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New To Differin, Help!?


Posted : 05/08/2015 8:14 am

After years of struggling with acne, I finally bit the bullet and went to my dermatologist. She prescribed me differin, and doxycycline. I opted not to fill the antibiotic prescription because I just dont like the idea of taking them. I started the differin three nights ago, my daily routine is Morning- BP face wash, then I put cetaphil SPF 15 lotion on, then at night I wash my face with Cetaphil after its dry I apply the differin then I apply Cerave PM. Both of the lotions I am using were samples that I was given by my derm. I have never used either of those before. I woke up this morning and I had so many zits on my face. My face usually only has maybe 5-6 zits on them without medication, now my face has over 20! My self-esteem is so low right now, my face has never looked this bad!! L

My questions:

-Is it possible to already be experiencing the initial breakout so early? Ive only been on differin for 3 days?!?


-Will the doxycycline help with the initial breakout?


Posted : 05/08/2015 7:53 pm

Absolutely. The first couple of months on a retinoid can be rough so you have to hang tight. My first few weeks/months on differin were hell with multiple breakouts all over. Differin ultimately did not clear my acne but the breakouts were not as horrid as it was.


I agree that antibiotics are bad for your body. Why not try a topical one?
