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Which Option Is Best For Me?


Posted : 01/20/2015 8:59 pm

I have had moderate to sever acne since 7th grade. Back then I didn't think much of it. But now getting to be a sophomore in high school I am starting to feel the social, emotional, and physical effects of acne. I know I don't have the worst acne in the world, but it is very bothering to look into the mirror and see blemishes. Naturally, I have a very outgoing personality. Recently with my acne I have found myself not hanging out with friends as much and just generally trying to avoid people when I get a bad breakout. I have been going to the dermatologist for about 8 months and have seen some improvement with some acne laser treatments. Before that I had tried every store bought acne treatment available. The Doxycycline I was on has little to no improvement. I am also starting to get a little of acne on my chest and back.

Last week I finished my last of six laser treatments for my acne. It has helped but I am still not satisfied. I have probably had a total of 8 or 9 laser treatments. I have tried 3 different kinds of laser treatments ranging from pretty mild treatments to more aggressive. I still am suffering from acne. I am at a cross road and now have to consider my next step in the struggle to achieve clear skin. I have talked with my dermatologist and basically arrived at these options.

1. I can continue with these expensive laser treatments and hope for the best.

2. I can try another round of antibiotics with a topical.

3. I can talk to a primary dermatologist and start on accutane.

4. Do nothing and continue suffering with acne.

My gut reaction is to go with accutane and get it out of the way. I have had a good amount of friends take accutane and their acne is all gone. I understand all the side effects and what not. I think it is time to just go through all the dry skin and get 100% clear...

What do you think???


Posted : 01/22/2015 6:41 am

I say, pursue the Accutane. Chronic, persistent acne is very well treated, in most cases, with Accutane.


I wish I hadn't spent so many years fooling with topicals and lasers and antibiotics but it was the 90s and back then docs tended to see it only as a last resort.


All those years of shame and doubt.....all the time and money and energy spent on fighting the losing battle of acne! And now at 46, seeing the scarring really start to show, as aging makes everything more noticable.


I've had 2 courses of Accutane and yes there was an initial breakout but after that, my skin cleared up, the oil went away, and honestly, I hadn't even THOUGHT about acne----I WAS FREE!!!


For 15 years, it was fantastic and my only complaint was that I hadn't been prescribed it sooner!!!


I had no real issues with the treatment. I know there are horror stories on these boards, but for 90% of patients, you get a CURE. Or At least a good remission. But then you just do another course.


I have 2 boys and they are 10 and 12 and if they have acne, Im taking them straight to the dermatologist for Accutane. Acne runs in my family and my husband's family, so I dont want to go thru all the topicals and BS. I don't want them to scar like I did.


Get a dermatologist and ask for it, if they say no, get a 2nd opinion.


