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Getting married in a week, want to stop minocycline. Help!


Posted : 08/20/2016 7:32 am

I finally went to see a dermatologist about my acne in preparation for my wedding. She put me on minocycline about a month and a half ago for my acne. I've been using RetinA micro and aczone topically for about 3 months and overall my skin is doing pretty well.

Here's the problem. Last night I went to a friend's wedding and had 3 glasses of wine (normally not an issue for me at all) and got hammered. Couldn't walk straight, spinning, throwing up, the whole nine yards. I had no idea what happened, and this morning looked up minocycline interactions with alcohol and turns out that's what it does.

My wedding is a week from today and I can not have that happen again, so I want to stop the minocycline and hope that by then it's out of my system enough that I won't have that miserable reaction, but I'm worried my skin will freak out from going off of it.

Has anyone had any similar experiences?


Posted : 08/20/2016 12:54 pm

Do NOT stop the minocycline a week before your wedding. You will most likely break out, and who wants that on your wedding day?
I think if you don't take minocycline on the day of your wedding, that would probably diminish unwanted alcohol interactions. I wouldn't stop before then, I would be afraid of the consequences.
