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Tips On Getting A Healthy, Acne Free Face And Gently Repairing Scars/ Skin Damage


Posted : 10/20/2012 9:52 pm

Recommendation: 100% ORGANIC TEA TREE OIL (brand recommended: Thursday Plantation) is great to use to keep skin supple, hydrated and acne free. PLEASE TEST ON YOUR SKIN FIRST. It can be VERY POWERFUL and too strong for some skin types (i.e. you might need only a little if your skin is fragile or hyper sensitive). Test a small patch first for 24hrs. Personally, I apply it over my face, neck & decollatage at night and morning time (avoiding the eye area - I apply pure 100% vitamin e serum instead around my eyes) and have seen Tea Tree oil do WONDERS for my skin texture. It provides great skin conditioning at a cellular level, makes my skin cells turn over faster (i.e. I sometimes peel lightly after using it for several days at high concentrations), calms red pigmentation (left over from severe benzoyl peroxide damage) and it's proven to prevent/ stop skin cancer according to a university study. NOTE: Please use this powerful essentail oil sparingly once you have your skin condition under control. It's also great for burns, tinea, skin infections, insect bites, cold sores etc.


Posted : 11/07/2012 10:41 pm


IMPORTANT UPDATE: 8 Nov 2012 I have begun to erase my red marks & hyperpigmented (skin plus deeply moisterize my skin damaged skin so that it's 95% healed) by using NIVEA CREME (IN THE BLUE TIN, GERMAN VERSION) .



Posted : 03/29/2013 10:30 pm


Update: March 2013


Key tips:


Clear acne:


A) Eat alkaline vegan, wholefoods, mostly raw, organic, unprocessed natural foods: Lots of fruit & vegetables (i.e. strawberries, lemons, limes, avocado, carrot, baked potato with the jacket) and fresh juices with carrot, beetroot, apple. And Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, coriander, continental parsley etc. Superfoods like unhulled Tahini, spirulina, flaxseed oil, 100% virgin pure organic coconut oil, chia seeds, quinoa, super greens, lentils, chickpeas, tempeh, kale, chlorella. A good & complete multi vitamin/mineral.


B) Detox: i.e. Drink clay detox drink for a week as directed; take 1 charcoal tablet (see health food store) for a week; go to a sauna and sweat out toxins every week for a month; exercise every second or 3rd day for 1/2 hour and then at least weekly; eat coriander/ continental parsely salad with fresh lemon juice, mixed nuts/ seeds, flaxseed oil, sea salt, hummus.


C) Drink only natural alkaline spring water or fresh fruit/ vegetable juice.


D) Treat acne with natural sea salt wash with water once a day until clear. Place 100% Australian tea tree oil all over face daily to prevent break-out. Add 100% essential lavender oil to individual whiteheads (too drying to place all over skin).


E) Meditate, get sunshine daily - just don't burn (vitamin D without sunscreen), sleep in a cool and dark room and get at least 8 hours of regular sleep nightly. Do things that make you happy smile.png Surround yourself with positive, caring and supportive people!


Clear acne scarring & rough skin texture - moderate to severe: see


A) Once you have gotten the acne under contol, start using glycolic acid peels at least weekly for a month or two. Start low i.e. 15% or 20%. If you have mature or very damaged skin, work your way over 6 months to 35%. Don't go higher or you will burn your skin. I went up to 50% and made new scars on my cheek! However, it did help my molted, severly damaged forehead skin. So stick with glycolic acid 35% or under.


B) Start skin rolling/ needling daily or weekly. Only on damaged skin and acne free skin either night/ day or both. Just don't over do it. Give your skin a rest for a month to remodel itself and build collegen. Use Steiva-A or Retin-A at night or every other night i.e. .05% (along with Clear Skin Care's Clear Skin formulation with 2% hydroquonine...use only if you have severe brown spots/ discolouration, and only use a maximum for 2-3 months. This is a toxic substance). In the morning, gently skin roll/ needle and add copper serum by Clear Skin Care. Your skin will go red but after one week of using the Steive-A and Copper serum with skin needling, your skin will start to remodel, pores will shrink and scars will start to heal over DRAMATICALLY! Keep doing this for a number of months until skin completely heals. You can use Retin-A/ Steiva-A at night and Copper Serum in the morning every so often as general maintenence.


C) If you have deep scars or wrinkles, get the smallest saftey pin you can. Wash it under hot water. Then on a clean face, use a mirror in good natural light to start pricking your deep scars and wrinkles gently but enough to let very small droplets of blood to form. Leave a little space between the pricking so you don't prick the entire site. This allows some skin to remain in tact and encourage better, more even healing. Do this when you have 3 days free so the small scabs can form and naturally fall off. Don't pick off the small scabs or you wil cause more scarring.


D) Use Hyaluronic acid as a daily moisteriser. Or look for a natural, non-clogging light oil/ 100% natural vegan moisteriser.


E) Use lots of pure 100% vitamin e under your eyes to prevent wrinkles/ heal wrinkles. Use morning and night and you won't get under eye wrinkles!


