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Dry, red eyes on accutane - please help!!


Posted : 06/29/2016 1:39 am

Hi there,

I have been on accutane for just over two months now, first on 30 mg/day, then 45mg/day (i weigh 60kg.) Just before starting my third month I noticed that my left eye was very red and irritated. I bought eye drops and started my highest dose - 60mg/day, for 5 days before the redness drove me mad.

I googled 'accutane red eye' and found dozens of horror stories of persistent, long-term accutane damage to eyes - including chronic dry eyes. Obviously this has terrified me, and four days ago I stopped taking the accutane.

The redness is slowly fading, though the redness is still noticiable and gets worse throughout the day.

So here is my question - should I quit the drug to allow my eye to get better (hopefully), and minimise damage to my eyes, and live with cycstic acne instead, or am i 'in too deep' already and just carry on with the course. Part of me is thinking that maybe i've screwed my eyes over already so i may as well finish the tane and at least get rid of the acne.

PLEASE HELP. I just don't know what to do :(

Thanks in advance.


Posted : 06/30/2016 7:37 am

Hi Yasmine,

Please reconsider if taking accutane is worth it.
I'm in the same boat as those horror stories you've read.
They may not all be as bad, but having an invisibleairconditioning in your eyes at all times makes life a lot less enjoyable.
I'll save you a wall of text, but I've taken accutane about 2 years ago in a very low dosage (20mg per day for 9 months) yet it resulted in the destruction of my oil glands/tear production.

I dislike cheesy sayings like this, but please, learn to love yourself without a crystal clear skin. It's easier then to live with the side effects.
It can happen to everyone, however unlikely it may seem. I too thought "it would never happen to me, internet is just exaggerating things".

I am no doctor ofcourse, but please consider other, less dangerous treatments before you go down this path.

(I've made an account just to warn you about the possible side effects, please don't think I am a fake account to scare you).


Posted : 04/10/2017 1:20 pm

The dry hands dry eyes dry skin is difficult with the Accutane but believe me it's worth it there lubricating eyedrops you can use somewhere over the counter I would also suggest taking fish oil along with your Accutane
