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ACCUTANE USERS: Hair loss with a month left to go??


Posted : 01/23/2017 3:24 pm

I've suffered with pretty awful acne for years, since elementary school. I believe it is genetic, but I'm not 100% sure- my parents said they've struggled but not into adulthood like me (by adulthood, I mean my age- I'm 19).
I was on minocycline paired with epiduo for 3 months, it calmed it but it returned. I then moved to Bactrim, but after a week I found I was allergic to sulfa. From here, I decided to jump the gun per derma's offer and start accutane.
I'm 140, and on 80mg a day. My doctor told me I'd be on the stuff for 5 months, and this is my fourth (started this month on jan 10th).
I've noticed heavy shedding a couple weeks before christmas. Talked to my derma at my appointment and she told me it would reverse, and that it was just an uncommon side effect.

I've always hated my hair, but now that it's lost half of it's density I miss it quite a lot. Going from being someone who had to wash their hair almost twice a day because of the dryness to someone to has extremely dry hair, and having it fall out is crazy to me.

The accutane has done wonders, and only scars and a couple bups remain with a month and a half to go. But I don't know what to do about the hairloss.
I am NOT balding, but I have lost half my hair density. Apparently you can't notice by looking at it, but I can certainly tell, especially when I shower and pull out up to 30-40 hairs of my hair after shampooing. I started taking vitamins (with NO VITAMIN A), to help me out, I can only hope it works out for me.

Will it reverse after my meds? I don't mind sticking it out for another couple months if need be. I just want my hair to grow back to it's density. I guess a good thing though is the texture of my hair hasn't changed- if anything, it's actually softer.

Any help is really appreciated- thanks in advance.


Posted : 01/24/2017 4:06 pm

Hmm...have you ever considered seeing a TCM doctor? Or doing a colon flush to get the drugs out of your system? I'm sorry this is happening. :( 
