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Accutane for persistent chin acne


Posted : 02/26/2018 5:13 pm

Im 32 year old female and suffered from acne, mainly in my chin for over 20 years. I get white heads and cysts. I sometimes get spots on other parts of my face but it is pretty much always on my chin. The cysts are so painful and my confidence is massively affected. I have tried everything- birth control, antibiotics, prescription topicals, light therapy, vitamins... and every skin care regime there is! Ive tried changing my diet but nothing seems to work. Its making me depressed and Ive cancelled events and holidays because of a bad cystic break out. I dont know what else I can do. I will have a week maybe where my skin is clear then it starts again. Im wondering if as a last resort I would be eligible for accutane (Im. It sure how you spell it!). Ive made an appointment with a private dermatologist. Do you think they will help me? Has anyone been in the same situation?


Posted : 02/26/2018 7:11 pm

Do you think it's hormonal? There is a subsection for hormonal acne here. I saw that you've been on BC pills, and perhaps if it didnt work out, then it may not. How about spironolactone? It's another prescription med that many females use and are successful with. It's basically anti-androgenic (works again testosterone) to control acne. Accutane is something that would be considered by a derm. Their biggest concern will be your overall health, mentally and physically (e.g. liver enzymes), and being sure you will keep with their guidelines not to donate blood and have consistent contraception. I am a male and have mostly had acne on my cheeks and jawline so I can't really remark on the chin. However, i do recall that any acne I got on the chin were more noticeably painful compared to the other locations. Hang in there.

Lastly, I do feel you with regards to canceling events and social gatherings - been there and done that. I hope this post helps.


Posted : 02/27/2018 7:14 am

Thanks for your reply. I dont think spiro is available in the UK (but I will ask!). I cant get to the bottom of what is causing the acne - I always thought it was hormonal but birth control has made zero difference so I dont know.
ive made an appointment with a private dermatologist- hopefully they will give me some proper advice . I just hope there is a cure or something that will help!! I just feel like my only choice now is accutane as I dont know what else to try!


Posted : 02/27/2018 8:48 am

1 hour ago, KTUK said:

Thanks for your reply. I dont think spiro is available in the UK (but I will ask!). I cant get to the bottom of what is causing the acne - I always thought it was hormonal but birth control has made zero difference so I dont know.
ive made an appointment with a private dermatologist- hopefully they will give me some proper advice . I just hope there is a cure or something that will help!! I just feel like my only choice now is accutane as I dont know what else to try!

I'm no expert and I'm also a dude but in my appointment with the derm he discussed Accutane with me.

He said 9 out of 10 people who finish a course clear up and 8 out of 10 don't have significant acne return. However he said, hormonal acne is likely to come back but less severe.
