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Doxycycline Not Very Effective...


Posted : 09/13/2015 12:57 pm

I am 16 y/o guy.

Acne has gotten bad this year. I have moderate acne

Dermatologist gave me 100mg daily Doxycycline with Clidoxcyl/BP cream. I have been on Doxy antibiotic for about 4 months.

Acne has somewhat calmed down but it fluctuates.. one week skin is fine and then the next it's bad...

I plan on asking derm to double the dose - so 100mg twice a day. Is this a good idea? I am not keen on accutane if I can avoid it


Thank you


Posted : 09/14/2015 9:56 am



Posted : 09/15/2015 1:05 pm

I was just writing in another thread about how long term use of antibiotics is a really scary thing. You should google it. Also remember that antibiotics can get rid of your acne if you choose to increase the dose, but you can become tolerant to it and it will be less and less effective over time. Overall it's just masking the problem really, not fixing it, but obviously acne sucks so it's just stuff you should consider.


Posted : 09/24/2015 5:42 pm

I have been having better success on Minocycline 100mg twice per day, because of the inflammatory nature of my acne.

the Doxy 100mg twice a day is absolutely a "normal" dose, for a time, but then should be reduced for maintenance. Also, any time you take an antibiotic make sure you get a REALLY good probiotic- whole food/sprouts type stores have excellent ones that must be kept refrigerated, but are amazing for those of us who don't have Accutane as an option, and must control acne with antibiotics.


Chat with your doctor and see if maybe they can change it up.
