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Losing hope


Posted : 03/21/2016 9:46 am

I am a 21year old male taking 60mg accutane daily. I've been taking it for five months. I weigh about 60kg. Unfortunately I am still getting spots on my face and neck- I really thought that, by now, I'd be clear.
A little more detail: I started off on 20mg for a month. Then moved up to 40mg but had a HORRIBLE breakout- by far the worst I've had in 5 years of acne. I should say I don't react well to medication at all, I'm rather sickly. My derm put me on predinose and steroid gel to calm it down, and it did the trick. I then went back to 20mg for a while, then started rotating between 20mg and 40mg. Gradually, I worked my way back up, to the present day where I'm on 60mg. I have been for a month.
I've NEVER been clear in my five years of acne and accutane doesn't seem to be helping much. The side effects are bloody awful too: the DRIEST lips, a permanent red face (never had a red face before this, it's like I have roscea now or something) and now I have exzema or my arms. And for all this? I'm STILL getting acne. Good God, why?
I have read on here about people clearing up overnight, but my accutane story thus far is much more of a gradual thing- it is better than when I started but point is I'm still getting acne. Is there any chance I will be completely clear by the end of the course? have two more months of 60mg daily.Could I even clear up when the course finishes? How long do the side effects last after treatment?
Support/ encouragement would be very much appreciated! I have no-one to talk to who understands this shit.
Thanks so much,


Posted : 03/23/2016 12:15 pm

everyone is different. Ive heard stories of people clearing up after one month, and others not seeing clear skin until after 6 months. Maybe because you were on a lower dose for a while, your skin is still adjusting to the medication. You may need to just give it more time. For most people though, Accutane is not an overnight miracle. I just started my 3rd month of treatment (60mg for the first month, 80mg second month, still at 80mg now) and My skin cleared up immediately on 60mg. When i moved up to 80mg, my skin really purged and i broke out terribly. Now I'm almost 100% clear. For most people it gets worse before it gets better. I will say I have the same side effects as you. Awful dry lips, eczema and itchy skin, redness, body aches, etc. but for me its worth it to stick it out if I have a chance of getting rid of my acne for good. Don't lose hope, and don't be afraid to talk to your doc about your concerns!


Posted : 03/27/2016 10:03 am

hi there!! so i myself can not say i have acne for more than seven is more of an infection only on my right cheek.. and being 16 with this on my face and other places as well is not are a real survivor..having acne for 5 years sounds really hard and painful..i know how having acne makes you feel uncomfortable,sick even ugly and different..but we must always realize that there are people who have to deal with much worse situations..for instance i have read stories here for people who dealt with acne for over ten guy had it for 21years!! My own best friend has acne since she was for the past 7 years..and i know it sucks!! My doctor also put me on's not long since i started ,about 2 weeks.It seems to be working really good on my face although i have other issues,apart from my face..i  started with 20mg and the side effects appeared almost immidietly..My lips are SO dry..and i have  constant headaches..These of course are nothing compared to some people who get depressed and have suicidal i guess we are pretty normal.Your breakout could be due to the fact that your dose was increased..that i have heard that happens a lot because your body tries to accept the change..also most people on accutane have breakouts once they start the therapy..for  the same reasons.If your doctor says the medication does not affect you badly then you shouldn't worry,a regular course on accutane is 6 months but you should know that most patients use it for like a year and if you have scars or spots that is somewhat the time needed..I hope i helped you and remember being more stressed or anxious makes the situation acne can always be treated so if you get to a point that you feel nothing is gonna help you remember you should always love yourself and be patient and of course you should also listen to your doctors instructions..ooh and never i repeat never pick at your skin(believe me picking used to be my expertise)byee!!