Hope this helps you all. It has helped me tremendously.


[NB My benzoyle peroxide 'abuse' has made segments of my skin red & blotchy. I'm still trying to fix these without the use of laser. Hopefully after a few months the Steiva-A will start to heal my skin completely and the redness with completely vanish. Will keep you updated.]


Posted : 05/13/2013 5:51 am


Posted this elsewhere: BETA GLUCAN LIQUID FROM NEW DIRECTIONS IS A MUST!!!! See 100 mls (NOTE: also17mls available)




***Please try 100% beta glucan. It conditions and heals your skin AMAZINGLY. I got mine from


Beta Glucan from is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. It heals the skin from damage and rapidly strengthens the epidermis. (It also helps to heal redness/ rosacea and hospitals use it on burns patients for 1st and 2nd degree burns to heal the skin and regrow it.


Lastly, here's a blurb from a Doctor from this rosacea support group website re the efficacy of beta glucan topical:




"Hi Group,


I have put a lot of time trying to figure out what products used for burn victims might have medical applications for rosacea. So far, at the top of the list is the prescriptin strenght growth factor creams clinically test on rosacea sufferers. Excellent results. Top notch.


I have been visiting the Emergency Room at some of our sister hospitals (Clarian Health). They are using Beta-Glucan on first and second degree burns (not third). This is used for several reason:


1. An extremely potent anti-inflammatory

2. Very potent soothing qualities and abolishes burning sensations

3. Cell renewal and epidermal thickner (just as good as the 20 growth factors).


No studies on rosacea sufferers yet. But it is available. I would wait because rosacea trials by independent laboratories are on the way as they see a huge market with our disorder. I really like this product. Facial plastic surgeons have the most experience with this product and can actually show you how it immediately calms down skin redness post resurfacing procedures by placing it on one half of the face for just a few days. This will be a part of rosacea recovery in the future. Below is a short blurb.


Today, Combining history and science, oat beta-glucan renewal cell complex is available for use in both medical and cosmetic applications. Originally formulated for use in intensive burn therapy, oat beta-glucan isused worldwide to aid in the burn recovery process. From burn therapy to cosmetic surgery, oat beta-glucan is used by plastic surgeons and dermatologists to ease discomfort and assist healing of facial resurfacing procedures such as laser resurfacing, chemical peels and microdermabrasion. Today, the anti-aging oat beta-glucan renewal cell complex is a direct extension of the medical benefits derived from this proven technology."




You can also take it in capsule form. It helps cure everything from acne to cancer!!! See A Reliable Source of Information on Beta Glucan.




Also, if you can, try this green super food supplement (or equivalent) containing chlorella/ spirulina/ barley grass/ wheat grass that you can place in a glass of fresh juice daily. It's great for the skin and health and detoxes your body: https://www.synergyn...per-greens.html


Lastly, I've not tried this brand myself, but the ingredients used in this brand sound excellent (and its creator seems to know what she's talking about). It's called Pure Skin Junkie. This might be a good brand to use longterm. I'm thinking of getting a few products myself. I will update if I do use them and give an appraisal. NB Check-out the before and after shows good results:


And here's another useful link that offers advice on what active ingredients help the skin. Good general information to help in educating your skin treatment choices: http://www.skinperfe...m/products.html


Posted : 05/17/2013 2:03 am


G) Another breakthrough!!! (posted elsewhere but have to update my log)



1 Aloe Vera and Marine Collagen Rejuvenating Moisturizer $7.15 (100mls) http://shop.newdirec...=41505&x=35&y=4


2 B5 ($8.80) 17 g http://shop.newdirec...53163&x=40&y=11 Only buy store bought dermatological products with B5


3 B3 Niacinamide15 g ($7.70) http://shop.newdirec...=53155&x=49&y=8 Only buy store bought dermatological products with B5 ; too strong to use indivudually and could damage skin...


4. Gentle Skin Cleansing Lotion $4.40 (100mls) http://shop.newdirec...=41063&x=58&y=6



"The B3 Niacinamide and the Aloe Vera and Marine Collagen from New Directions helped my severly damaged forehead skin (which looked like old leather at it's worst stage) was depleted of nutrients and blood supply since it atrophied from using Benzoyl Peroxide (and other toxic acne products prior to being vegan and eating very healthy) over many years. The skin rolling helped greatly along with the copper peptides, Retin A, vitamin e, hyaluronic acid, glycolic peels etc. However, NOTHING compares to the niacinamide (in conjunction with the Aloe Vera & Marine Collagen Moisturizer). I place a generous amount of moisturizer on my palm and the spinkle about 1/5 to 1/4 1/10 of a teaspoon of the B3 niacinamide to it and mix in my palm with my finger and slather it on (NOTE: you have to watch it go on for 1/2 hour in the mirror as little white patches appear where you need to add more moisturizer as the skin tends to drink it in...and the B3 niacinamide gently brightens and lightens your skin too...). Just keep a hand mirror beside you to check every 5 or 10 minutes over the hour to ensure that you moisturize those white patches so they don't lighten that area too much.


