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Post Accutane - My Story


Posted : 04/16/2015 9:12 am

I am new to this forum and I really need some support right now. I don't even know where to start but I will try.


I am a 45 year old female who has been battling acne since I was 13. I would say I have persistent moderate acne. In July 2014, I was put on accutane and I thought that would be a piece of cake for me. Was I dead wrong! I was on 40mg/day for the first 6 months and then 60mg/day for the last 3 months for a total of 9 months (cumulative dose of 210mg/kg). I would say that the cystic acne has stopped since month 2; however, I continued to have flare ups throughout the course of the treatment. The spots I got were getting smaller and smaller and they would go away in a day or two with bp. I did well during month 8 with 3 spots. During the very last month, I broke out with tiny pimples (2-3) on a daily basis. I am now 10 days post accutane and I still break out with tiny pimples (a little pink dot with a tiny white pus in the center). My derm has prescribed me minocyline and clydamycin. She said my skin has become so sensitive that it breaks out and I have to wait till accutane flushes out from my system. I don't know what to believe. What is wrong with me? This roller coaster ride has really affected my work, my life and my family. My anxiety has shot through the roof and I just can't stop thinking/worrying about my acne every minute of the day. I wasn't like this pre-accutane, I am beginning to think that taking accutane was the wrong decision. I am so afraid all my acne is going to come back and haunt me the rest of my life.


Posted : 04/16/2015 10:23 am

Im so sorry

Im a bit older as well..42 in a mnth

I can also echo how trying accutane has been

That is a super long treatment plan/high dose...

If you were clear by mnth 2..did your Dr say why such an aggressive treatment plan (which i could assume made your skin as sensitive as it is)

Im having a similar problem

i'm just finishing my 5th mnth of treatment

I actually reduced my dose from 60 mg down to 40mg

I get small red blips I call them or small red bumps that go away in 1-3 days

i havent gone longer than maybe 3-4 days without something new

I have to say Im pretty obsessed with my skin

I hate how it looks...dry and tight/red besides the blips

I hate looking in the mirror..part of my feels just as bad or worse than when i started tane

I hope things calm down and your skin gets better and better after tane

Ive heard some people break out until they stop the drug and there skin does improve after tane

Good luck

sorry I cant be more helpful!



Posted : 04/16/2015 11:09 am

Hi Kim,


Since I continued to breakout with what you call blips, that's why I had to continue the treatment. I think both the derm and I were hoping that I would be 100% clear the following month...wishful thinking I know. I never got 100% clear for an entire month. Now with these tiny pimples, I didn't have these until the very last month. What the heck is going on?


Posted : 04/16/2015 12:03 pm


I hear you....odd because from what Ive read some Dr like you to be completely clear and than stay on the drug 2mnths

If heard other Dr and patients say that doesnt matter completely and you can still clear and your skin will improve AFTER treatment

Dod you Dr ever rec or suggest products or that the products you are using could be contributing to the breakouts?

Ive tried switching products and it never made any difference (just like pre tane)

Im confused as well..and unsure at this point how long i should continue treatment

I think im going to stay at 40mg and if i need a 7/8/9 mnth I may even go down to 20-25

I just dont want to dry and ruin my skin and still have small breakouts to deal with!

My Dr swore this would be an easy 5-6 mnth ride and than I would be crystal clear forever


GL to you!!!

feel free to pm if u ever want to vent more :)

