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one sided acne


Posted : 12/04/2005 11:43 pm

i've been on tane, minocyclin and now on retin-a, but throughout this nightmare of acne, almost all my serious problems have been on the left side of my face. I highty doubt its that i sleep on that side of the pillow or anything because as opposed to the right side, where i get little pimples that are really no worry, i get big scarring painful cysts on the left. What is with this lopsided acne?


Posted : 12/05/2005 12:48 am

My acne has always been concentrated more on the right side of my face. With my accutane, though... both sides have been getting equal time.


Posted : 12/05/2005 2:12 am

Mine is always on the right side.


Posted : 12/05/2005 2:18 am

Mine is always on the right side.


what side do you sleep on? if its the side that has most of the acne, change your pillow case at least every 3 or 4 days.


Posted : 12/05/2005 7:55 am

Same here, all on the left side. I think it's because I sleep on my left side and talk on the phone with it pressed up against my left cheek. I'm going to try using alcohol wipes on the phone to clean it better and change my pillow case more often.


Posted : 01/12/2014 4:19 am


My acne has been much worse on the left side of my face, which is the side I don't often sleep on. I noticed that with a fresh pillow case, if I wash my face and apply AHA+, the side of my face I sleep on will look significantly better when I wake up the next morning.


Unrelated to this topic, I've seen less progress with my skin since I believe I purchased an old bottle of AHA+ from ebay. It's authentic, but it pills terribly, is much thicker than my previous bottle I used for about 2-3 months up until 2 weeks ago, the opening where the product comes out is much smaller, and the bottle itself is wider and shorter. All-in-all, I feel like I can alternate sleeping on both sides of my face with the new product I just ordered and will again see a change in my acne.
