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Should I quit Accutane?


Posted : 06/21/2016 2:12 am

I have been on Claravis 40 mg for a month, then upped to 60mg for the second. That caused much anxiety so I went back down to 40 mg. Now I have had vision changes, things far off seems a little more blurry. I went to my optometrist and told him my concerns, he checked for all visual problems that are associated with Accutane and found nothing was wrong except for some dry eye problems and he said that his opinion was that is was no concern to stop the Accutane . The vision is annoying but not painful and I am still able to read at the 20/20 level with some struggle. Should I stop or is this normal? I am also using eye gel regularly to bring relief.


Posted : 06/21/2016 4:49 am

How long left do you have? How much improvement have you seen since day one? If you're seeing improvements I'll keep going. If nothing and you've been past the magic 3 month period then considering to quit might not be a bad idea.

The fact that you checked an opto and they gave you the all clear I would feel comfortable. It's very likely the dry eyes is causing the blurriness and nothing is wrong with your vision. I'll just keep up the eye drops and gel and continue the course.


Posted : 06/21/2016 4:30 pm

July 1st will be 2 months, I have seen great improvement . My acne is not severe just aggressive. I was almost completely clear on 20mg in 2 weeks and 40 mg for a week finished it off. I only have 2 spots on my face and they are dying off. I just hate the vision side effects. Things are worse with contacts then glasses it seems as well


Posted : 06/21/2016 6:28 pm

My Derm is not keen on Accutane and has twice now tried to convince me to get off it, one time almost pulled me off it but relented after I talked them out of it . My derm was against it from the start so I may just be pulled off completely after this.


Posted : 06/21/2016 9:23 pm

1. think you answered your own question...your own derm is not keen on Accutane!.
2. Many have experiencedextreme dry eye andit is stated that those who wear contacts may haveissues and you may not be able to go back tothem.Do a search on this board regarding thissubject. Trust mepermanent dry eye is worse then mild acne.
3. If you still suffer from anxiety then I suggest yourquit, it may not subside and if you have a hx of this it will enhance it.
4. Roche themselvesstates that the medication continues to work even afterendingcourse or discontinuing and mechanisms unknown!
5. Call yourderm and you and only you candecide what's more importantacne that's almost gone or life long side effects.

Good Luck!


Posted : 06/21/2016 9:33 pm

Maybe keep taking it at a lower dosage. I think people take too high dosages and that's worse for side effects.


Posted : 06/22/2016 12:36 pm

I am going to quit for a few days to see if the dry eye clears up. I read online from a dermatologist this usually can fix the problem, plus just using artificial tears and eye gel. Already today I feel a little more moisture in my right eye and both are not as problematic. If it gets better I'll resume at 40mg (20mg taken twice per day), moving up to 60 was juts too much. If it doesn't clear up I will see a specialist on my eyes and quit for good!