However, this stuff is MAGIC to sun damaged, chemical damaged, leathery coarse skin, damaged skin, orange peel skin, acne damaged skin, collagen loss skin, rosacea, red skin, pigmentation, rolling scars etc. Along with the Aloe vera + Marine Collagen moisterizer (which also contains shea butter, vitamin e, almond oil etc), it has literallly transformed my skin before my eyes. In my case, I do need to use a lot of it. And now, my skin condition's better now than it was over 10 years ago!!! I TOTALLY recommend this stuff...I also place the the B5 directly onto my skin (I tap it on because it's thick and tacky), and then add the rest. Btw, I store all these things in a paper bag in the fridge to keep them fresh.




Here are some links about Niacinamide:




In future, I am going to keep adding nutrients/ active ingredients ... There are so many things to try now that I have seen concrete personal evidence that potent vitamins/ natural active ingredients can do WONDERS for the skin in concentrated forms. I always knew intuitively that my skin was "hungry" for nutrients but I wasn't sure what ones and didn't realize that direct topical applications of these nutrients could deliver such stunning results in a short amount of time. This is a life changing revelation for me. I hope you continue searching for solutions too...they are out there, and clear, healthy skin is within reach..."


PS SIT IN A WARM Steaming detox bath (with sea salt or epsom salts) for 45 minutes to 1 hour with a generous amount of beta glucan + B5 + Aloe Vera + Marine Collagen Moisturizer + B3 on your face (NOTE be careful with mixing the B3 powder well to the moisturizer and add about 1/8 to 1/5 1/10 of a teaspoon of B3 NB it can lighten your skin so test it first to see how much you need)...this will seep into your skin and work MIRACLES.!!! YOU HAVE GOT TO TRY smile.png After bath, just wash it off and and apply a fresh amount to your skin for bedtime.


Posted : 05/17/2013 8:18 pm


My Current Regime:


It's worked miracles for me, I highly recommend it...


A) Gently cleanse with the gentle cleansing lotion from New Directions


B) Air dry face


C) Apply Beta Glucan liquid from New Directions, let it seep in for 2 minutes


D) Then Apply B5 from New Directions (it's super thick so just tap it gently around your face) on top of the Beta Glucan


E) Then Sprinkle B3 Niacinamide powder on your clean palm (just a little bit like 2 or 3 shakes of a salt shaker or 1/10 to 1/8 of a teaspoon in the beginning, but then ease off to a few skakes latter, as B3 can lighten skin and at high levels isn't great for your liver, but otherwise, it's a super nutrient your body and skin needs to be healthy - it also stops acne). Then apply a generous amount Aloe Vera + Marine Collagen Moisturizer from New Directions onto your palm and mix it with the B3. Apply the mixture liberally to your face and neck/ decollatage .


F) For individual whiteheads/ cysts, apply 100% essential tea tree oil and 100% essential lavender oil...If you have really active acne; try applying the tea tree oil onto your entire face for a week to get rid of acne bacteria/ fungus etc. The lavender oil is far too drying for the entire face, so use in only on individual pustules etc.


G) Optional: Sit in a steaming warm detox bath with epsom salts for 45 minutes to 1 hour with the above on your really seeps into the open pores. After, just wash off and reapply fresh amount.


H) I also add the Retin A/ Steiva A .05% with copper peptides to the mix every 2 or 3 night. I now skin roll once a week or every two weeks. (see clearskincare, I'm stopped using glycolic acid peels for now (at least 4 - 6 months) as I went overboard with it and need to repair my skin. But my skin is looking better now than it has in 10 years!

I) Store all your products in the fridge to keep them fresh.


~ Peace ~ smile.png




Posted : 05/26/2013 7:07 am


Update: Current Regime - Late May 2013


A) Gently cleanse with the gentle cleansing lotion from New Directions i.e.


B) Air dry face


C) Apply Beta Glucan liquid from New Directions, let it seep in for 2 minutes


D) For individual whiteheads/ cysts, apply 100% essential tea tree oil and 100% essential lavender oil...If you have really active acne; try applying the tea tree oil onto your entire face for a week to get rid of acne bacteria/ fungus etc. The lavender oil is far too drying for the entire face, so use in only on individual pustules etc.


E) Optional: Sit in a steaming warm detox bath with epsom salts for 45 minutes to 1 hour with the above on your really seeps into the open pores. After, just wash off and reapply fresh amount.


F) Daily - morning and night 2 x 30 minute massages (firmly yet gentle) with one middle finger while using other hand to hold a handheld mirror up to good light so that I target all scars/ flaws. (I only use beta glucan & my natural skin oil for this...).


G) Weekly skin needling session with beta glucan. (Roller derma from

H) Store all your products in the fridge to keep them fresh.


I) 2 x fresh veg/ fruit juice with 1 scoop of chlorella/ spirulina/ barley grass/ wheat grass see:


~ Peace ~ smile.png
