hopefully not using the bp hasnt done to much damage, but my skin doesnt seem to have gotten much worse so hopefully thats the Diannette's doing!



ill write later for anyone that cares!


Posted : 07/01/2011 5:42 am


From the pictures it looks like your skin is clearing up wonderfully! My doctor said that dianette may take up to 3 months to work but it seems to be helping you pretty quickly. Good luck and I'll be cheering from the sidelines :)


Posted : 07/05/2011 2:53 pm

day 24


ok so havent been able to get on here in a couple of days, but things havent been going well sadly :(


basically i got given the cream, but it doesnt seem to work half as well as the 2.5 gel i was using, and ive had a few breakouts, which leads me to believe that my skin was getting better due to the gel and not the tablets, so the dianette may take longer to kick in :(


everywhere is out of stock of the gel, but i managed to purchase some online which wont be here till next week


its a really tragic outcome because i put in all this effort because im going to a few festivals as off friday and so i wanted to make my life as easy as possible for this, and due to manufacturing issues my skins going back to how it was days before i go


well hopefully i'll get the gel next week and be able to start again


sad times for now :(


Posted : 07/26/2011 7:43 am

Ok so i havent been on here in like 2 weeks


basically i couldnt get hold of the BP gel i was using that was doing wonders for my skin, and i just got so depressed because my skin gradually returned to normal day by day

but i managed to get more 2 weeks ago and my skin has started to get better again :) its annoying because id be completely spot free and only have a couple of mild scars if i hadnt had to start using the cream that didnt work, but whatever ive got the gel again now so its back to square one really


ive only got a couple of mild spots at the moment that are being kept under control and a few new scars from the spots i got while not using the gel, but i'll upload photos soon when im back to the stage i was at when i uploaded last


i had to go through the patchy red stage when i started on the bp again but thankfully im past that now


i'll write again later x


Posted : 07/28/2011 8:46 pm

worked out that its now day 48


its hard to tell what stage im at with all of this because of all the problems i had with my bp manufacturers but ive been on the diannette the whole time


the last couple of days ive had like tiny pimples appear on my skin, nothing really worrying but its just irritating


ive also just washed my face etc and noticed a small spot forming and so made sure i used plenty of bp before going to bed


hopefully this will have made it disappear by tomorrow, but i am worried my skin will be very dry as it had massively improved lately and my skin looked pretty normal



ive got a cold at the moment and have just finished my period so im pretty sure that the sudden pimples are due to that, ive always gotten spots due to these things!


i'll write tomorrow x


Posted : 07/29/2011 8:06 am

ok so day 49

decided to stick some photos up today as my skin has got back to the point now where it was before i had the manufacturing problemo


so here we go






hopefully this is inspirational to a couple of people, my skin was hell back in june which was just over a month ago. I didnt know what to do, but I found this website and Im doing pretty well with it as you can see


If anyones interested in the regimen I follow and things I use then here it is:


Wash face gently with Simple Facewash - I find this is the best ive used thus far as it doesnt irritate my skin and its good for sensitive skin of which I have

Pat face dry with a clean towel - I have separate face towels that I use once and then put in the wash bin, this may be my paranoia about my skin but I never use the same one twice

wash hands and then apply the Benzol Peroxide 2.5 GEL NOT CREAM everywhere where my skin is acne prone, you may want to apply a layer over your entire face but I have localized acne (specifically the chin and sides of face)

wash hands and wait for this to fully dry

then I use simple hydrating moisturizer with a couple of drops of Jojoba Oil added - I add the oil as it helps with the dry skin and flakiness caused by the BP, its non-comedogenic (even dan says this in his plan!)

You can get big bottles of it from holland and barret for ‚£10, sounds expensive but when your only using a couple of drops at a time it lasts ages!



alright so yeah, i'll write later on!











Posted : 09/11/2011 3:02 am

Hey alexxxx - just wondering how things are going for you! I just finished my first pack of diane and am experiencing a pretty bad breakout...I'm hoping things start to clear up soon! You last posted in July so I just thought i'd check in and see how youre doing!! :)


Posted : 10/25/2011 10:51 pm

hey!, i just wondering.. did the dianette eventually worked for you?


Posted : 01/11/2012 6:14 pm

hi there, I have been suffering from acne myself and it never got better..Recently , my Gp put me on diane 35 and its been 3 weeks since then .... I started getting red acne all over my fae , chest and back during the second week . I went to see my GP and she told me that its normal to have some initial breakouts when you start a Birth control pill. Your face seems okay to me because i have seen the worst and i wish it gets better with time. Usually it takes 2-3 months to see the results because your body is reacting to these harmones now, but later it will adapt itself and you will have a clear face.....I wish you all the best and I will also tell you how the progress is going on for I am gonna start with the second pack . Also, you can add green tea to your daily regimen. It has helped me a lot.


gud luck!


Posted : 07/26/2012 3:19 pm

Hi Alex! I took Diane 35 for 14 months. Cleared my extremely severe acne when nothing else did. I got a HORRIBLE initital breakout in the second month which took 4-5 months to clear up. But my face looked SO good on diane and I never had to put any topicals or stick to any diet or exercise regime! Even my scarring and redness were subsiding. I recently stopped it because my ob-gyn told me that my hormonal imbalances would never settle if I continued to take the pill and my acne is coming back really bad :( I'm getting painful cysts which I barely got before. So it's just a warning for you. It seems like a miracle drug but be careful. My derm told me that my acne would not come back after I stopped the pill and yet here I am with acne once again :(

I wish you all the best and stay strong :)


Posted : 06/06/2013 11:09 am

Hey guys,

Sorry I havent been on here in absolutely ages! Basically my skin cleared up completely and I was really happy with it, still got the odd spot but it was nothing that worried me at all

Now is a different story, I've had a really stressful year so far and my skin is acting up again, its really upsetting me and stressing me out after all of the hard work that I put in in 2009, Im having to go the doctors again because dianette and BP dont seem to be doing the trick anymore at all. There is also still an ongoing manufacturing problem with 2.5% BP and I had to get 10% as it was the only one available, but now thats also impossible to get hold of so im now on something called DUAC gel which ive gotta say so far is completely useless! All its done so far is made my skin feel tight and dry, but still allows new spots to form and doesnt do anything to dry up existing ones.

so yeah pretty depressed right now, especially as im now 22 and not 19 anymore. fml.
