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Expired Differin 2 Years Old?


Posted : 06/01/2015 12:12 pm

Hey, so my acne is pretty much chin and lip. I might have one or two big big cysts at the same time... the kind that is so deep that comes to a head that needs to be popped until the hard sebum plug is drained... yaaaaa.


anyways, most of the time I have it controlled, but recently within the last six months or so, I've had problems with break outs every other week- once again only on my lip and chin. no where else...


Im a male, so I can't use birth control.


I noticed that my differin .3% has been expired since May of 2013. Do you think this could be a problem as to why Im starting to break out again?


I use BHA solution, benzoyl peroxide, and differin .3 gel at night. I use cerave lotion all over my face

I only use benzoyl peroxide on my forehead and cheeks and this does a good job at keeping me clear.


in the mornings, I add another salicyclic gel on top of my benzoyl peroxide and dan's AHA at least 6 days a week.

I think i will cut back on the AHA completely and see if it's maybe causing too much exfoliation and causing me cysts.


This regime has been great for me for a few years. Until the past six months or so... Any thoughts?


I want to try azelaic acid because I have never tried that before.


my forehead used to be my problem area, but now it's clear as an adult.



Posted : 06/03/2015 7:58 am

Not an expert but from what I have read Differin expires after 3 years (the expiration date you have may just be overly cautious) so I wouldn't worry about that. The frustrating thing about acne is how different everyone's experience can be. One thing that I believe in is less is more most of the time. It sounds to me like you are doing too many things at once. If it was me I would use a cleanser in the morning and then moisturize only the areas that get dry (for me its around my mouth) and use the smallest amount of moisturzier you can get away with. Then at night after you wash your face use your acne fighting products one for exfoliating and one for killing bacteria so Differin and BP or AHA and BP with a little moisturizer after it has dried. You don't need to use acne fighting products twice a day necessarily and often times it's too much for your skin and I like not having so much stuff on my face during the day and letting it have a break.
