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How To Move On After Accutane


Posted : 06/18/2015 4:33 am

last year when I took accutane for the 2nd time I couldn't imagine the agony me or my family would go through , I hate myself for it every hour of everyday , the sides I've been left with are numerous , I'd like to create a thread where we can talk freely about ways to repair ourselves psychologically , discuss feelings of guilt and even acceptance of the situation , maybe I'm the only one who suffered mental trauma as well as physical from the whole experience , but something tells me I am not alone . I know there are other threads like this but i just wanted to create somewhere further where i and other people who have been destroyed by this drug can connect I'm tired of feeling alone and maybe others are to


Posted : 06/18/2015 7:56 am



You are not alone, even if it feels so sometimes. The mental trauma was probably the worst for me. (Took accutane 7 years ago). The feeling that nobody understood me.. How could not people see how i was feeling on the inside and help me try to solve these problems? For me the only thing that has helped so far is time. I have now reached some kind of acceptance that if you get mental side effects from accutane they are so different that somebody who has not experienced them first hand just cant understand. I dont now if this helps. My recommendations now a few years after is. Do not be ashamed. If you see a light doing something, do it. And remember who you once where. That person is still you. You have just been hurt in a way not recognicable to everyone. And if you can. Do not be ashamed to seek help in form of money or some other way that helps you if you can in your country. Not in some form of "payback" but to keep you floating and reduce your stress while you are healing. Because it is healing that you need.



DeLovely liked

Posted : 07/06/2015 7:18 am

You're defiantly not alone every minute i hate myself who i am what i've done etc and at the end of the day it all comes down to acne it's destroyed my life it's changed me and i hate it i'm now off accutane still not happy with the results still hate life and nothing will ever change unless it clears up some more (i have inflammatory etc)


everyday i mean everyday i think about sucide is an option probably the first thing i do when i wake up is think in my head or normally say to myself "i hate life" i've never admitted or told anyone i mean ANYONE how i honestly feel parents can tell but never admit how i really feel. I hated acne before accutane but the axienty all this shit extra i've got from accutane its still not to blame if i woke up tomorrow with no acne i wouldnt be depressed there is no blaming the accutane IMO myself


Point of story acne has destroyed me you're definitely not alone


Posted : 11/06/2015 12:35 pm

A few of us are still looking for a cure
Things that have helped gut problems, not mentioned on this page, are



Good probiotics


As for the brain look into

Piracetam ( most widely researched racetam and probable benificial for many of us )


Noopept ( which im taking. It makes me irritatable but it kickstarts the brain again. Its used to treat alcohol induced damage to the brain and also used by many nooptropic fans )

It also removes that sluggish feeling and gives you mental energy to be productive again. Try it.

All the best"
Quoting Waldo rev for that.

For mental side effects try
"What about replacing the accutane "fake" vitamin a receptors with real Vitamin A. Like (COD Liver or Retinyl Palmitate).
It hopefully pushes the accutane back into the liver and with TUDCA we can move it out of the system, this way the receptor with real Vitamin A will retain the water."


Posted : 11/06/2015 11:09 pm

With respect to jchawk, supplements are not a treatment for mental illness.
Anxiety and depression are a serious problem. Don't let it go unresolved.

skyline, it sounds like you're in pretty bad shape but suicide is not an option. It's a complete disaster for you and everyone you know. Acne makes me feel terrible when I get it. It's not the same as you, but I've had problems myself and getting professional help turned my life around. Don't be ashamed for needing help, a lot of people get help and get better. Your parents are probably the best resource you've got
good luck

leelowe1 liked

Posted : 11/07/2015 9:45 pm

In regards to the original poster, I would hold off on a thread like this, especially on a general acne site. You'll be met with indifference like the comment above and you definitely want to avoid that. I understand you blame yourself for taking Accutane, as a lot of side effect sufferers do, and while I can't tell you exactly where the problem lies, I can tell you we're very close to finishing a website where we can work on these sort of issues and a place where you can post these types of threads. Keep in mind as every year goes by, we are progressing that much more in medicine and science, so there is hope.

What has worked for some is the conservative approach: That is diet change, moderate exercise, and socializing in an outdoor setting. Almost as if you are starting over again for the first time. What has worked for others is supplements and or experimenting with nootropics (mentioned above) due to their low affinity to adverse effects. But, you'd have to consider that on an individual basis. A 'For research purposes only'...sort of thing.

What will also help sway your friends and family to your side is initiative. Complete a full report of your side effects and symptoms. Submit it to the FDA, submit it to research Universities, and actively consult with doctors who are willing to listen and work with you. Then come back here online and share your data. But, the last thing you want to do is blame yourself constantly. And, believe it or not, as time goes on, it does get better.


Posted : 11/08/2015 6:56 am

last year when I took accutane for the 2nd time I couldn't imagine the agony me or my family would go through , I hate myself for it every hour of everyday , the sides I've been left with are numerous , I'd like to create a thread where we can talk freely about ways to repair ourselves psychologically , discuss feelings of guilt and even acceptance of the situation , maybe I'm the only one who suffered mental trauma as well as physical from the whole experience , but something tells me I am not alone . I know there are other threads like this but i just wanted to create somewhere further where i and other people who have been destroyed by this drug can connect I'm tired of feeling alone and maybe others are to

The problem is mostly about your neurotransmitters and dopamime balance on your brain.
Use L-Tyrosine it will help you !
And try water fasting , a friend of mine told me that he cured his brainfog with waterfasting.
Keep your mood good and belive..
And check out Propeciahelp forum , Acne org - repairing long term damage from accutane. , Allthingsmale forum accutane section.


Posted : 11/08/2015 4:35 pm

On the subject of dopamine. Bupropion is a fantastic drug, it can give you energy if malaise is a problem and improve your concentration without the side effects of SSRIs. Of course it's prescription drug so it must be used under the supervision of a doctor.
